Hey Again,
So I forgot to tell you that we went to the Braum's Factory today. That's why we're e-mailing later than usual. Braums is like Baskin Robbins, but they also have food and a fresh market. Anyway, we got to tour the factory, and it was pretty cool. All the missionaries love Braum's. It's kind of a legend in the mission. But yeah, it was sweet! There were 12 of us that went. The APs, the ZLs, english sisters, the Mustang elders (there are two sets), and us. It was fun!
Gotta run!! Love you all! Hermana Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
one more week until 3rd transfer...
Hey Everyone,
So like Corey, I don't know what to write in the subject line either. Sorry I'm kind of boring like that. Anyway...
This last week was a pretty good week! The weather has been really nice. The last two weeks it's been between 50s-70s. The last couple of days it's kind of been getting cold again. Like in the 30s-40s, and we are expecting 10 inches of snow of Thursday. President Gee even sent out an e-mail to all the missionaries about the upcoming week and the weather.
Saturday and Sunday the heater in our car stopped working. Then on Sunday we noticed that our car was getting close to overheating. So, Monday morning we called Elder Hall (he's over the cars in the mission). He told us to check the radiator, and we were just like, what, how? So, we had the elders in our apt complex come help us. Our radiator was leaking, and that's why the heater hasn't been working. We took it to the dealership Monday morning, and the guy there told us it would be a couple days because this is a "good job." So, we've been carless since yesterday morning. We didn't work much yesterday, although the english sisters did give us a ride to one of our appts because they were working in the same area. But we had to cancel almost everything yesterday. It was really depressing. Especially since this is Sister Whiting's last full week in the mission. We taught one lesson, which was to Rosa and Luz.
Good thing today is p-day because we always carpool with the english sisters (we take turns driving, them and us) to e-mail, buy groceries, etc. So, they're driving today. Hopefully we can find a member to take us out tonight, and hopefully we'll get our car back soon.
This was supposed to be a happy e-mail because we really did have a great week last week. We had 11 investigators at church on Sunday, although only 5 made it in time for the sacrament. Luz, Rosa, Ismael and Joana (two of Luz's grandkids), then Haiden and Byron, Miguel (referral from other elders in our district), Pedro (referral from other elders in Midwest City), Alma and her kids, (Destiny is over 8, so she is an investigator too), and then Hna. Coronado, the wife of a member. it was great! Gloria was also there with Giselle. (Gloria is one of Alma's sisters. She was baptized last summer. She is living with a guy, Alex, but they are trying to get married. She just had a baby a month ago.)
Also, we always have a weekly goal to contact 100 people. If we tract a little every day, it's not hard to meet this goal. But usually, we're teaching so much, that Friday comes and we haven't tracted that much. Last week, as of Saturday morning we had 8 contacts. But we decided to go to a flea market because one set of elders go there every Saturday, and that's how they found Miguel (he came to church on Sunday). So we went, and we talked to over 100 people easily. That wasn't even talking to every single person we saw. So, we're going to go there from now on. We still want to tract though, because we don't get any potential investigators out of that. We just gave them pass along cards, and hopefully if they are interested they'll call.
Transfers are in a week from tomorrow. I'm sad because I have to say bye to Sister Whiting, Sister Thaxton, and Elder Sivertsen. Sister Whiting was the best companion and trainer I could have ever asked for. No, actually, she was better than what I could have asked for. She's just amazing! I love her so much! I'm so grateful I got to know her and be her companion for 2 transfers. She's from Hawaii, and she will return to Provo to go to BYU. She is studying english with a minor in editing.
Sister Thaxton was one of the english sisters that live in our same apt complex, and she's been in this area since I've been here. Man, she's awesome! Today I just realized that aside from reminding me a lot of Boo, she reminds me a little of one of my first roommates at BYU-I, Tasha. Anyway, I'm going to miss her. She's from Sandy, Utah.
