Hey Everyone!
Sorry it's been two weeks! I'm here in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! I'm loving every minute of it! I flew in last Tuesday, and so I've been here exactly a week today! When the plane was landing, it was cloudy, so I only saw Oklahoma from the sky for two seconds, and it was just how I pictured it-dry, brown, and flat.
I am in the Oklahoma City area, in the Spanish 6th branch, which takes in all the spanish speaking people from this stake. It's kind of a big area. Hermana Whiting is my companion, and I love her SO much! She kind of reminds me a lot of Kira Middleton! She's from Hawaii, but was born in Japan (like Tavin!). Hermana Tucker is with Hermana Alas in the north. They get to reopen an area. I'm kind of glad I'm here where Hna. Whiting and Hna. Alas have been for the past year because it's well established as far as the work goes. Also, Hna. Whiting will be going home in February. We're guessing that when that happens, Hermana Tucker and Hermana Alas will come back here from the north and we'll be a trio until Hna Alas goes home, but we'll see.
This past week, we've taught SO many lessons and contacted many people. I was a little surprised how much we have planned! It's great! I really feel like I've harvesting the field! It's such a blessing! I love it!
When I got here, the weather was nice, but Sunday and yesterday it rained and it was like 38-40 degrees or so! It's freezing! Time to bundle up!
We have lots of dinner appointments, and I've loved everything that I've been fed so far! Lots of Mexocan food, which I absolutely LOVE! They really like things spicy, and I do too, but then my mouth just burns! But it's worth it! :)
I LOVE the people! I've been praying before I got here that I'd have a hardworking companion and love the people, and my prayers have been answered! I love them all, and I'm already hoping and wishing that I don't get transferred next transfer, but we'll see.
Hna. Calderon, my comp in the MTC, FINALLY got to go to New York south, her mission! She left on Nov 4. (it was the Wednesday before I left). We found out the night before that she was flying out the next morning. We were all crying and laughing so much that night! I didn't want her to go because I love her SO much, but I was SO happy for her. So, I spent my last week in the MTC as a solo sister again. And it wasn't bad at all!
There are SO many things to tell you all, but my time is limited! I have more time in the field to write, which is a plus.
Just so you all know, my apartment is really close to the mission office, so I won't give you my apt address for 2 reasons. One, those who work in the mission office just forward on our mail to our apts, so all of you back home don't have to worry about my address changing all of the time. And two, the apt we live in, for some reason the mailman is unreliable or doesn't leave our mail, I'm not sure what it is. So, we just go to the office and get our mail.
My address is:
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Oklahoma Oklahoma City Mission
416 SW 79th St Ste 210
Oklahoma City, OK 73139-8121
I did have two letters waiting me at the mission office when I arrived last Tuesday from Sarah Price and Grandma Dee. Thank you two for your letters! It was a pleasant surprise! The elders all said, go figure, the sisters always get mail. Hehe! :)
I gotta go, but really quick before I go, one funny story... So, there is this woman, Gregoria Segura. She has a lot of kids and lots of grandkids. She's less active in the church, and we visit her often. Some of her children have been baptized, and we are working with some of them to get them ready to be baptized. She watches her grandkids quite often. Anyway, we were at her house last week, and she told us she a "gallina" (chicken) in the bedroom right off the kitchen. I was not worried about it at all because it was staying in there. Then it came out. I was moving my leg to keep it away. Movement seemed to scare it away. Then as Hna. Whiting was teaching and I was sitting there listening, the chicken flies out of the bedroom. I jumped! I was so freaked out! Gregoria asked if it tried to bite me. I laughed and said no, it just startled me. Haha! So, apparently I'm deathly afraid of chickens. Not really. Hehe!
My spanish is coming along! I actually understand and can speak more than I thought I'd be able to. I'm getting better every day!
So far I love Oklahoma, but I've decided if I wasn't on a mission I might not love it so much. No, but in all seriousness, I really love it. There are lots of stray dogs, lots of run down houses/apts, many barred porches and windows, but I love it here! And the people have a slight accent. When I flew in, the mission president and his wife as well as the APs (assistant to the president) picked us up. They told us to count all of the oil rigs and churches. Because they are both practically everywhere you go. I didn't realize how much Oklahoma is part of the bible belt. Actually, I've been told it's the buckle of the bible belt. Most everyone here is very religious and goes to church. That's amazing to me! It makes it easier to teach the gospel because it's so similar to the time Joseph Smith lived in, with all the churches. I am so blessed to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the face of the earth. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to share that with everyone here in Oklahoma!
I love you all so much! I feel so blessed because I feel like we are teaching a lot of people who are so close to being baptized, and that brings me great joy to see that! Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love. I truly appreciate and love you all! Until next week...
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I leave for Oklahoma exactly one week from today!!!! :)
Hey Everyone,
So last Tuesday we got to hear from Elder L. Tom Perry. It was awesome! I love that I have had the opportunity to hear two apostles speak! It's great, and it's reminds me of being at BYU-I for devotionals. He talked about how we as missionaries can teach better. Also, I was in the choir that night and we sang, "Lead Kindly Light." It was awesome!
Last Thursday I got my travel plans! I fly to Oklahoma City next Tuesday, November 10, so today is my last p-day in the MTC. I have to be at the Travel Office at 4am! I'm going to get no sleep! I fly to Chicago/O'hare, IL, have a 50 minute layover, and then fly to Ok City. Crazy! I can't believe my time here in the MTC is so rapidly coming to an end! I can't believe it's November already! Ah!! One elder from my district leaves Monday, I leave Tuesday, and I think everyone leaves Wednesday, all of next week. We aren't sure when Hermana Calderon leaves yet. We should be finding out today or tomorrow.
Yesterday Hermana Calderon and I both had doctors appointments. She has been cleared to leave! Finally! And I don't have to wear my boot any more. The sad part is that the fracture that happened back in June never healed properly. The doctor said I probably should have had a screw put in it, but since it's not hurting he's not going to do anything. What probably happened is that I disrupted it playing volleyball. He said it will be broken (or a non-union is what he called it) for the rest of my life, which means it may be disrupted again and again. My other ankle is still not healed and is sore. I think I might have problems with my feet for the rest of my life. Kind of a bummer! :/ But I'm fine! :)
I got a letter yesterday from the only 2 spanish speaking sisters, Hermana Alas and Hermana Whiting, in the Ok City Mission. They have been companions for a year and have been praying for more sisters! I couldn't believe that! There is only one spanish speaking area, but when I get there I will be paired with one of them and my first companion (Hermana Tucker, she and I will be on the same plane to OK together) will be paired up with the other one of them, and one set of us will open a new area! I'm SO excited! Even if it's not me that opens the area! I started crying as I read their letter. I know I'm supposed to be in Oklahoma, and this is just the beginning of the many reasons why.
All of a sudden it's starting to hit me that I'm going to be preaching the gospel and baptizing and changing and touching many lives. Being in the MTC, you kind of are in this bubble, and you don't really know what you're in for until you get to the field. I really can't wait to be there, although I will miss the MTC SO much! I simply just love it here! But I can't wait to be in the "real world" again teaching the people of Oklahoma and serving them.
During my personal study a few days ago, I found a talk by Neal A. Maxwell called, " Consecrate Thy Performance." It is amazing! I encourage you to read it if you can. (You can search for it on lds.org.) My favorite part was how he said we can't hold back part, we have to give all to God. I just love that! And I'm learning that more and more every day! I can't be part in the work, and part of me back home or somewhere else.
I seriously feel so blessed to be serving a mission! I can't wait to see what trials, blessings, and experiences the Lord has in store for me.
I love you all! I am grateful for your prayers, support, love, and letters! I wish I could write you all. But I am realizing with each week that passes I don't want to write as much as I did when I got here because I just want to focus on the work! It's so amazing how your feelings change when you're on a mission.
Time to go! I'm not sure when my next p-day is, so if you don't here from me next Tuesday, don't worry. I'll write as soon as I can!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
So last Tuesday we got to hear from Elder L. Tom Perry. It was awesome! I love that I have had the opportunity to hear two apostles speak! It's great, and it's reminds me of being at BYU-I for devotionals. He talked about how we as missionaries can teach better. Also, I was in the choir that night and we sang, "Lead Kindly Light." It was awesome!
Last Thursday I got my travel plans! I fly to Oklahoma City next Tuesday, November 10, so today is my last p-day in the MTC. I have to be at the Travel Office at 4am! I'm going to get no sleep! I fly to Chicago/O'hare, IL, have a 50 minute layover, and then fly to Ok City. Crazy! I can't believe my time here in the MTC is so rapidly coming to an end! I can't believe it's November already! Ah!! One elder from my district leaves Monday, I leave Tuesday, and I think everyone leaves Wednesday, all of next week. We aren't sure when Hermana Calderon leaves yet. We should be finding out today or tomorrow.
