Hey Everyone,
I really don't want to write. Surprise, right!??! My computer froze and then took forever to boot up again. Then I couldn't log back onto the computer, because now at the community college you have to have an ID and password, which you get by showing your ID. ANYWAY, it wouldn't work. Now, it's finally working, and I don't want to write any more. I remember getting an e-mail from Corey while he was in the MTC one day, saying he didn't want to write. But he said that diligence is doing what you know you should even when you don't want to.
Corey sounds good, as usual. He's now senior companion and district leader. He's been out 11 months as of yesterday, and he is now 20, which is really weird to me. I can't believe it. Man, sometimes I wish I could be in Hiroshima just so I could watch him serve, teach, lead, and just be a missionary. But it's all good. Serving a mission at the same time makes it easier to imagine what he's doing over there.
Get this... last week it was so cold that all the kids were out of school from Tuesday through Friday! Crazy! I seriously can't believe it! And I kept waiting for it to be freezing cold and the mission president to tell us in the city we couldn't tract, but that never happened. It was cold, but we tracted in it. It was like 10-20 degrees last week. And we tracted every day almost, I think. We got 6 new investigators last week! That was exciting, but not from tracting. Sister Whiting often quotes President Gee who has said that tracting is the price we pay. Although, most of the time that is not where our new investigators come from. Interesting... it's probably different in other missions.
We got a referral from the Del City Elders, Elder Goronson and Elder Wilson for Miguel Gomez. He wanted a Finding Faith in Christ DVD. So we called him, and it sounded like he just wanted us to drop it off. When we were thinking he would want us to teach him. So we went over there first thing Saturday morning, and he wasn't home. But his wife, Melinda was. She graciously welcomed us into her home. They have an 8, almost 9, year old daughter, Brissa (I think). Anyway, they are kind of old to be parents of a child that young. (That's what they said.) Anyway, Melinda was so interested in what we believe in everything. We talked about SO many different things! She kept asking questions! Then Miguel came home. And he opened up too and asked questions. They are Catholic, but apparently Brissa goes to an english church. She wants her mom to come with her, but her mom doesn't understand english. When she found out we have church in spanish she was like, I'll be there. Well, they are a beautiful family! I fell in love with them instantly. When we were getting up to leave they asked how long Sister Whiting had left. She said 3 weeks, and Melinda was SO sad! She was like, no! Haha! She told us to stop by lots between now and then because she loves Sister Whiting so much. Unfortunately, they didn't show up to church on Sunday. :( But I know that this is just the beginning of great things to come for their family.
We FINALLY got to teach Haiden and her husband. She was a referral we got from her uncle in the north. Anyway, she is GOLDEN! But she's been working so we haven't been able to find her home or teach her. We finally taught her on Tuesday. And her whole family, all 6 of them came to church on Sunday. (4 of them are old enough to be baptized.) Anyway, she is awesome! And they will be baptized!
Well, I gotta go. There's lots to say, but we gotta run! I found out I might be put with an english sister next transfer. Scary! We'll see!
Thanks for everything! I really appreciate those of you who write! It means a lot and I love hearing from you! Love you all!
Hermama Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
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