Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Reclaiming My Time


Time is one of the most valuable things we have. Yet, we seem to use it as if it is anything but precious. I'm guilty too. I have wasted plenty of time binging shows on Netflix or endlessly scrolling on Facebook or Instagram or doing other meaningless and/or mindless activities. (Just FYI, Netflix and social media aren't always a waste of time.)

What I find fascinating is that my time has become more important to me, even though I have more time to myself than I used to. I am more careful with it than before, even though I am far less busy than I previously have been. 


Because I have learned that I can do what I want. I have learned that I truly am an introvert, and I need alone time to recharge and take care of myself. I have learned that I don't want to busy my life with constant go, go, go. I have learned that it is important to me to be on time and keep scheduled commitments to myself and others. And because of that I am very intentional to what I say yes to. Which means I end up saying no much more frequently.

Honestly, putting myself first and choosing to do the things I really want to do has been liberating. I feel like I can breathe. I value my time more. And when I do spend time with friends, I cherish it more. Because I am no longer making myself do things I don't want to do, AND I have created the space to take the time I need for myself. It is almost magical.

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