Yesterday Hermana Calderon and I both had doctors appointments. She has been cleared to leave! Finally! And I don't have to wear my boot any more. The sad part is that the fracture that happened back in June never healed properly. The doctor said I probably should have had a screw put in it, but since it's not hurting he's not going to do anything. What probably happened is that I disrupted it playing volleyball. He said it will be broken (or a non-union is what he called it) for the rest of my life, which means it may be disrupted again and again. My other ankle is still not healed and is sore. I think I might have problems with my feet for the rest of my life. Kind of a bummer! :/ But I'm fine! :)
I got a letter yesterday from the only 2 spanish speaking sisters, Hermana Alas and Hermana Whiting, in the Ok City Mission. They have been companions for a year and have been praying for more sisters! I couldn't believe that! There is only one spanish speaking area, but when I get there I will be paired with one of them and my first companion (Hermana Tucker, she and I will be on the same plane to OK together) will be paired up with the other one of them, and one set of us will open a new area! I'm SO excited! Even if it's not me that opens the area! I started crying as I read their letter. I know I'm supposed to be in Oklahoma, and this is just the beginning of the many reasons why.
All of a sudden it's starting to hit me that I'm going to be preaching the gospel and baptizing and changing and touching many lives. Being in the MTC, you kind of are in this bubble, and you don't really know what you're in for until you get to the field. I really can't wait to be there, although I will miss the MTC SO much! I simply just love it here! But I can't wait to be in the "real world" again teaching the people of Oklahoma and serving them.
During my personal study a few days ago, I found a talk by Neal A. Maxwell called, " Consecrate Thy Performance." It is amazing! I encourage you to read it if you can. (You can search for it on lds.org.) My favorite part was how he said we can't hold back part, we have to give all to God. I just love that! And I'm learning that more and more every day! I can't be part in the work, and part of me back home or somewhere else.
I seriously feel so blessed to be serving a mission! I can't wait to see what trials, blessings, and experiences the Lord has in store for me.
I love you all! I am grateful for your prayers, support, love, and letters! I wish I could write you all. But I am realizing with each week that passes I don't want to write as much as I did when I got here because I just want to focus on the work! It's so amazing how your feelings change when you're on a mission.
Time to go! I'm not sure when my next p-day is, so if you don't here from me next Tuesday, don't worry. I'll write as soon as I can!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
7 semanas tomorrow, 2 mas!
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for everyone that wrote me this week, Bishop Smith, Boo, Caitlin Hendrickson, Rhonda, Sarah Price, and Sonya. I think that was everyone. I got 4 dearelders on Friday I think it was, and I was totally shocked and so happy to feel so loved and hear from you! Thank you!
Last week's devo speaker was Lynn G. Robbins, who spoke on the importance of planning. He pointed out that if God planned the creation of the earth how much more important is it for each of us to plan. I loved his talk!
Last Wednesday I got to host for the first time! That just means I got to show the new sisters around. I hosted two sisters, both who I knew. Sister Varner and Sister Wegelin. So good to see them! Sister Varner is going to Houston, TX Spanish speaking and Sister Wegelin is going to Ogden, UT. I know them both from SD. Also, Sister Varner's mission announcement was in the Oct Seagull in SD with mine. I also got three roommates. So, my room is full again. Sister Tittle going to LA, CA, Sister Bounds, and Sister Tingey. I don't remember where they're going.
Relief Society every Sunday is combined with all of the sisters in the MTC. We have now had the opportunity to hear from Sister Liffereth and Sister Matsumori who I believe are both in the primary general presidency of the church. What an awesome opportunity we have in the MTC to hear from general authorities!
I continue to meet more and more missionaries going to Japan or from Japan. It makes me so happy! I actually just met an elder the other day who got here last Wednesday going to Hiroshima, but I forget his name. Anyway, so fun! Oh, and on Saturday I ran into one of Corey's old teachers, and Sunday I ran into a couple members of his branch presidency. They all loved him and can't believe he's already been in Japan 6 months. I have to say out of everyone, I miss Corey the most. I love him so much!
I'm pretty sure I leave Tuesday, Nov. 10, which means that next Tuesday is my last p-day until I'm in Oklahoma. (If everything is good with my foot. I should be getting it x-rayed next week to see if it's healing. Ironically, my left ankle, that I sprained, hurts more often than my right foot, that's supposedly refractured or another fracture. I still have the boot on.)
Swine flu is running rampant. Three elders in my zone have been quaranteened (sp?) because they have swine flu, two of them are district leaders, so temporary DL have had to be assigned. Nobody in my district is sick, not yet anyway. And I sister who was supposed to leave today who I always see has been quaranteened and delayed due to swine flu. Sad! :(
Today it snowed for the first time! :) At first I was really bummed, but I became happy very quickly thinking, I grew up in SD, so I never lived in snow until BYU-I. Then I realized that I'll have my first white Christmas ever, and that made me SO happy. I know, it's the little things that make my day. Oh, and the snow isn't sticking, just in case you were wondering.
I heard about many engagements and mission calls back home! Congrats all of you! Sorry this is SO impersonal! I would love to write everyone individually, but I can't. Congrats Amber Hendrickson, Justin Jesperson and Haley Skiff on engagements, and David Overson and Lindsey Reas on mission calls! I'm so happy for you all! I wish I could be home to celebrate with you all, but I'll see you in 18 months- 3 years!
Every Sunday, we have the opportunity to watch church films. They show 4 different ones every week. Some are talks and some are movies. This past Sunday, they showed Legacy. Let me tell you how funny it is to watch a movie with the tiniest bit of romance in it with a bunch of single elders and sisters. The elders always laugh during the kisses in the movie. Oh, it's hilarious!
Yesterday, I got to see my dad's Aunt Dorothy. She works in the TRC, and she's volunteered here for 12 years! She is so sweet! I love her so much! I wish I knew her better! It was so good to see her!
I believe that my district is the oldest district in our zone, which means we are the next to leave. It's not real to me that I'm leaving so soon! Ah! I'm so excited though! I really do feel ready to teach and get into the field, but I love the MTC tons and will miss it a lot!
My spanish is okay. It's probably better than I will admit, but I've taught in spanish, and I feel okay about speaking. It is frustrating sometimes because I feel like I can't fully express myself, and I want to give up. I don't know how Corey stayed so positive and optimistic about the whole thing. I know why I'm not learning Japanese! I don't have the patience. I can barely handle spanish. Honestly, it's really not that difficult. I just need to practice. And I hate making mistakes, but that's how you learn. I can't believe by the time I come home I'll be fluent. I can't even imagine that will really happen.
Okay, I gotta write Corey! But I love you all so much! Thank you for all your love, prayers, support, and letters! I love hearing from you! I'm sorry I don't have time to write you all personally. Please know I think of you often and wish I had time to write to you all!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Thanks for everyone that wrote me this week, Bishop Smith, Boo, Caitlin Hendrickson, Rhonda, Sarah Price, and Sonya. I think that was everyone. I got 4 dearelders on Friday I think it was, and I was totally shocked and so happy to feel so loved and hear from you! Thank you!
Last week's devo speaker was Lynn G. Robbins, who spoke on the importance of planning. He pointed out that if God planned the creation of the earth how much more important is it for each of us to plan. I loved his talk!
Last Wednesday I got to host for the first time! That just means I got to show the new sisters around. I hosted two sisters, both who I knew. Sister Varner and Sister Wegelin. So good to see them! Sister Varner is going to Houston, TX Spanish speaking and Sister Wegelin is going to Ogden, UT. I know them both from SD. Also, Sister Varner's mission announcement was in the Oct Seagull in SD with mine. I also got three roommates. So, my room is full again. Sister Tittle going to LA, CA, Sister Bounds, and Sister Tingey. I don't remember where they're going.
Relief Society every Sunday is combined with all of the sisters in the MTC. We have now had the opportunity to hear from Sister Liffereth and Sister Matsumori who I believe are both in the primary general presidency of the church. What an awesome opportunity we have in the MTC to hear from general authorities!
I continue to meet more and more missionaries going to Japan or from Japan. It makes me so happy! I actually just met an elder the other day who got here last Wednesday going to Hiroshima, but I forget his name. Anyway, so fun! Oh, and on Saturday I ran into one of Corey's old teachers, and Sunday I ran into a couple members of his branch presidency. They all loved him and can't believe he's already been in Japan 6 months. I have to say out of everyone, I miss Corey the most. I love him so much!
