Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It has been opened...

I opened my mission call last night! I know you're all dying to know where I'm going, BUT I'm not going to post it yet. But soon...

Last night was so awesome though! Tavin had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor with Forrest, and that was great! It brought back so many good memories, and it made me miss Corey a little bit. It felt weird to not have him here yesterday since it was kind of a big day. But it was a great Court of Honor!

Then we came back to my house and waited for Shelly and Randal to come so I could open my call. I was so happy, and it was so fun to be surrounded by so many great people who love me! I'm so glad I could share that moment with so many! I wish everyone could have been there! It was an unforgettable night! I feel so lucky and so blessed! I am so excited to serve a mission! One of many exciting things about the mission, is that Corey and I won't miss each others lives since we'll both be on missions at the same time and we'll get home at about the same time.

I'm SO excited! Less than three months...

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