Friday, January 21, 2011

I would have been in San Diego today, but...I'm not :/

Corey was going to come home today, but he didn't.  He'd probably kill me if he knew that I was writing about this.  It would bum him out to know I'm sad.  I would have been home today, but I'm not.

I can say that it's no longer the beginning of school any more.  The semester is well underway, and I have such mixed feelings about it.  The main thing is that since I've been home from the mission, I don't know if I still want to teach high school.  I am considering changing my major.  Honestly, as of yesterday though, I think that I might just stick to education.  I'm not too impressed with communication so far or anything else really.

Today is 1-21-11.... aka Lahren and Caitlin's birthday!  It was nice to actually be able to call them and talk to them on their birthday instead of just thinking about them.  I'm grateful to have them in my life, cousin and friend.

I realized how short this semester really is, but I still wish it would go faster.  13 weeks.  That's all.  And we just ended week 3.

Basically, I'm homesick... well, not really, but yeah I am.  Homesick for San Diego, homesick for my brother, homesick for the sun, homesick for the beach, and homesick for the branch.  Weird.  I guess I can never really just let go and move on.

I do love Rexburg and BYU-I.  I love being close to so many people I served in Oklahoma with.  I love being at BYU-I with way close friends from San Diego.  I love having seasons, even including the snow.  I love being back in school.  I love starting a new adventure.

But I'll always miss San Diego and everything about it whenever I am not there.

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