I'm pretty sure I leave Tuesday, Nov. 10, which means that next Tuesday is my last p-day until I'm in Oklahoma. (If everything is good with my foot. I should be getting it x-rayed next week to see if it's healing. Ironically, my left ankle, that I sprained, hurts more often than my right foot, that's supposedly refractured or another fracture. I still have the boot on.)
Swine flu is running rampant. Three elders in my zone have been quaranteened (sp?) because they have swine flu, two of them are district leaders, so temporary DL have had to be assigned. Nobody in my district is sick, not yet anyway. And I sister who was supposed to leave today who I always see has been quaranteened and delayed due to swine flu. Sad! :(
Today it snowed for the first time! :) At first I was really bummed, but I became happy very quickly thinking, I grew up in SD, so I never lived in snow until BYU-I. Then I realized that I'll have my first white Christmas ever, and that made me SO happy. I know, it's the little things that make my day. Oh, and the snow isn't sticking, just in case you were wondering.
I heard about many engagements and mission calls back home! Congrats all of you! Sorry this is SO impersonal! I would love to write everyone individually, but I can't. Congrats Amber Hendrickson, Justin Jesperson and Haley Skiff on engagements, and David Overson and Lindsey Reas on mission calls! I'm so happy for you all! I wish I could be home to celebrate with you all, but I'll see you in 18 months- 3 years!
Every Sunday, we have the opportunity to watch church films. They show 4 different ones every week. Some are talks and some are movies. This past Sunday, they showed Legacy. Let me tell you how funny it is to watch a movie with the tiniest bit of romance in it with a bunch of single elders and sisters. The elders always laugh during the kisses in the movie. Oh, it's hilarious!
Yesterday, I got to see my dad's Aunt Dorothy. She works in the TRC, and she's volunteered here for 12 years! She is so sweet! I love her so much! I wish I knew her better! It was so good to see her!
I believe that my district is the oldest district in our zone, which means we are the next to leave. It's not real to me that I'm leaving so soon! Ah! I'm so excited though! I really do feel ready to teach and get into the field, but I love the MTC tons and will miss it a lot!
My spanish is okay. It's probably better than I will admit, but I've taught in spanish, and I feel okay about speaking. It is frustrating sometimes because I feel like I can't fully express myself, and I want to give up. I don't know how Corey stayed so positive and optimistic about the whole thing. I know why I'm not learning Japanese! I don't have the patience. I can barely handle spanish. Honestly, it's really not that difficult. I just need to practice. And I hate making mistakes, but that's how you learn. I can't believe by the time I come home I'll be fluent. I can't even imagine that will really happen.
Okay, I gotta write Corey! But I love you all so much! Thank you for all your love, prayers, support, and letters! I love hearing from you! I'm sorry I don't have time to write you all personally. Please know I think of you often and wish I had time to write to you all!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
6 weeks tomorrow, 3 more til Oklahoma!
Hey Everyone,
I only have 16 minutes! Apparently Corey got transferred, so that's why you won't be hearing from him. The mission president's wife said that his Japanese is very good and sometimes people mistake him as Japanese. Hard to believe, but at the same time, it's not because Corey is awesome!
So last week at devotional, we heard from David F. Evans from the first quorum of the seventy. He served his mission in the Japanese mission, I'm guessing when he served it was all one mission in Japan. He also served as mission president in Nagoya, Japan, and he was born on August 11 (like me!). Anyway, his talk was AMAZING! Then again devos are always amazing. He went 30 minutes over. But he talked about the importance of getting investigators to really read the Book of Mormon. He said how can we expect them to gain a testimony of the BOM, after reading just one chapter, when that is not how we gained our testimonies. It was super powerful! I just hope I can apply the things he taught us when I get to the field.
Another one of my roommates left for the field today, Hermana Jones. She's going to Tempe, AZ. Crazy! I also got a new roommate a few days ago, Hermana Tittle. She is going to LA, CA, the same as 3 elders in my district. I absolutely adore her! So there are just 4 of us in my room, and we're not getting new sisters tomorrow. Me, Hermana Calderon (my comp), Hermana Erickson (the new coordinating sister, and she is now solo), and Hermana Tittle (her comps are in a different room, kind of weird, but she moved up from beginning, and her comps' room was full).
Last night was one of my teachers, Hermano Johnston, last night teaching. He is just super busy with school and his wife is expecting a baby. Anyway, kind of sad. We'll have two different teachers to take his place until we leave. I have met one of them, Hermana Ampuno. She was our sub a week or so ago, and she was also one of Hermana Jones' teachers. But I haven't met the other teacher yet.
Thank you for all your support, love, and prayers! I wish I could write more and write you all personally! It seriously kills me that I can't write everything and everyone that I want to. Thank you for the letters, cards, and dearelders!
I leave for Oklahoma on Nov 9 or 10. When I know for sure, I'll let you all know.
Hermana Hogewoning
PS Uncle Clark, I met a couple elders who were from Japan and know you. Chris Lowry and Dallin Shaner. I don't know if you remember them, but I met them a few weeks ago. I think Elder Shaner is gone. Anyway, it's a small world!
I only have 16 minutes! Apparently Corey got transferred, so that's why you won't be hearing from him. The mission president's wife said that his Japanese is very good and sometimes people mistake him as Japanese. Hard to believe, but at the same time, it's not because Corey is awesome!
So last week at devotional, we heard from David F. Evans from the first quorum of the seventy. He served his mission in the Japanese mission, I'm guessing when he served it was all one mission in Japan. He also served as mission president in Nagoya, Japan, and he was born on August 11 (like me!). Anyway, his talk was AMAZING! Then again devos are always amazing. He went 30 minutes over. But he talked about the importance of getting investigators to really read the Book of Mormon. He said how can we expect them to gain a testimony of the BOM, after reading just one chapter, when that is not how we gained our testimonies. It was super powerful! I just hope I can apply the things he taught us when I get to the field.
Another one of my roommates left for the field today, Hermana Jones. She's going to Tempe, AZ. Crazy! I also got a new roommate a few days ago, Hermana Tittle. She is going to LA, CA, the same as 3 elders in my district. I absolutely adore her! So there are just 4 of us in my room, and we're not getting new sisters tomorrow. Me, Hermana Calderon (my comp), Hermana Erickson (the new coordinating sister, and she is now solo), and Hermana Tittle (her comps are in a different room, kind of weird, but she moved up from beginning, and her comps' room was full).
Last night was one of my teachers, Hermano Johnston, last night teaching. He is just super busy with school and his wife is expecting a baby. Anyway, kind of sad. We'll have two different teachers to take his place until we leave. I have met one of them, Hermana Ampuno. She was our sub a week or so ago, and she was also one of Hermana Jones' teachers. But I haven't met the other teacher yet.
Thank you for all your support, love, and prayers! I wish I could write more and write you all personally! It seriously kills me that I can't write everything and everyone that I want to. Thank you for the letters, cards, and dearelders!
I leave for Oklahoma on Nov 9 or 10. When I know for sure, I'll let you all know.
Hermana Hogewoning
PS Uncle Clark, I met a couple elders who were from Japan and know you. Chris Lowry and Dallin Shaner. I don't know if you remember them, but I met them a few weeks ago. I think Elder Shaner is gone. Anyway, it's a small world!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
5 semanas manana!
Hey Everyone,
I only have 14 minutes left! Thank you for the e-mails! I got everyone's today, and that was great!
Last week's devotional was given by Ben B. Banks, emeritus member of the 70. It was amazing! Devos are always amazing! Wish I had time to give you a summary. You can read my notes in 18 months.
Guess what? I got a companion last Wednesday! I love her, Hermana Calderon. She was born in Guatemala, but grew up in the states and Canada. She speaks spanish and english. She has been such a blessing! She's going to New York south spanish speaking. She's been delayed though. She got to the MTC on Aug 28, and was supposed to leave on Sept 14. But she tore her meniscus playing volleyball on Sept 9, and had to have surgery on Sept 15. She has been delayed. We're quite the companionship... she has a knee brace on her left knee, and I have a boot on my right foot.
So, yeah the doctor thinks I have a new fracture in my right foot, but isn't sure. I see the podiatrist again tomorrow to see if they have to do a bone scan and if I need to have surgery. I'll keep you all posted.
Those of you in San Diego look for Elder Rodriguez and Sister Muir. I sent pics home of both of them. Elder Rodriguez was in my first zone, and Sister Muir went to BYU-I with me. They both left today for SD. I told them that I told you guys to look for them.
