Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Family Traditions

First off, my immediate family doesn't have any family traditions.  We never really have. It's always kind of bothered me, but I just keep trying to tell myself that someday, I'll have my own family, and we'll have our own family traditions.  But then it feels like someday is never going to come.

Christmas is a hard time for a lot of people.  Especially those who have had loved ones pass on, who are without them now.  I'm only 20, and despite the trials in my life, I still shouldn't be saying that Christmas is a hard time for me, but it is.  I can't lie.  It's a hard time.

But it shouldn't be for me or anyone because Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth.  What is happier than that blessed event!  It is a time to think of others and serve.  Not to dwell on ourselves and what we wish we had.  I just hope that I can learn to enjoy Christmas and focus on my Savior rather than the lack of traditions, decorations, and festivities in my life.

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