Hey Everyone,
I feel like my e-mails are getting shorter and shorter! Sorry! I can't even think of what to write. It snowed again last Tuesday, but it didn't stick. The snow and ice has really melted a lot, but there is still some of it here and there.
Corey will be 20 on January 11. If he knew I was telling you all this he'd probably kill me, oh wait he does! haha! Anyway, I can't believe my brother is going to be 20. And the 11th also marks 11 months for him! That's crazy! The 9th will mark 4 months for me. Time in the mission is so weird. It feels like I've been here forever, and I can't remember life before the mission.
We had 4 investigators at church this past Sunday, and we have 3 progressing investigators! Woo hoo! We have had 0 for a while for both of those, so this past Sunday was a happy day.
Luz Coronado... she is just awesome! She called in for a Finding Happiness DVD that she saw on TV. We've been to her house quite a few times now. We finally got her a large print version of the BOM in espanol, and she is reading it. She also fasted this past Sunday, and she commited her 5 grandchildren to fast too even though they would be at their dad's house. Well, only one of them fasted besides her. But it was still awesome! The kids are between 8-13-Daniel, Ismael, Moses, and then Junior and Alex (all boys, but Alex is a girl). I think Daniel, Moses, and Ismael (what great names, right? Straight from the scriptures!) all live with Luz, but Junior and Alex don't. Anyway, Luz has told us she wants to change her life. She used to drink all of the time, but she doesn't. She still smokes though, but she wants to quit. Anyway, she's GOLDEN! She wants to learn everything and be baptized, but she says she doesn't know anything as far as doctrine in religion and what not. I'm so excited she is keeping her commitments! Hopefully, we'll have a baptism this transfer!
Actually, I almost forgot... yesterday we went and taught her and found out she is not married to the man she has been living with for a while. And apparently he is not divorced from his last marriage. But she said that they finally got in touch with his ex, and they should be getting divorced soon. Anyway, since she's not living the law of chastity, that will keep her from being baptized until that's resolved. Pray that it will get resolved soon!
Also, Guillermo Melendez... I can't remember if I told you how we went tracting this one time, and a little boy followed us around on his bike. Well, Guillermo, I don't think is his dad, but was with him. Anyway, we taught Guillermo a first lesson once, a while back, but haven't been able to find him home in forever! We went to his house on Saturday to drop him, since we can't find him, but he was there! :) Hooray! We shared a scripture with him. He told us he's read the first 39 pages of the BOM, which puts him in 1 Nephi 12ish, I think. He wanted to come to church! And we got him a ride, and he came to church! He just lost his job, but a member of the branch is helping him find one. Hopefully, he will continue to keep his commitments and learn! I'm so excited!
Alma... we were going to set a baptismal date with her last Friday, but we went over and it just didn't feel right. We've pretty much wanted to set a bap. date the whole time I've been here. Hna. Whiting and Hna. Alas found Alma on Dec 28, 2008, so they've, well now me too, been teaching her for over a year! But she still isn't willing to repent. Tokyo (her 6 year old) told us right in front of Alma, that Alma had been drinking. Alma said, Tokyo makes me feel like a bad mom, but I'm not. She's not the worst mom, but she has a lot of things that she needs to work on. She also still drinks coffee and swears. I feel so badly for Tokyo. She doesn't get the right attention and love from her mom, and so she's kind of a handful of a kid. I wish that someone could take her and raise her in a happy home filled with unconditional love. When we were there on Friday we watched On the Lord's Errand, about the life of the prophet Thomas S. Monson. I read books to Tokyo very quietly because she asked me to. I read during the movie, and usually I wouldn't. But I just thought, when does anyone read to her, and just show her they love her? Man, I love Tokyo so much! I wish she had a more stable home life and there was more love in that home. All I can do is be an example, pray, teach her family, and give her the love that I can.
Okay, so maybe my e-mails aren't getting shorter. Haha! I don't know! But I love this work! It's great! I always wish I could do more, but I know that if I do my best, it's enough.
Also, on Sunday Hna. Whiting told me she was going to bear her testimony because it was her last fast Sunday. Well, I felt like maybe I should, but quickly I decided not to. Then after she bore her testimony, I felt like I should bear mine. I really didn't want to because I don't like how I sound in spanish, and I don't feel like I'm that great. But I went up. I never have been so nervous to bear my testimony in my life. I begged Heavenly Father to help me say what I know in spanish. I stood up, and I never drew a blank. After I bore my testimony, I felt very grateful because I knew Heavenly Father had helped me, and I felt a little more confident in my spanish.
The Lord wants to help us. He's always there, waiting for us to ask. I know that's true!
Thank you for everything! I love you all lots!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
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