So, Hermana Keller and Hermana Lindquist left yesterday for Argentina. Crazy! I already miss them, especially Hermana Lindquist!
I am so grateful to be part of this great work, bringing forth the gospel to the world! It's amazing to me! I've heard so many stories, and I can't wait to be in Oklahoma and telling you stories of my own. Heavenly Father loves his children, us, SO much! He is so merciful! He knows exactly what we need when we need it. I have seen that every day here. He is looking out for me, and he is making it possible for me to be here, speaking/teaching in spanish. I'm so grateful for that! Even though I always am SO tired, I somehow am able to push through the day. I am so grateful for all my Heavenly Father has given me and continues to give me. I am so indebted to him, especially for this experience, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I know it's changing me into the woman I need to be, so someday I can get married and rear a family. I feel so blessed.
I love you all tons! Thank you for your prayers, support, and love. Please write if you have time!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
I only have 14 minutes left! Thank you for the e-mails! I got everyone's today, and that was great!
Last week's devotional was given by Ben B. Banks, emeritus member of the 70. It was amazing! Devos are always amazing! Wish I had time to give you a summary. You can read my notes in 18 months.
Guess what? I got a companion last Wednesday! I love her, Hermana Calderon. She was born in Guatemala, but grew up in the states and Canada. She speaks spanish and english. She has been such a blessing! She's going to New York south spanish speaking. She's been delayed though. She got to the MTC on Aug 28, and was supposed to leave on Sept 14. But she tore her meniscus playing volleyball on Sept 9, and had to have surgery on Sept 15. She has been delayed. We're quite the companionship... she has a knee brace on her left knee, and I have a boot on my right foot.
So, yeah the doctor thinks I have a new fracture in my right foot, but isn't sure. I see the podiatrist again tomorrow to see if they have to do a bone scan and if I need to have surgery. I'll keep you all posted.
Those of you in San Diego look for Elder Rodriguez and Sister Muir. I sent pics home of both of them. Elder Rodriguez was in my first zone, and Sister Muir went to BYU-I with me. They both left today for SD. I told them that I told you guys to look for them.
So, Hermana Keller and Hermana Lindquist left yesterday for Argentina. Crazy! I already miss them, especially Hermana Lindquist!
I am so grateful to be part of this great work, bringing forth the gospel to the world! It's amazing to me! I've heard so many stories, and I can't wait to be in Oklahoma and telling you stories of my own. Heavenly Father loves his children, us, SO much! He is so merciful! He knows exactly what we need when we need it. I have seen that every day here. He is looking out for me, and he is making it possible for me to be here, speaking/teaching in spanish. I'm so grateful for that! Even though I always am SO tired, I somehow am able to push through the day. I am so grateful for all my Heavenly Father has given me and continues to give me. I am so indebted to him, especially for this experience, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I know it's changing me into the woman I need to be, so someday I can get married and rear a family. I feel so blessed.
I love you all tons! Thank you for your prayers, support, and love. Please write if you have time!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
one month, 4 weeks, tomorrow
Hey Everyone!
So I'm a little sad, but I didn't get any dearelders or letters this week besides one from my dad and one from a friend. :( I love hearing from you, so please write if you can!
Last Tuesday, our devotional speakers were Brother and Sister Nadauld. Sister Nadauld was the YW's general president when I was in YW's. It was an awesome devo, as usual. This was the first time I wasn't in the choir though. We went, but we were late and there were no spots left. Hopefully, we'll make it on time tonight!
Last Wednesday, I lost 4 elders in my district to the MTC in Peru. So, now there are only 6 of us. Right now I'm with 3 elders. (Hermana Lindquist is reading over my shoulder right now. She and I attended an endowment session together today! So fun! I love her, and she leaves in a week, which is sad!)
Oh, today one of my roommates, Hermana Keller, got an e-mail from Elder Holland. Yeah, apparently Hermana Keller knows EVERYONE! She was in the orchestra w/Mo Tab, and toured with them this summer.
General Conference this weekend was AWESOME! Oh my goodness! I wish I had time to tell you about every detail of this weekend, but I don't! As missionaries, 2000 of us, we pretty much waited in line for meals and saved seats when we weren't watching conference. I read a lot of the Book of Mormon! It was awesome! I am so glad Bishop Smith came up with Marty and Tavin. I wish I could have seen them, but that's just how life goes. It made me a little sad to know they were here at the MTC and I couldn't see them.
I got my foot x-rayed yesterday because it still hurts. The doctor couldn't tell me anything. He said that he sees the old break, but there's a growth plate there, so he can't tell what's going on. I have to go to the radiologist to find out what's going on.
Less than 2 minutes... If Corey knew how much time I spent talking with the elders and sisters who were going to Japan he might just laugh. I love seeing them because it reminds me of Corey.
Okay, I gotta go!
Hermana Hogewoning
So I'm a little sad, but I didn't get any dearelders or letters this week besides one from my dad and one from a friend. :( I love hearing from you, so please write if you can!
Last Tuesday, our devotional speakers were Brother and Sister Nadauld. Sister Nadauld was the YW's general president when I was in YW's. It was an awesome devo, as usual. This was the first time I wasn't in the choir though. We went, but we were late and there were no spots left. Hopefully, we'll make it on time tonight!
Last Wednesday, I lost 4 elders in my district to the MTC in Peru. So, now there are only 6 of us. Right now I'm with 3 elders. (Hermana Lindquist is reading over my shoulder right now. She and I attended an endowment session together today! So fun! I love her, and she leaves in a week, which is sad!)
Oh, today one of my roommates, Hermana Keller, got an e-mail from Elder Holland. Yeah, apparently Hermana Keller knows EVERYONE! She was in the orchestra w/Mo Tab, and toured with them this summer.
General Conference this weekend was AWESOME! Oh my goodness! I wish I had time to tell you about every detail of this weekend, but I don't! As missionaries, 2000 of us, we pretty much waited in line for meals and saved seats when we weren't watching conference. I read a lot of the Book of Mormon! It was awesome! I am so glad Bishop Smith came up with Marty and Tavin. I wish I could have seen them, but that's just how life goes. It made me a little sad to know they were here at the MTC and I couldn't see them.
I got my foot x-rayed yesterday because it still hurts. The doctor couldn't tell me anything. He said that he sees the old break, but there's a growth plate there, so he can't tell what's going on. I have to go to the radiologist to find out what's going on.
Less than 2 minutes... If Corey knew how much time I spent talking with the elders and sisters who were going to Japan he might just laugh. I love seeing them because it reminds me of Corey.
Okay, I gotta go!
Hermana Hogewoning
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
3 weeks tomorrow...
Hey Everyone,
Now I'm down to 11 minutes! AH! So, I got 3 new roommates last Wednesday, and I love them! One of them was Mary Lindquist. I was SO excited about that! I knew her from the branch. But she got moved up to advanced last night, so she's not my roommate any more, but at least we're still in the same zone.
Also, I had the opportunity to do sealings for the first time today. It was the neatest experience. I can't wait to be sealed to my brother and parents some day as well as my future husband!
Okay, so you're not going to believe this, and you might be mad at me, but I hurt my right foot (the one I fractured a few months ago) playing volleyball on Saturday. I almost felt like I refractured it and I kind of wish I had my boot. (Please don't send it to me.) I didn't go to the doctor's because I thought I could walk it off, but nope. So both of my feet are injured, but they're not too bad. I don't have my wrap on my left foot or anything on my right. They just aren't healed all the way. Moral of the story... I shouldn't play volleyball any more. BUT I have since, and I've just been very careful and not played as hard.
I met 4 elders going to San Diego who came in last Wednesday. One of them is Elder Custer, and I don't remember the rest of their names. I also saw my friend, Karisa Muir who came in on Wednesday as well. She is going to San Diego. I know her from BYU-I.
I saw Andrea Middleton the other day! That was way fun! I forgot I have friends who go to school at BYU here in Provo. It's just weird to think they're so close. She is helping the Mongolians.
On Sunday, I conducted the music for our zone/branch. I've always loved conducting though I'm not good at it, but on Sunday this was so different. Conducting in spanish is different. One, I'm constantly looking down at the hymnbook because I don't know the words, and sometimes the rhythm is slighly different. Anyway, I guess I did okay, but I never want to do that again. Although, I'm sure I will.
Also, it was fast and testimony meeting, and I wasn't going to bear my testimony, but I did. I bore it in spanish, and I only said three sentences and then my mind drew a blank, so I concluded en el nombre de Jesucristo, amen, and sat down. I'll get better at speaking spanish. We also got a 3rd counselor to our branch presidency on Sunday. I didn't know that was possible.