Elder Sivertsen has been AP (assistant to the president) since I got here. He's great! He's from Las Vegas, and he'll also be going to BYU Provo.
It's really true that you form so many eternal relationships on the mission. I'm sad to see them all leave, but I'm excited to get to hang out with them and see them again after the mission.
I don't know what else to write...
Oh, I will either be comps with Hna. Alas or Astrid. Astrid Martinez is a member, she served a mission in Portugal and got home last April. She is AWESOME! She is always so willing to go visit people with us and do anything. She will be serving a mini mission next transfer, well probably, because we will only have 3 spanish sisters... me, Hna. Alas, and Hna. Tucker. Anyway... I am excited to see who my new comp will be.
Okay, gotta go. Love you all tons! Thanks for everything!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
So like Corey, I don't know what to write in the subject line either. Sorry I'm kind of boring like that. Anyway...
This last week was a pretty good week! The weather has been really nice. The last two weeks it's been between 50s-70s. The last couple of days it's kind of been getting cold again. Like in the 30s-40s, and we are expecting 10 inches of snow of Thursday. President Gee even sent out an e-mail to all the missionaries about the upcoming week and the weather.
Saturday and Sunday the heater in our car stopped working. Then on Sunday we noticed that our car was getting close to overheating. So, Monday morning we called Elder Hall (he's over the cars in the mission). He told us to check the radiator, and we were just like, what, how? So, we had the elders in our apt complex come help us. Our radiator was leaking, and that's why the heater hasn't been working. We took it to the dealership Monday morning, and the guy there told us it would be a couple days because this is a "good job." So, we've been carless since yesterday morning. We didn't work much yesterday, although the english sisters did give us a ride to one of our appts because they were working in the same area. But we had to cancel almost everything yesterday. It was really depressing. Especially since this is Sister Whiting's last full week in the mission. We taught one lesson, which was to Rosa and Luz.
Good thing today is p-day because we always carpool with the english sisters (we take turns driving, them and us) to e-mail, buy groceries, etc. So, they're driving today. Hopefully we can find a member to take us out tonight, and hopefully we'll get our car back soon.
This was supposed to be a happy e-mail because we really did have a great week last week. We had 11 investigators at church on Sunday, although only 5 made it in time for the sacrament. Luz, Rosa, Ismael and Joana (two of Luz's grandkids), then Haiden and Byron, Miguel (referral from other elders in our district), Pedro (referral from other elders in Midwest City), Alma and her kids, (Destiny is over 8, so she is an investigator too), and then Hna. Coronado, the wife of a member. it was great! Gloria was also there with Giselle. (Gloria is one of Alma's sisters. She was baptized last summer. She is living with a guy, Alex, but they are trying to get married. She just had a baby a month ago.)
Also, we always have a weekly goal to contact 100 people. If we tract a little every day, it's not hard to meet this goal. But usually, we're teaching so much, that Friday comes and we haven't tracted that much. Last week, as of Saturday morning we had 8 contacts. But we decided to go to a flea market because one set of elders go there every Saturday, and that's how they found Miguel (he came to church on Sunday). So we went, and we talked to over 100 people easily. That wasn't even talking to every single person we saw. So, we're going to go there from now on. We still want to tract though, because we don't get any potential investigators out of that. We just gave them pass along cards, and hopefully if they are interested they'll call.
Transfers are in a week from tomorrow. I'm sad because I have to say bye to Sister Whiting, Sister Thaxton, and Elder Sivertsen. Sister Whiting was the best companion and trainer I could have ever asked for. No, actually, she was better than what I could have asked for. She's just amazing! I love her so much! I'm so grateful I got to know her and be her companion for 2 transfers. She's from Hawaii, and she will return to Provo to go to BYU. She is studying english with a minor in editing.
Sister Thaxton was one of the english sisters that live in our same apt complex, and she's been in this area since I've been here. Man, she's awesome! Today I just realized that aside from reminding me a lot of Boo, she reminds me a little of one of my first roommates at BYU-I, Tasha. Anyway, I'm going to miss her. She's from Sandy, Utah.
