Hey Everyone!
Sorry it's been two weeks! I'm here in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! I'm loving every minute of it! I flew in last Tuesday, and so I've been here exactly a week today! When the plane was landing, it was cloudy, so I only saw Oklahoma from the sky for two seconds, and it was just how I pictured it-dry, brown, and flat.
I am in the Oklahoma City area, in the Spanish 6th branch, which takes in all the spanish speaking people from this stake. It's kind of a big area. Hermana Whiting is my companion, and I love her SO much! She kind of reminds me a lot of Kira Middleton! She's from Hawaii, but was born in Japan (like Tavin!). Hermana Tucker is with Hermana Alas in the north. They get to reopen an area. I'm kind of glad I'm here where Hna. Whiting and Hna. Alas have been for the past year because it's well established as far as the work goes. Also, Hna. Whiting will be going home in February. We're guessing that when that happens, Hermana Tucker and Hermana Alas will come back here from the north and we'll be a trio until Hna Alas goes home, but we'll see.
This past week, we've taught SO many lessons and contacted many people. I was a little surprised how much we have planned! It's great! I really feel like I've harvesting the field! It's such a blessing! I love it!
When I got here, the weather was nice, but Sunday and yesterday it rained and it was like 38-40 degrees or so! It's freezing! Time to bundle up!
We have lots of dinner appointments, and I've loved everything that I've been fed so far! Lots of Mexocan food, which I absolutely LOVE! They really like things spicy, and I do too, but then my mouth just burns! But it's worth it! :)
I LOVE the people! I've been praying before I got here that I'd have a hardworking companion and love the people, and my prayers have been answered! I love them all, and I'm already hoping and wishing that I don't get transferred next transfer, but we'll see.
Hna. Calderon, my comp in the MTC, FINALLY got to go to New York south, her mission! She left on Nov 4. (it was the Wednesday before I left). We found out the night before that she was flying out the next morning. We were all crying and laughing so much that night! I didn't want her to go because I love her SO much, but I was SO happy for her. So, I spent my last week in the MTC as a solo sister again. And it wasn't bad at all!
There are SO many things to tell you all, but my time is limited! I have more time in the field to write, which is a plus.
Just so you all know, my apartment is really close to the mission office, so I won't give you my apt address for 2 reasons. One, those who work in the mission office just forward on our mail to our apts, so all of you back home don't have to worry about my address changing all of the time. And two, the apt we live in, for some reason the mailman is unreliable or doesn't leave our mail, I'm not sure what it is. So, we just go to the office and get our mail.
My address is:
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Oklahoma Oklahoma City Mission
416 SW 79th St Ste 210
Oklahoma City, OK 73139-8121
I did have two letters waiting me at the mission office when I arrived last Tuesday from Sarah Price and Grandma Dee. Thank you two for your letters! It was a pleasant surprise! The elders all said, go figure, the sisters always get mail. Hehe! :)
I gotta go, but really quick before I go, one funny story... So, there is this woman, Gregoria Segura. She has a lot of kids and lots of grandkids. She's less active in the church, and we visit her often. Some of her children have been baptized, and we are working with some of them to get them ready to be baptized. She watches her grandkids quite often. Anyway, we were at her house last week, and she told us she a "gallina" (chicken) in the bedroom right off the kitchen. I was not worried about it at all because it was staying in there. Then it came out. I was moving my leg to keep it away. Movement seemed to scare it away. Then as Hna. Whiting was teaching and I was sitting there listening, the chicken flies out of the bedroom. I jumped! I was so freaked out! Gregoria asked if it tried to bite me. I laughed and said no, it just startled me. Haha! So, apparently I'm deathly afraid of chickens. Not really. Hehe!
My spanish is coming along! I actually understand and can speak more than I thought I'd be able to. I'm getting better every day!
So far I love Oklahoma, but I've decided if I wasn't on a mission I might not love it so much. No, but in all seriousness, I really love it. There are lots of stray dogs, lots of run down houses/apts, many barred porches and windows, but I love it here! And the people have a slight accent. When I flew in, the mission president and his wife as well as the APs (assistant to the president) picked us up. They told us to count all of the oil rigs and churches. Because they are both practically everywhere you go. I didn't realize how much Oklahoma is part of the bible belt. Actually, I've been told it's the buckle of the bible belt. Most everyone here is very religious and goes to church. That's amazing to me! It makes it easier to teach the gospel because it's so similar to the time Joseph Smith lived in, with all the churches. I am so blessed to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the face of the earth. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to share that with everyone here in Oklahoma!
I love you all so much! I feel so blessed because I feel like we are teaching a lot of people who are so close to being baptized, and that brings me great joy to see that! Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love. I truly appreciate and love you all! Until next week...
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
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