Hey Everyone,
So last Tuesday we got to hear from Elder L. Tom Perry. It was awesome! I love that I have had the opportunity to hear two apostles speak! It's great, and it's reminds me of being at BYU-I for devotionals. He talked about how we as missionaries can teach better. Also, I was in the choir that night and we sang, "Lead Kindly Light." It was awesome!
Last Thursday I got my travel plans! I fly to Oklahoma City next Tuesday, November 10, so today is my last p-day in the MTC. I have to be at the Travel Office at 4am! I'm going to get no sleep! I fly to Chicago/O'hare, IL, have a 50 minute layover, and then fly to Ok City. Crazy! I can't believe my time here in the MTC is so rapidly coming to an end! I can't believe it's November already! Ah!! One elder from my district leaves Monday, I leave Tuesday, and I think everyone leaves Wednesday, all of next week. We aren't sure when Hermana Calderon leaves yet. We should be finding out today or tomorrow.
Yesterday Hermana Calderon and I both had doctors appointments. She has been cleared to leave! Finally! And I don't have to wear my boot any more. The sad part is that the fracture that happened back in June never healed properly. The doctor said I probably should have had a screw put in it, but since it's not hurting he's not going to do anything. What probably happened is that I disrupted it playing volleyball. He said it will be broken (or a non-union is what he called it) for the rest of my life, which means it may be disrupted again and again. My other ankle is still not healed and is sore. I think I might have problems with my feet for the rest of my life. Kind of a bummer! :/ But I'm fine! :)
I got a letter yesterday from the only 2 spanish speaking sisters, Hermana Alas and Hermana Whiting, in the Ok City Mission. They have been companions for a year and have been praying for more sisters! I couldn't believe that! There is only one spanish speaking area, but when I get there I will be paired with one of them and my first companion (Hermana Tucker, she and I will be on the same plane to OK together) will be paired up with the other one of them, and one set of us will open a new area! I'm SO excited! Even if it's not me that opens the area! I started crying as I read their letter. I know I'm supposed to be in Oklahoma, and this is just the beginning of the many reasons why.
All of a sudden it's starting to hit me that I'm going to be preaching the gospel and baptizing and changing and touching many lives. Being in the MTC, you kind of are in this bubble, and you don't really know what you're in for until you get to the field. I really can't wait to be there, although I will miss the MTC SO much! I simply just love it here! But I can't wait to be in the "real world" again teaching the people of Oklahoma and serving them.
During my personal study a few days ago, I found a talk by Neal A. Maxwell called, " Consecrate Thy Performance." It is amazing! I encourage you to read it if you can. (You can search for it on lds.org.) My favorite part was how he said we can't hold back part, we have to give all to God. I just love that! And I'm learning that more and more every day! I can't be part in the work, and part of me back home or somewhere else.
I seriously feel so blessed to be serving a mission! I can't wait to see what trials, blessings, and experiences the Lord has in store for me.
I love you all! I am grateful for your prayers, support, love, and letters! I wish I could write you all. But I am realizing with each week that passes I don't want to write as much as I did when I got here because I just want to focus on the work! It's so amazing how your feelings change when you're on a mission.
Time to go! I'm not sure when my next p-day is, so if you don't here from me next Tuesday, don't worry. I'll write as soon as I can!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
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