Elder Sivertsen has been AP (assistant to the president) since I got here. He's great! He's from Las Vegas, and he'll also be going to BYU Provo.
It's really true that you form so many eternal relationships on the mission. I'm sad to see them all leave, but I'm excited to get to hang out with them and see them again after the mission.
I don't know what else to write...
Oh, I will either be comps with Hna. Alas or Astrid. Astrid Martinez is a member, she served a mission in Portugal and got home last April. She is AWESOME! She is always so willing to go visit people with us and do anything. She will be serving a mini mission next transfer, well probably, because we will only have 3 spanish sisters... me, Hna. Alas, and Hna. Tucker. Anyway... I am excited to see who my new comp will be.
Okay, gotta go. Love you all tons! Thanks for everything!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 18, 2010
Hey Everyone,
Man, I didn't take notes this week about what to write about. And I have 15 minutes! Ah!
My aunt asked a lot of questions, so I'm going to try to answer those.
Luz came to church by herself this past Sunday. She was even 10 minutes early! She is AWESOME! She is SO golden! We teach her 2-3 times a week because she's progressing! We also are teaching her "sister-in-law" (Rosa is Pedro's sister, but Luz and Pedro are not married) now, Rosa. One day she was at Luz's house, and now we teach them both together regularly. They are awesome! They both want to change, but it's really hard. Especially when they are both in separate homes where they are the only one who wants to change.
Guillermo hasn't come to church again, and we haven't taught him for a little while. But we just haven't been able to find him home and he doesn't have a phone. He did find a job the Sunday after he came to church. What a blessing!
The Gomez family didn't come to church. We taught them on Saturday. They were telling us that they are very confused by all of the churches and wonder which one is true. We taught the second half of the first lesson, Christ's earthly ministry, The Great Apostasy, The Restoration, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon. They were on the edge of their seats as they listened to us. Melinda seems very interested, but Miguel was like, Christ didn't appear in the Americas, he couldn't have. Man, I walked out of their house so sad! The spirit was SO strong in that lesson, and I just thought, how could anyone deny this?!?! And yet, Miguel doesn't want to believe. Which is SO interesting because he wants to know the truth, but he's not accepting it. I don't know what will happen with them. :/
Alma... we taught her an intense lesson the other day on obedience, and we just drilled it the importance of reading the scriptures, praying, and coming to church. It was powerful! I actually talked about my family, and my past, growing up. I didn't want to share because I knew that I would probably cry, but I felt I needed to. Al, their dad, is back. He's a terrible man! I've only heard awful things about him, and Hna. Whiting kept telling me that she hopes I never have to meet him. But I saw him yesterday briefly. He's a drug dealer. Everyone wants to kill him. It's a scary situation, and now he's living with Alma, which is not good. Destiny hates her dad. He wants him to leave or she is going to move out. I shared about my past, and I started crying. When I started crying, everyone was silent, even crazy Tokyo. Alma, Destiny, and Tokyo all just looked at me so intently. I told them the ONLY way I got through everything was by going to church. Destiny was in tears. Tokyo said, "Hogewoney, you're crying." (She doesn't say "ing," she says "ey." It's cute!) Anyway, it was a powerful lesson. I know that the spirit touched them, but I don't know if they've been reading and praying. They weren't at church on Sunday, so that's not a good sign. And when we went over yesterday, Alma was swearing, and things were not good.
Well, I gotta run! I love you all! I know that missionary work is SO important! Everyone NEEDS the gospel desparetely. It's not up to us to decide who needs it and how badly they need it because everyone needs it the same. That's why we need to share it with everyone, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they look like.
One last thing, Shelly is forwarding my e-mails from my gmail account. I don't have access to that account, so don't send e-mail to my gmail account. And hopefully you all have my address here in Oklahoma. I am not in the MTC any more. I got a couple letters forwarded from the MTC, so I just wanted to make sure you all knew that. Ask my dad or Shelly for my address!