Okay, I have 2 minutes. Sorry this was so short and scattered. I want to leave you with something I've learned. It's not up to us to decide if our friends are ready for the gospel or to be baptized. Give the missionaries the names of your friends, and let them teach them. Everyone needs the gospel just as badly as anybody else.
Thank you for all your prayers, support, love, and letters!
Hermana Hogewoning
20 seconds...
Now I'm down to 11 minutes! AH! So, I got 3 new roommates last Wednesday, and I love them! One of them was Mary Lindquist. I was SO excited about that! I knew her from the branch. But she got moved up to advanced last night, so she's not my roommate any more, but at least we're still in the same zone.
Also, I had the opportunity to do sealings for the first time today. It was the neatest experience. I can't wait to be sealed to my brother and parents some day as well as my future husband!
Okay, so you're not going to believe this, and you might be mad at me, but I hurt my right foot (the one I fractured a few months ago) playing volleyball on Saturday. I almost felt like I refractured it and I kind of wish I had my boot. (Please don't send it to me.) I didn't go to the doctor's because I thought I could walk it off, but nope. So both of my feet are injured, but they're not too bad. I don't have my wrap on my left foot or anything on my right. They just aren't healed all the way. Moral of the story... I shouldn't play volleyball any more. BUT I have since, and I've just been very careful and not played as hard.
I met 4 elders going to San Diego who came in last Wednesday. One of them is Elder Custer, and I don't remember the rest of their names. I also saw my friend, Karisa Muir who came in on Wednesday as well. She is going to San Diego. I know her from BYU-I.
I saw Andrea Middleton the other day! That was way fun! I forgot I have friends who go to school at BYU here in Provo. It's just weird to think they're so close. She is helping the Mongolians.
On Sunday, I conducted the music for our zone/branch. I've always loved conducting though I'm not good at it, but on Sunday this was so different. Conducting in spanish is different. One, I'm constantly looking down at the hymnbook because I don't know the words, and sometimes the rhythm is slighly different. Anyway, I guess I did okay, but I never want to do that again. Although, I'm sure I will.
Also, it was fast and testimony meeting, and I wasn't going to bear my testimony, but I did. I bore it in spanish, and I only said three sentences and then my mind drew a blank, so I concluded en el nombre de Jesucristo, amen, and sat down. I'll get better at speaking spanish. We also got a 3rd counselor to our branch presidency on Sunday. I didn't know that was possible.
Okay, I have 2 minutes. Sorry this was so short and scattered. I want to leave you with something I've learned. It's not up to us to decide if our friends are ready for the gospel or to be baptized. Give the missionaries the names of your friends, and let them teach them. Everyone needs the gospel just as badly as anybody else.
Thank you for all your prayers, support, love, and letters!
Hermana Hogewoning
20 seconds...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
two weeks tomorrow!
Hey Everyone,
So I have 20 minutes to write a week's worth of happenings! So little time! P-day was crazy today! I didn't get the privledge of 2 p-days in a row, and I've been stressed all day because I have SO much to do! And p-day is supposed to be over in about an hour. But I have choir in like 30 minutes. I need to finish letters, laundry, get in church clothes. Life here is so busy!
Well, this past week SO much has happened! Last Tuesday we got to hear from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland for our MTC Devotional. It was AMAZING! I took like 6 pages of notes! I wish you had all been there to hear it. I've never written so fast in my life. I wanted to write everything he said, but obviously I wasn't able to. It was amazing!
Last Friday, I sprained my ankle playing volleyball. Yes, I fell victim to being injured during gym time in the gym. It hurt so bad, but I spiked the ball, and it made it over the net! I was SO proud. I had jumped up to hit it with my left hand, and I came back down and rolled my left ankle. I couldn't get up. It was not fun. The funny thing is another elder in my district broke his right foot playing volleyball last Monday, just over a week ago. AND one of the physical trainers working in the gym Friday, told us right before we prayed, one of you will probably sprain your ankle today. When I got into the training room he apologized for jinxing me. He felt so bad.
I ended up being on crutches all day Friday, and Saturday I could not do crutches again. My body was SO sore from walking with crutches. My foot really hurt though, and I couldn't really walk on it. But a miraculous thing happened...after icing it Saturday before lunch, I could walk on it without it being in too much pain. And now, it's virtually all the way healed. I have it wrapped. No cast or boot! Anyway... enough about that.
I met an elder, Elder Garry, who will leave around Oct 13 to go to Corey's mission, Hiroshima, Japan. It's so fun that I know who's going to Japan. I can tell the difference in their plaques since I know what Corey's looks like. Anyway, this elder is blonde hair and blue eyes, so Corey won't be the only one. Actually, his whole district usually eats meals at the table right by ours, so I always see them. Kind of fun!
Oh, the elder on crutches with the broken foot, Elder Weir, is from Lindon, Utah, and knows my cousin, Michael Goodrich. What a small world!
I ran into one of my BCs from EFY this summer, Erin Tueller. She's a teacher here, and it was so fun to see her. I didn't have my camera with me, so we didn't get a pic, but hopefully I'll run into her again and get a pic with her. Also, one of my favorite things here is the RC, the referral center. Because you get to talk to real people interested in the church. I talked to this guy on the phone last Thursday, Joe King from North Carolina. He was telling me all about his problems. He has bipolar depression. I was able to relate to him because of all of the depression in my family. He calls this number often when he's sad, and he says every time he calls whoever he talks to has been through the same thing he's going through. He said, God must be watching out for me. I told him that's true. He has met with the missionaries TONS! He has a Bible and a triple combination. I asked what's stopping him from being baptized, and he said fear. First I explained how faith casts out fear. Then, I commited him over the phone to call the missionaries and tell them he wants to be baptized. Anyway, I'm going to try to find out if he actually called. But that was such a neat experience!
Thank you for all your prayers and support, and for those who have written letters and dearelders. I love mail! I can't even tell you! It's so good to hear about what's going on with you all!
I have pictures printed, but I need to send them home. Hopefully I'll do that soon.
Okay, I gotta run, but I love you all! Just a reminder my new mailbox number is 181, and my MTC code and departure date is OK-OKL 1109.
Love, Hermana Hogewoning
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
two p-days in a row!
So, I got transferred last night to the intermediate class. They told me while I was in the middle of dinner, and after they told me I didn't feel like eating. I said my goodbyes to my old district and zone, and I moved to my new district. It was sad, but it was more bittersweet than anything. I'm sad because I've met so many awesome people, and I've already grown to love the elders and sisters in my district, zone, along with my teachers, and branch presidency. The guy who told me I was transferring actually gave me the option of whether or not I want to stay in beginning or move up. Another elder in my district was moving into intermediate as well. He is very outspoken, but I'm trying hard to be patient. As tempting as it was to stay in my old district, and allow that one elder to be a reason for me to not go up, I moved up. I already miss everyone so much!
But last night I got to meet my new district, and I love them already! There are 9 elders and me, so I'm the ONLY sister. In my old district there were 7 elders and 4 sisters, including myself. It's kind of odd to be the only sister. That also means I'm a "solo" sister. That just means I don't have a sister as my companion 24-7, so two elders or another sister have to escort me everywhere. Usually I will have to be escorted by 2 elders. If I'm going to the temple, doing laundry, or anything that isn't with the district as a whole, I have to be with another sister. It's kind of weird. Even my district leader doesn't know how this works. We're all learning together.
There is an elder from San Diego in my district, Elder Bies. I actually ran into him on Sunday. He was in my aunt's stake a while ago, and I remember his brother, Taylor. It's kind of fun that we kind of know each other.
So just to explain a little bit... a district is made up of I believe about 10-20 elders and/or sisters. Then one of the elders is called as district leader. Then you have about 3-5 districts which make up a branch/zone (branch and zone are the same thing, but branch refers to your "ward"-church on Sunday, and zone refers to the people in the surrounding classrooms in the same building as you, but they're the same thing). Then there are two zone leaders called, and then a branch presidency (bishopric).
Please note that I have a new mailbox number. I now have box #181 instead of #155, please let everyone know! Also, don't forget to use dearelder.com! It's awesome, and I would love to hear from you all! Another thing is that my p-day is now on Tuesday, thus why you're hearing from me two days in a row. Lucky me, I guess! My old district's p-day was on Mondays, but my new district's p-day is on Tuesdays.
I'll possibly write more later today!
