Saturday, September 13, 2008

productivity=one happy Christina!

I figured out the key to my success! Actually, it's the key to everyone's success! Ready, drum roll please....

Productivity! We tend to procrastinate because we'd rather not do what we know we need to, so we waste time on other things that aren't important. Today was wonderful! I went to the library to work on a group project for spanish, and then I went to the testing center and took a quiz for calculus. Then I came home and wrote missionaries and ate. I went to the temple, which Rexburg wasn't taking walk-ins because it was so busy, so I drove to IF and back. That was good! I love the temple! Then I came home, and I had a letter in the mail from a missionary, which made my day. Then I did homework for all five classes! And now I am going to study my lessons for church tomorrow and read my scriptures. I'm so happy, and today was great! I just can't forget this! I have to be productive and not procrastinate!

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