Thank you all for everything!
PS Corey is doing great! His e-mail was short this week with very little detail, but he's good!
Man, I didn't take notes this week about what to write about. And I have 15 minutes! Ah!
My aunt asked a lot of questions, so I'm going to try to answer those.
Luz came to church by herself this past Sunday. She was even 10 minutes early! She is AWESOME! She is SO golden! We teach her 2-3 times a week because she's progressing! We also are teaching her "sister-in-law" (Rosa is Pedro's sister, but Luz and Pedro are not married) now, Rosa. One day she was at Luz's house, and now we teach them both together regularly. They are awesome! They both want to change, but it's really hard. Especially when they are both in separate homes where they are the only one who wants to change.
Guillermo hasn't come to church again, and we haven't taught him for a little while. But we just haven't been able to find him home and he doesn't have a phone. He did find a job the Sunday after he came to church. What a blessing!
The Gomez family didn't come to church. We taught them on Saturday. They were telling us that they are very confused by all of the churches and wonder which one is true. We taught the second half of the first lesson, Christ's earthly ministry, The Great Apostasy, The Restoration, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon. They were on the edge of their seats as they listened to us. Melinda seems very interested, but Miguel was like, Christ didn't appear in the Americas, he couldn't have. Man, I walked out of their house so sad! The spirit was SO strong in that lesson, and I just thought, how could anyone deny this?!?! And yet, Miguel doesn't want to believe. Which is SO interesting because he wants to know the truth, but he's not accepting it. I don't know what will happen with them. :/
Alma... we taught her an intense lesson the other day on obedience, and we just drilled it the importance of reading the scriptures, praying, and coming to church. It was powerful! I actually talked about my family, and my past, growing up. I didn't want to share because I knew that I would probably cry, but I felt I needed to. Al, their dad, is back. He's a terrible man! I've only heard awful things about him, and Hna. Whiting kept telling me that she hopes I never have to meet him. But I saw him yesterday briefly. He's a drug dealer. Everyone wants to kill him. It's a scary situation, and now he's living with Alma, which is not good. Destiny hates her dad. He wants him to leave or she is going to move out. I shared about my past, and I started crying. When I started crying, everyone was silent, even crazy Tokyo. Alma, Destiny, and Tokyo all just looked at me so intently. I told them the ONLY way I got through everything was by going to church. Destiny was in tears. Tokyo said, "Hogewoney, you're crying." (She doesn't say "ing," she says "ey." It's cute!) Anyway, it was a powerful lesson. I know that the spirit touched them, but I don't know if they've been reading and praying. They weren't at church on Sunday, so that's not a good sign. And when we went over yesterday, Alma was swearing, and things were not good.
Well, I gotta run! I love you all! I know that missionary work is SO important! Everyone NEEDS the gospel desparetely. It's not up to us to decide who needs it and how badly they need it because everyone needs it the same. That's why we need to share it with everyone, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they look like.
One last thing, Shelly is forwarding my e-mails from my gmail account. I don't have access to that account, so don't send e-mail to my gmail account. And hopefully you all have my address here in Oklahoma. I am not in the MTC any more. I got a couple letters forwarded from the MTC, so I just wanted to make sure you all knew that. Ask my dad or Shelly for my address!
Thank you all for everything!
PS Corey is doing great! His e-mail was short this week with very little detail, but he's good!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sister Whiting and I at an apt complex, yes on a see-saw. Haha! And yes, there is still snow on the ground.
This is what we got fed after church on Sunday. Good thing, they knew Sister Whiting and I don't like fish, and they made us soup. But the elders ate this! Crazy!
Jan 6. We found the toys inside the bread!
Sorry, I didn't even talk about the spanish holiday on Jan 6-dia de los tres magos. It's the day of the wisemen. Anyway, there is this bread and there are toys hidden inside. Whoever finds a toy has to throw a party and I found a toy. Haha! But I'm a missionary so I'm exempt!