Hermana Hogewoning
So, I got transferred last night to the intermediate class. They told me while I was in the middle of dinner, and after they told me I didn't feel like eating. I said my goodbyes to my old district and zone, and I moved to my new district. It was sad, but it was more bittersweet than anything. I'm sad because I've met so many awesome people, and I've already grown to love the elders and sisters in my district, zone, along with my teachers, and branch presidency. The guy who told me I was transferring actually gave me the option of whether or not I want to stay in beginning or move up. Another elder in my district was moving into intermediate as well. He is very outspoken, but I'm trying hard to be patient. As tempting as it was to stay in my old district, and allow that one elder to be a reason for me to not go up, I moved up. I already miss everyone so much!
But last night I got to meet my new district, and I love them already! There are 9 elders and me, so I'm the ONLY sister. In my old district there were 7 elders and 4 sisters, including myself. It's kind of odd to be the only sister. That also means I'm a "solo" sister. That just means I don't have a sister as my companion 24-7, so two elders or another sister have to escort me everywhere. Usually I will have to be escorted by 2 elders. If I'm going to the temple, doing laundry, or anything that isn't with the district as a whole, I have to be with another sister. It's kind of weird. Even my district leader doesn't know how this works. We're all learning together.
There is an elder from San Diego in my district, Elder Bies. I actually ran into him on Sunday. He was in my aunt's stake a while ago, and I remember his brother, Taylor. It's kind of fun that we kind of know each other.
So just to explain a little bit... a district is made up of I believe about 10-20 elders and/or sisters. Then one of the elders is called as district leader. Then you have about 3-5 districts which make up a branch/zone (branch and zone are the same thing, but branch refers to your "ward"-church on Sunday, and zone refers to the people in the surrounding classrooms in the same building as you, but they're the same thing). Then there are two zone leaders called, and then a branch presidency (bishopric).
Please note that I have a new mailbox number. I now have box #181 instead of #155, please let everyone know! Also, don't forget to use dearelder.com! It's awesome, and I would love to hear from you all! Another thing is that my p-day is now on Tuesday, thus why you're hearing from me two days in a row. Lucky me, I guess! My old district's p-day was on Mondays, but my new district's p-day is on Tuesdays.
I'll possibly write more later today!
Hermana Hogewoning
Monday, September 14, 2009
first 5 days
Hey Guys,
First of all, please don't pass out my e-mail address! Thank you!
The first few days have been great! I love the MTC! My companion's name is Hermana Tucker. She's from Ogden, UT, and we're both going to OK City, OK Spanish speaking. My district is awesome! There are 11 of us, 4 are hermanas. We are the only sisters in our whole zone/branch. The four of us are all in the same dorm.
Unfortunately, I found out I will be leaving them because I tested out of beginning spanish to intermediate. I was supposed to have found out by today when I will leave and where I'm going but still no word. That also means my box number will change, so hopefully next week I will have a different address for you guys. It's excting that I get to move up, but I'm sad to leave all of the friends that I've made. And I don't really feel that I'm that much better than them. I just tend to talk more. Hehe! Anyway...
I have seen SO many people I know! It's crazy! I have seen Elder Wolz, Elder Price (Jarom's little brother), Elder Cooper (he attended Santee 4th branch and I went to high school with his older sister), Elder Wright (He is in Tierrasanta ward. Honestly, we didn't know each other until now. I've seen him around though. He and I have gym together and we see each other sometimes during class because our classrooms are right across the hall from each other.), Elder Call (I stayed with Jen Call when I was in Rexburg. Elder Call is her little brother, and we were supposed to go to MesoAmerica together.), The Beachley's, Sister Hartvigsen (her older brother and I were in the same ward my first year at BYU-I), Elder Yergensen (this is a stretch, but he's distantly related to Sean Yergensen who is the husband of Jessica Touchet Yergensen. Jessica and I went to high school together), Sister Law ( I didn't know her, but I'd see her all the time at BYU-I), Sister Olsen (she served her mission in SD, and I used to go out with her all the time to appts and stuff. She is now teaching here in the MTC.), Sister Connolly (She and I were EFY counselors together this past summer in Rexburg. She is going to the Carlsbad, CA mission.), and I'm probably forgetting somebody!
This morning we went to the 7am session at the Provo Temple. I saw Alan Farnes in the session. He and I were EFY counselors in SLC this past summer. Crazy! I see people I know everywhere! So fun!
We eat in the cafeteria, and I love it! My favorite part is chocolate milk, although last night I ate my first meal without chocolate milk. Really, I should just drink water. But I could see how it would be super easy for missionaries to gain weight in the MTC. We have gym every day. Hermana Tucker and I usually play volleyball. On Saturday though we decided to take a leap and run a mile. I love running and I hate it at the same time. I am SO sore from running! I didn't ever work out before, mostly out of laziness, but I do love exercising. My favorite parts of my day are eating and working out. You may think it's weird. But time in the cafeteria is time when I can just relax and visit.
Spanish is going okay. We are supposed to "SYL" (speak your language) as much as possible, but I'm really bad at it. Oh well! I'll get it eventually. I can understand people speaking, but I can't really speak. But I'm not discouraged or anything. So don't worry! :)
The weather has been way nice, but it rained a little yesterday. Then today while Hermana Tucker and I were doing our personal study outside we heard thunder and saw lightning. There were two elders and a sister who "contacted" us, and during their entire message all 5 of us were distracted because of the weather. Then it started pouring when we got our sack lunches. Elder Wright, his comp (Elder Dent), Hermana Tucker and I all happened to be getting lunch at the same time today.
We will go to the temple once a week, on our p-day, which is Monday. I love p-day! It's the only day I can write letters home! I look forward to writing home! I love writing! I've written in my journal every day so far. I write in it right before I go to bed.
I have 6 minutes so I need to wrap this up! Love you all! I've received two dearelders from Grandma Dee, and one postcard from dad. The other 3 sisters have already received letters from their moms, and two of them have received packages. I love getting mail, so you should all write me.
Gotta go! Love you!
Hermana Hogewoning
First of all, please don't pass out my e-mail address! Thank you!
The first few days have been great! I love the MTC! My companion's name is Hermana Tucker. She's from Ogden, UT, and we're both going to OK City, OK Spanish speaking. My district is awesome! There are 11 of us, 4 are hermanas. We are the only sisters in our whole zone/branch. The four of us are all in the same dorm.
Unfortunately, I found out I will be leaving them because I tested out of beginning spanish to intermediate. I was supposed to have found out by today when I will leave and where I'm going but still no word. That also means my box number will change, so hopefully next week I will have a different address for you guys. It's excting that I get to move up, but I'm sad to leave all of the friends that I've made. And I don't really feel that I'm that much better than them. I just tend to talk more. Hehe! Anyway...
I have seen SO many people I know! It's crazy! I have seen Elder Wolz, Elder Price (Jarom's little brother), Elder Cooper (he attended Santee 4th branch and I went to high school with his older sister), Elder Wright (He is in Tierrasanta ward. Honestly, we didn't know each other until now. I've seen him around though. He and I have gym together and we see each other sometimes during class because our classrooms are right across the hall from each other.), Elder Call (I stayed with Jen Call when I was in Rexburg. Elder Call is her little brother, and we were supposed to go to MesoAmerica together.), The Beachley's, Sister Hartvigsen (her older brother and I were in the same ward my first year at BYU-I), Elder Yergensen (this is a stretch, but he's distantly related to Sean Yergensen who is the husband of Jessica Touchet Yergensen. Jessica and I went to high school together), Sister Law ( I didn't know her, but I'd see her all the time at BYU-I), Sister Olsen (she served her mission in SD, and I used to go out with her all the time to appts and stuff. She is now teaching here in the MTC.), Sister Connolly (She and I were EFY counselors together this past summer in Rexburg. She is going to the Carlsbad, CA mission.), and I'm probably forgetting somebody!
This morning we went to the 7am session at the Provo Temple. I saw Alan Farnes in the session. He and I were EFY counselors in SLC this past summer. Crazy! I see people I know everywhere! So fun!
We eat in the cafeteria, and I love it! My favorite part is chocolate milk, although last night I ate my first meal without chocolate milk. Really, I should just drink water. But I could see how it would be super easy for missionaries to gain weight in the MTC. We have gym every day. Hermana Tucker and I usually play volleyball. On Saturday though we decided to take a leap and run a mile. I love running and I hate it at the same time. I am SO sore from running! I didn't ever work out before, mostly out of laziness, but I do love exercising. My favorite parts of my day are eating and working out. You may think it's weird. But time in the cafeteria is time when I can just relax and visit.
