Monday, August 4, 2008

ending the teen years...

I turn 20 in a week, and I'm not really sure how I feel about that. I mean, I don't feel like I'm getting old or anything, but then again it's not like I get to turn around and be a kid again. (Not that I would necessarily want the opportunity.)

Anyway, I'm so happy! My work situation is less than ideal, but I'm learning to say oh well! I mean, I'll figure something out. I can always find another job. It's just not very fun, especially when your two previous jobs were supposed to transfer.

I'm leaving for Utah on Tuesday morning. I can't wait! I get to see my best friend for two whole day, and I wasn't planning on seeing her until who knows when! Then I get to see my family, the Densley's, and a really good friend when I go home to San Diego for Tayler's wedding. I can't believe she's finally getting married on Friday! All this talk and this long wait, but it's really happening! I'm so happy for Tay and Jarom! What an exciting time in both of their lives!

I fly out of Salt Lake on Thursday night, and I leave San Diego Saturday afternoon. I'm excited! And then I get to teach Relief Society on Sunday, which I'm very excited about!

Life is so good! And so what, I'm one year older in a week, but I'm finally learning to love life and everything it brings!

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