2nd Zone Conf tomorrow!/4 months!
Hey Everyone,
I really don't want to write. Surprise, right!??! My computer froze and then took forever to boot up again. Then I couldn't log back onto the computer, because now at the community college you have to have an ID and password, which you get by showing your ID. ANYWAY, it wouldn't work. Now, it's finally working, and I don't want to write any more. I remember getting an e-mail from Corey while he was in the MTC one day, saying he didn't want to write. But he said that diligence is doing what you know you should even when you don't want to.
Corey sounds good, as usual. He's now senior companion and district leader. He's been out 11 months as of yesterday, and he is now 20, which is really weird to me. I can't believe it. Man, sometimes I wish I could be in Hiroshima just so I could watch him serve, teach, lead, and just be a missionary. But it's all good. Serving a mission at the same time makes it easier to imagine what he's doing over there.
Get this... last week it was so cold that all the kids were out of school from Tuesday through Friday! Crazy! I seriously can't believe it! And I kept waiting for it to be freezing cold and the mission president to tell us in the city we couldn't tract, but that never happened. It was cold, but we tracted in it. It was like 10-20 degrees last week. And we tracted every day almost, I think. We got 6 new investigators last week! That was exciting, but not from tracting. Sister Whiting often quotes President Gee who has said that tracting is the price we pay. Although, most of the time that is not where our new investigators come from. Interesting... it's probably different in other missions.
We got a referral from the Del City Elders, Elder Goronson and Elder Wilson for Miguel Gomez. He wanted a Finding Faith in Christ DVD. So we called him, and it sounded like he just wanted us to drop it off. When we were thinking he would want us to teach him. So we went over there first thing Saturday morning, and he wasn't home. But his wife, Melinda was. She graciously welcomed us into her home. They have an 8, almost 9, year old daughter, Brissa (I think). Anyway, they are kind of old to be parents of a child that young. (That's what they said.) Anyway, Melinda was so interested in what we believe in everything. We talked about SO many different things! She kept asking questions! Then Miguel came home. And he opened up too and asked questions. They are Catholic, but apparently Brissa goes to an english church. She wants her mom to come with her, but her mom doesn't understand english. When she found out we have church in spanish she was like, I'll be there. Well, they are a beautiful family! I fell in love with them instantly. When we were getting up to leave they asked how long Sister Whiting had left. She said 3 weeks, and Melinda was SO sad! She was like, no! Haha! She told us to stop by lots between now and then because she loves Sister Whiting so much. Unfortunately, they didn't show up to church on Sunday. :( But I know that this is just the beginning of great things to come for their family.
We FINALLY got to teach Haiden and her husband. She was a referral we got from her uncle in the north. Anyway, she is GOLDEN! But she's been working so we haven't been able to find her home or teach her. We finally taught her on Tuesday. And her whole family, all 6 of them came to church on Sunday. (4 of them are old enough to be baptized.) Anyway, she is awesome! And they will be baptized!
Well, I gotta go. There's lots to say, but we gotta run! I found out I might be put with an english sister next transfer. Scary! We'll see!
Thanks for everything! I really appreciate those of you who write! It means a lot and I love hearing from you! Love you all!
Hermama Christina Hogewoning
I really don't want to write. Surprise, right!??! My computer froze and then took forever to boot up again. Then I couldn't log back onto the computer, because now at the community college you have to have an ID and password, which you get by showing your ID. ANYWAY, it wouldn't work. Now, it's finally working, and I don't want to write any more. I remember getting an e-mail from Corey while he was in the MTC one day, saying he didn't want to write. But he said that diligence is doing what you know you should even when you don't want to.
Corey sounds good, as usual. He's now senior companion and district leader. He's been out 11 months as of yesterday, and he is now 20, which is really weird to me. I can't believe it. Man, sometimes I wish I could be in Hiroshima just so I could watch him serve, teach, lead, and just be a missionary. But it's all good. Serving a mission at the same time makes it easier to imagine what he's doing over there.