Spanish is going okay. We are supposed to "SYL" (speak your language) as much as possible, but I'm really bad at it. Oh well! I'll get it eventually. I can understand people speaking, but I can't really speak. But I'm not discouraged or anything. So don't worry! :)
The weather has been way nice, but it rained a little yesterday. Then today while Hermana Tucker and I were doing our personal study outside we heard thunder and saw lightning. There were two elders and a sister who "contacted" us, and during their entire message all 5 of us were distracted because of the weather. Then it started pouring when we got our sack lunches. Elder Wright, his comp (Elder Dent), Hermana Tucker and I all happened to be getting lunch at the same time today.
We will go to the temple once a week, on our p-day, which is Monday. I love p-day! It's the only day I can write letters home! I look forward to writing home! I love writing! I've written in my journal every day so far. I write in it right before I go to bed.
I have 6 minutes so I need to wrap this up! Love you all! I've received two dearelders from Grandma Dee, and one postcard from dad. The other 3 sisters have already received letters from their moms, and two of them have received packages. I love getting mail, so you should all write me.
Gotta go! Love you!
Hermana Hogewoning
Monday, August 31, 2009
"Consider the Lilies"-My "Unfarewell"
Yesterday was seriously AMAZING! Sometimes I really wish every day could be Sunday, but I guess that's why I'm going on a mission. ;) It was one of the best days ever! I couldn't have asked for a better, more enjoyable, more spiritual, more fun, more exciting day! I really just wish Corey and my mom had been there to enjoy it with me.
First, my home ward... I arrived at church about 10 minutes early, and I walked into the chapel to hear my aunt, cousins, and Matt practicing for the special musical number. I almost started crying! It sounded so awesome! That song has a lot of significance to me, and it's one of my favorites! I sat up on the stand, and the other speakers weren't there yet. I was a little worried about that, but then I saw them sitting in the congregation and I was very relieved!
Bishop Smith gave me my plague to hold for about an hour. He told everyone of how he took Corey to general conference last October, and how I met up with them. We went to the MTC, the 3 of us, and got permission to stand in front of the infamous map. Of course, neither of us had our calls at the time, so we shrugged our shoulders and posed with an "I don't know" face. Here's the picture...

At that time I didn't even know that I was going on a mission. Then he talked about now, how Corey is serving his mission in Hiroshima (not Tokyo!), Japan, and how I'm leaving to serve in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Spanish speaking. He read the scripture on my plaque. It's kind of choppy because what I wanted to fit, couldn't fit, but I wanted this to be my scripture. The reference is Matthew 6:28-34, "Consider the lilies-He knoweth that ye have need of all these things-Take no thought for the morrow."
The Pinas spoke on reverence and going through hard times, which they were both great! Then Jackie, Lahren, Dallen and Matt sang "Consider the Lilies." It was wonderful! Then I spoke on Elder Perry's talk from this past general conference entitled, "Bring Souls unto Me." I wasn't nervous at all. In fact, I love speaking. This was the first time I have spoken for 20 minutes or so. I remember looking at the time thinking, I already have to conclude? Where did my 20 minutes go? It was just an awesome sacrament meeting, and the spirit was so strong!
I couldn't believe how many people came to hear me speak. I later found out from the elders that Bishop Smith had asked them to be ushers since the chapel was so full. We took some pictures outside afterwards. I'm so grateful for everyone I know, especially those who came to my ward yesterday. I hate saying goodbye, but I know that I'll be back before I know it. A year and a half will fly by!
A few pictures from yesterday...
Caitlin and I. I've known Caitlin forever! I love her so much!
Chris and I... I hadn't seen Chris in a few years, so it was way fun to see her! She drove all the way down from Oceanside with her two kids just to hear me speak!
Marty, Me, and Tavin! Like my brothers, future missionaries!
Weston, Kira, Me, John, Lorraine! A few of the best friends in the world! (Only they would get up at 9am just to hear me speak. ;) )
Erin and I! I'm just another friend of hers leaving for the mission field! 18 months and we'll all be together again! :)
Me with my plague... it's official now! And it can go in the trophy case in a week and a half!
Eden and I... yes, I know, she's taller than me. (The sad part is, she doesn't even have shoes on!) I love her like my little sister!

New hair!
Friday night I was talking to a friend, Lindsay. She was like, yeah, I need to get my hair cut. I said, me too! But I was like, I don't look good with short hair. It's been kind of hot, and I'm sick of just throwing my hair up and not doing it because it's so hot. Then I thought, Christina, it will ALWAYS grow back. It's just a hair cut. So I immediately started looking at hairstyles online, and I found one I really liked. I told nobody that I was cutting my hair.
Saturday, I ran a few errands with a friend, Erin, and I told her that I wanted to chop off all my hair. She said, no, don't do it. Then I told her I had a picture of what I wanted. As soon as she saw the picture, she immediately asked if she could come with me to get my hair cut. I said, sure. So, I went and got it cut. I chopped off 9 inches! After, I went back to Erin's house, and she curled it just to experiment.
Honestly, I wasn't thrilled at first, but it's growing on me. I'll get used to it eventually, but I do miss my long hair! :(
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time to start saying goodbye...
I fly out of San Diego in just under 2 weeks! Ah, it's crazy! I can't believe it's almost time for me to leave! This is not real! It probably won't be until I'm actually in the mission field with a tag on that says, "Hermana Hogewoning."
Me and my friends at the Little's house. (Front to back, left to right: John, Luke, Mary, Me, Christine, Lorraine, Lindsay, Carlee, Randall, Justin, and Buddy)
Me, Jessica, and Bradley (Jessica's baby) at Jake's Open House. I love her, and she has the cutest baby ever!
Jake and I, the soon to be missionaries! He and Corey are the same age, and they grew up together. Jake is going to the Tallahassee, Florida mission. He reports to the MTC this Wednesday. This was another goodbye, but he reminded me that we might see each other in the MTC.

Brittany and I at her reception at the McWhirter's house in La Mesa. She looked amazing! I'm so happy for her and Alex!
Kira, Me, Caitlin, and Lindsay at Brittany's reception in San Diego (La Mesa). I love these girls!
The goodbyes have officially begun! One of my friends left on a mission, and a few of my friends are returning back to BYU this week to start school. It's sad to see them go, but I love them and I look forward to seeing them again in 18 months or so.
I really am grateful for my many, many, good, and amazing friends! I feel so blessed to know such great people! And I just keep meeting new people and making more friends! It's great!
Tonight I went to the branch's FHE (family home evening). We met at the Little's, watched The Princess Bride and swam. It was great! We kept saying bye to each other and trying to leave, but nobody was leaving. It was pretty funny. We finally all left around 10:45 or so. We just love each other so much!

I always hate saying bye! I hate when people move, and I lose contact with them. But I found a scripture that is comforting to me. If our paths don't ever cross again in this life, it's okay because, "...that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory..." (D&C 130:2). I love knowing that!
Here are some other pictures from the last couple of days...
Amber and I at Brittany's reception. Love her! (This was the last time I'll see Amber before I leave for the mish.)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The longest day of my life!
I feel very blessed because even though I'm not working, I've had some random jobs just fall into my lap this past week without exerting any effort. I'm so grateful for that! BUT, because of them, I had the longest day ever yesterday.
I was house/dog-sitting for a family from Wednesday morning to last night. Yesterday, I baby-sat all day long, from 8 in the morning to 10 at night! I had three kids until 1pm, and then one kid until 4ish. Then three kids again the rest of the day/night. I kind of felt a little bit like a mom yesterday. I was running all day, trying to do a million things at once with kids and stay sane.
I was telling the Densley's that after yesterday, I never want kids. I know that's not true though. I do want kids some day. I love them, but I'm grateful that I'm not a mom yet. I know when they are my own, it will be a lot different, and I'll love them all, every single second. But I am grateful for all these experiences I am able to have that allow me to learn such important things that will prepare me for what lies in my future-motherhood!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
21 Things I've Learned...
The other night my aunt asked what I've learned in my 21 years of life. I gave no answer because I thought, that could take forever to tell what I've learned in 21 years. But here is a snapshot of what I've learned so far on this road we call life:
1. Life never goes how we plan it.
2. Our time on this earth is precious and short, and we never know when our time will be up. Our mission is not complete until that time comes.
3. Everyone is struggling in some way or another. Even the people who seem to have it all together. Our job is to always be reaching out to each other, so that people never fall off the path.
4. We don't need to keep the false traditions of our fathers. We can break the negative cycle and start a positive one.
5. Parents are there to parent their children, and sometimes children are there to parent their parents.
6. Rules are not meant to be broken. In fact, our obedience provides us with safety and freedom.
7. Often the best way we learn is from our own mistakes. That doesn't mean we have to learn the hard way and make every single mistake possible. We can often learn just as easily from the mistakes of others.
