Thursday, April 17, 2008

April's Over

I can't believe how much is going on right now! I have so many things to do and it's just crazy! School's rapidly coming to a close, a ton of my friends are leaving on missions within the next month or two, I have so many projects to work on, Corey is getting his eagle in a week and a half, I have a couple friends getting married this summer, my best friend is moving way far away, and the list just goes on. April is over already in my mind.
I'm trying to figure out when I am going to move back up to Rexburg. I was hoping for early June sometime, but now it looks like it won't be until the end of June, maybe not even til July. I don't know though. It just depends.

Corey's Court of Honor will be on the 29th. I'm so proud of him! He's awesome!

Well I gotta run! Here's a picture of Corey and I from Easter. We celebrated Easter with the Densley's and the Clark's. Corey helped stuff eggs for the Easter egg hunt, it's a tradition. Shelly was saying she's not sure what they're going to do next year when he's gone on his mission. Anyway, it was a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! There is more stuff about me than about you.

PS There's a typo but I'm not telling you where. :)

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