Get this... last week it was so cold that all the kids were out of school from Tuesday through Friday! Crazy! I seriously can't believe it! And I kept waiting for it to be freezing cold and the mission president to tell us in the city we couldn't tract, but that never happened. It was cold, but we tracted in it. It was like 10-20 degrees last week. And we tracted every day almost, I think. We got 6 new investigators last week! That was exciting, but not from tracting. Sister Whiting often quotes President Gee who has said that tracting is the price we pay. Although, most of the time that is not where our new investigators come from. Interesting... it's probably different in other missions.
We got a referral from the Del City Elders, Elder Goronson and Elder Wilson for Miguel Gomez. He wanted a Finding Faith in Christ DVD. So we called him, and it sounded like he just wanted us to drop it off. When we were thinking he would want us to teach him. So we went over there first thing Saturday morning, and he wasn't home. But his wife, Melinda was. She graciously welcomed us into her home. They have an 8, almost 9, year old daughter, Brissa (I think). Anyway, they are kind of old to be parents of a child that young. (That's what they said.) Anyway, Melinda was so interested in what we believe in everything. We talked about SO many different things! She kept asking questions! Then Miguel came home. And he opened up too and asked questions. They are Catholic, but apparently Brissa goes to an english church. She wants her mom to come with her, but her mom doesn't understand english. When she found out we have church in spanish she was like, I'll be there. Well, they are a beautiful family! I fell in love with them instantly. When we were getting up to leave they asked how long Sister Whiting had left. She said 3 weeks, and Melinda was SO sad! She was like, no! Haha! She told us to stop by lots between now and then because she loves Sister Whiting so much. Unfortunately, they didn't show up to church on Sunday. :( But I know that this is just the beginning of great things to come for their family.
We FINALLY got to teach Haiden and her husband. She was a referral we got from her uncle in the north. Anyway, she is GOLDEN! But she's been working so we haven't been able to find her home or teach her. We finally taught her on Tuesday. And her whole family, all 6 of them came to church on Sunday. (4 of them are old enough to be baptized.) Anyway, she is awesome! And they will be baptized!
Well, I gotta go. There's lots to say, but we gotta run! I found out I might be put with an english sister next transfer. Scary! We'll see!
Thanks for everything! I really appreciate those of you who write! It means a lot and I love hearing from you! Love you all!
Hermama Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Jan 5, 2010-weird it's 2010!/almost 4 months!
Hey Everyone,
I feel like my e-mails are getting shorter and shorter! Sorry! I can't even think of what to write. It snowed again last Tuesday, but it didn't stick. The snow and ice has really melted a lot, but there is still some of it here and there.
Corey will be 20 on January 11. If he knew I was telling you all this he'd probably kill me, oh wait he does! haha! Anyway, I can't believe my brother is going to be 20. And the 11th also marks 11 months for him! That's crazy! The 9th will mark 4 months for me. Time in the mission is so weird. It feels like I've been here forever, and I can't remember life before the mission.
We had 4 investigators at church this past Sunday, and we have 3 progressing investigators! Woo hoo! We have had 0 for a while for both of those, so this past Sunday was a happy day.
Luz Coronado... she is just awesome! She called in for a Finding Happiness DVD that she saw on TV. We've been to her house quite a few times now. We finally got her a large print version of the BOM in espanol, and she is reading it. She also fasted this past Sunday, and she commited her 5 grandchildren to fast too even though they would be at their dad's house. Well, only one of them fasted besides her. But it was still awesome! The kids are between 8-13-Daniel, Ismael, Moses, and then Junior and Alex (all boys, but Alex is a girl). I think Daniel, Moses, and Ismael (what great names, right? Straight from the scriptures!) all live with Luz, but Junior and Alex don't. Anyway, Luz has told us she wants to change her life. She used to drink all of the time, but she doesn't. She still smokes though, but she wants to quit. Anyway, she's GOLDEN! She wants to learn everything and be baptized, but she says she doesn't know anything as far as doctrine in religion and what not. I'm so excited she is keeping her commitments! Hopefully, we'll have a baptism this transfer!
Actually, I almost forgot... yesterday we went and taught her and found out she is not married to the man she has been living with for a while. And apparently he is not divorced from his last marriage. But she said that they finally got in touch with his ex, and they should be getting divorced soon. Anyway, since she's not living the law of chastity, that will keep her from being baptized until that's resolved. Pray that it will get resolved soon!
Also, Guillermo Melendez... I can't remember if I told you how we went tracting this one time, and a little boy followed us around on his bike. Well, Guillermo, I don't think is his dad, but was with him. Anyway, we taught Guillermo a first lesson once, a while back, but haven't been able to find him home in forever! We went to his house on Saturday to drop him, since we can't find him, but he was there! :) Hooray! We shared a scripture with him. He told us he's read the first 39 pages of the BOM, which puts him in 1 Nephi 12ish, I think. He wanted to come to church! And we got him a ride, and he came to church! He just lost his job, but a member of the branch is helping him find one. Hopefully, he will continue to keep his commitments and learn! I'm so excited!
Alma... we were going to set a baptismal date with her last Friday, but we went over and it just didn't feel right. We've pretty much wanted to set a bap. date the whole time I've been here. Hna. Whiting and Hna. Alas found Alma on Dec 28, 2008, so they've, well now me too, been teaching her for over a year! But she still isn't willing to repent. Tokyo (her 6 year old) told us right in front of Alma, that Alma had been drinking. Alma said, Tokyo makes me feel like a bad mom, but I'm not. She's not the worst mom, but she has a lot of things that she needs to work on. She also still drinks coffee and swears. I feel so badly for Tokyo. She doesn't get the right attention and love from her mom, and so she's kind of a handful of a kid. I wish that someone could take her and raise her in a happy home filled with unconditional love. When we were there on Friday we watched On the Lord's Errand, about the life of the prophet Thomas S. Monson. I read books to Tokyo very quietly because she asked me to. I read during the movie, and usually I wouldn't. But I just thought, when does anyone read to her, and just show her they love her? Man, I love Tokyo so much! I wish she had a more stable home life and there was more love in that home. All I can do is be an example, pray, teach her family, and give her the love that I can.
Okay, so maybe my e-mails aren't getting shorter. Haha! I don't know! But I love this work! It's great! I always wish I could do more, but I know that if I do my best, it's enough.
Also, on Sunday Hna. Whiting told me she was going to bear her testimony because it was her last fast Sunday. Well, I felt like maybe I should, but quickly I decided not to. Then after she bore her testimony, I felt like I should bear mine. I really didn't want to because I don't like how I sound in spanish, and I don't feel like I'm that great. But I went up. I never have been so nervous to bear my testimony in my life. I begged Heavenly Father to help me say what I know in spanish. I stood up, and I never drew a blank. After I bore my testimony, I felt very grateful because I knew Heavenly Father had helped me, and I felt a little more confident in my spanish.
The Lord wants to help us. He's always there, waiting for us to ask. I know that's true!
Thank you for everything! I love you all lots!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
I feel like my e-mails are getting shorter and shorter! Sorry! I can't even think of what to write. It snowed again last Tuesday, but it didn't stick. The snow and ice has really melted a lot, but there is still some of it here and there.
Corey will be 20 on January 11. If he knew I was telling you all this he'd probably kill me, oh wait he does! haha! Anyway, I can't believe my brother is going to be 20. And the 11th also marks 11 months for him! That's crazy! The 9th will mark 4 months for me. Time in the mission is so weird. It feels like I've been here forever, and I can't remember life before the mission.
We had 4 investigators at church this past Sunday, and we have 3 progressing investigators! Woo hoo! We have had 0 for a while for both of those, so this past Sunday was a happy day.
Luz Coronado... she is just awesome! She called in for a Finding Happiness DVD that she saw on TV. We've been to her house quite a few times now. We finally got her a large print version of the BOM in espanol, and she is reading it. She also fasted this past Sunday, and she commited her 5 grandchildren to fast too even though they would be at their dad's house. Well, only one of them fasted besides her. But it was still awesome! The kids are between 8-13-Daniel, Ismael, Moses, and then Junior and Alex (all boys, but Alex is a girl). I think Daniel, Moses, and Ismael (what great names, right? Straight from the scriptures!) all live with Luz, but Junior and Alex don't. Anyway, Luz has told us she wants to change her life. She used to drink all of the time, but she doesn't. She still smokes though, but she wants to quit. Anyway, she's GOLDEN! She wants to learn everything and be baptized, but she says she doesn't know anything as far as doctrine in religion and what not. I'm so excited she is keeping her commitments! Hopefully, we'll have a baptism this transfer!
Actually, I almost forgot... yesterday we went and taught her and found out she is not married to the man she has been living with for a while. And apparently he is not divorced from his last marriage. But she said that they finally got in touch with his ex, and they should be getting divorced soon. Anyway, since she's not living the law of chastity, that will keep her from being baptized until that's resolved. Pray that it will get resolved soon!
Also, Guillermo Melendez... I can't remember if I told you how we went tracting this one time, and a little boy followed us around on his bike. Well, Guillermo, I don't think is his dad, but was with him. Anyway, we taught Guillermo a first lesson once, a while back, but haven't been able to find him home in forever! We went to his house on Saturday to drop him, since we can't find him, but he was there! :) Hooray! We shared a scripture with him. He told us he's read the first 39 pages of the BOM, which puts him in 1 Nephi 12ish, I think. He wanted to come to church! And we got him a ride, and he came to church! He just lost his job, but a member of the branch is helping him find one. Hopefully, he will continue to keep his commitments and learn! I'm so excited!
Alma... we were going to set a baptismal date with her last Friday, but we went over and it just didn't feel right. We've pretty much wanted to set a bap. date the whole time I've been here. Hna. Whiting and Hna. Alas found Alma on Dec 28, 2008, so they've, well now me too, been teaching her for over a year! But she still isn't willing to repent. Tokyo (her 6 year old) told us right in front of Alma, that Alma had been drinking. Alma said, Tokyo makes me feel like a bad mom, but I'm not. She's not the worst mom, but she has a lot of things that she needs to work on. She also still drinks coffee and swears. I feel so badly for Tokyo. She doesn't get the right attention and love from her mom, and so she's kind of a handful of a kid. I wish that someone could take her and raise her in a happy home filled with unconditional love. When we were there on Friday we watched On the Lord's Errand, about the life of the prophet Thomas S. Monson. I read books to Tokyo very quietly because she asked me to. I read during the movie, and usually I wouldn't. But I just thought, when does anyone read to her, and just show her they love her? Man, I love Tokyo so much! I wish she had a more stable home life and there was more love in that home. All I can do is be an example, pray, teach her family, and give her the love that I can.
Okay, so maybe my e-mails aren't getting shorter. Haha! I don't know! But I love this work! It's great! I always wish I could do more, but I know that if I do my best, it's enough.
Also, on Sunday Hna. Whiting told me she was going to bear her testimony because it was her last fast Sunday. Well, I felt like maybe I should, but quickly I decided not to. Then after she bore her testimony, I felt like I should bear mine. I really didn't want to because I don't like how I sound in spanish, and I don't feel like I'm that great. But I went up. I never have been so nervous to bear my testimony in my life. I begged Heavenly Father to help me say what I know in spanish. I stood up, and I never drew a blank. After I bore my testimony, I felt very grateful because I knew Heavenly Father had helped me, and I felt a little more confident in my spanish.
The Lord wants to help us. He's always there, waiting for us to ask. I know that's true!
Thank you for everything! I love you all lots!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
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