8. It is not important to know details and information about things that are not pertinent to our salvation.
9. You don't need to know why you have to do something in order to do it.
10. Communication is an acquired skill that not everyone has.
11. Happiness is a choice, which not everyone chooses or knows how to.
12. Depression is not merely a choice, but a real emotional illness/condition.
13. It's impossible to keep in contact with everyone I want to the way that I want to.
14. Things in life don't happen coincidentally.
15. The only thing we really have, that is ours, is our will.
16. Serving others brings more happiness than focusing on ourselves.
17. TV is the root of all evil. (Well, in my house anyway.)
18. It takes a lot of work to become a person other than that of your parents.
19. It takes a village to raise a child.
20. I've learned more from my brother than he's probably learned from me.
21. People come into your life, right when you need them to. They only stay as long as you need them to, and then somebody else comes along. But sometimes they stay forever.
At 21, you think you know everything, and then you realize you really know nothing.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A month and a day...
Time is slipping by so quickly these days! I used to think I had all the time in the world until I leave, but I'm realizing that I really don't.
And life just keeps changing every day!
Today was a blast, though I wish I had pictures to show you how awesome it was. :/ Oh well! Technology fails us sometimes.
Tomorrow will be another great day! :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Mark Your Calendars...
Just two dates I wanted to give you...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My "Farewell" at 9am at the Aztec Building
(5555 Aztec Drive La Mesa, CA)
Friday, September 4, 2009
Open House from 6-9pm
The Densley's Home
(7670 Loma Vista Drive La Mesa, CA)
I hope you can all make it! Just so you know, I fly out of San Diego on Monday, September 7 around 10am, and I will report to the MTC on Wednesday, September 9! Less than 5 weeks away!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wisdom Teeth... :/
I had to get my bottom two wisdom teeth pulled. I had to go to an oral surgeon, which I was a little nervous for. Because I've never had surgery or anything like that before. But it really wasn't that bad. My aunt was my "designated driver." All I remember is they took me back, and there were two nurses helping prep me and the room. Then the doctor came in and tied a tourniquet right above my elbow, and then inserted the IV, which I didn't know I would have or need. Then I was awake, and it was over. The nurse asked if I could get up. I went to get up, without her help, and I think I kind of made her nervous. I just assumed I could get up, like I always do without help, but since I was given anesthesia, I went to get up and was a little tipsy.
Then I went back to my aunt's house, and I ate something and took the meds they had prescribed me. Then I fell asleep to Harry Potter. I woke up, and I felt fine. I actually was going crazy that I was just supposed to sit and rest. I wanted to be doing stuff, going places. The idea of someone taking care of me was great for a couple of hours, and then I realized I didn't really like it. Me at my aunt's house... (I don't look too bad.)
I went home Monday night, and the next morning I went to the beach with the Densley's. I still felt great. Then Wednesday, the left side of my mouth started hurting, but only when I didn't take the pain meds. Yesterday though was a different story. I don't know why, but the left side of my mouth continues to hurt really badly. I don't want to open my mouth for anything - to eat, to talk, to brush my teeth, to yawn, etc. It all is so painful. I iced it, which helps just because it kind of numbs it so I can't feel it. But I woke up so many times last night. I was hot and my mouth hurt. Maybe I have dry socket or something. Time to see the dentist...
Densley's "Remodel"...
I don't have a job, and I have realized that it might be impossible to get one since both of my former employers have turned me away. Plus, who wants to hire someone for a month and a half. I've put in some applications, but I'm leaving soon. I don't see myself getting a real job before I leave.
and I realized this was at least a two man job from here until the pieces were moved to the other room.
I've had a lot of extra time on my hands. Besides preparing to go on a mission, I've spent a lot of time with the Densley's. Randal and Shelly keep asking why I come back. They say it's so crazy at their house, and who would voluntarily come join the craziness!?!!?!? Me!
Anyway, they have been kind of busy moving furniture, painting, remodeling the front bathroom, etc. I didn't realize how much they had to do until I was at their house about a week ago. I was kind of having a rough day, and I was getting ready to go home. But then I asked Randal if I could help. Sure enough, he put me to work. I'm so glad he did because helping them made me happy. I was no longer sad, and I had so much fun.
My job was to find a way to move the bunk bed from the front bedroom to the little boys' new bedroom, taking it apart as little as possible, but labeling it to remember what pieces go where. At first, I thought, I can just take this apart. I don't need to draw a picture or label things. But Randal told me to draw a picture and label the parts, so I did. Then I needed to take apart the daybed and move it from the little boys' new room to the front bedroom.
I got to this point...
Same with the daybed. I got here... (Notice the soda on the floor behind the bed. Hansen and Owen got a 12 pack of orange soda from grandma, and they hid it. When I took the mattress off, I found it. Hehe! They're so funny!)

and then realized I would need at least one other person's help to move the bed and/or take it apart.
I recruited Shelly, Randal, and Tavin to help me. Once I started, I was on a roll, and anxious to get it done. I was kind of leading the process though. While we were taking the beds apart, moving pieces, and putting them back together, I remembered something someone had said in my prep for marriage class at BYU-I last fall. I think it was a student, but it might have been the teacher. They said that you should build a piece of furniture with your boyfriend/girlfriend to know if you two are good together before you get married. Haha! Tavin came to the conclusion, when we had finished putting the beds together, that he and I could never get married. Haha! Good times!
July 18, 2009 - The best day of my life!
Saturday, July 18, 2009 was an unforgettable day! It was the best day of my life, up to this point! I got to receive my endowment in the temple! Shelly was my escort. The whole day was absolutely perfect! The only thing that would have made it better was if my immediate family could have been present.
After the temple, we went out to dinner at Olive Garden, my favorite restaurant! It was delicious!
Left to right: Jackie, Tayler, Jarom, Rhonda, Me, Shelly, and Randal
And it was the perfect ending to a perfect day! :)
Mt. Helix
I had never EVER been to the top of Mt. Helix. The closest I had been was a friend's house, which is close to the top. I couldn't believe it. How could I have grown up in La Mesa, spent 18 out of almost 21 years here, and never have been there!?!!?
So the other day, I can't remember what I was doing, but I was close, so I decided to drive to Mt. Helix. Here are some pictures:
Right next to gate to Mt. Helix...
Mission Call and Map!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
And I'm going to...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
It has been opened...
I opened my mission call last night! I know you're all dying to know where I'm going, BUT I'm not going to post it yet. But soon...
Last night was so awesome though! Tavin had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor with Forrest, and that was great! It brought back so many good memories, and it made me miss Corey a little bit. It felt weird to not have him here yesterday since it was kind of a big day. But it was a great Court of Honor!
Then we came back to my house and waited for Shelly and Randal to come so I could open my call. I was so happy, and it was so fun to be surrounded by so many great people who love me! I'm so glad I could share that moment with so many! I wish everyone could have been there! It was an unforgettable night! I feel so lucky and so blessed! I am so excited to serve a mission! One of many exciting things about the mission, is that Corey and I won't miss each others lives since we'll both be on missions at the same time and we'll get home at about the same time.
I'm SO excited! Less than three months...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My Call has Arrived!!!!
My mission call has arrived! It's at my house in San Diego, and I'll be home to open it on Tuesday night! I'm so excited! I just can't wait! :)
Come to my house at 9:30pm on Tuesday to watch me open my call!
And this is my 100th entry. Crazy!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mission Call Status!
I just found out that my mission call was sent out from Salt Lake last Friday, which means it should be arriving in San Diego any day now! I'm SO excited! I can't even explain it!
I am still in Rexburg finishing my last session of EFY. I am SO sad that EFY is coming to an end, but it has been an AMAZING experience! I have love every second of it, although it wasn't always easy!
As for when me and my call will be together... I hope to be back in San Diego next Tuesday, and I am planning on opening my call Tuesday night after Tavin's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I know, that others, which shall remain unnamed, are planning on going to my house and intercepting my call, opening it for me, then calling and telling me of some random place, where I'm actually not going, and keeping the actual place where I will be serving a secret. Let's just say, that's not going to happen! You all get to wait until I'm back in San Diego for ME to open it! ;) But I want everyone to be there when I do!
AH!! I'm so excited! I love you all, and I can't wait to find out where I'll be serving for 18 months!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Mission Papers REALLY Submitted
I know I had already told everyone that my mission papers were in, but they weren't. BUT now they are. I got an e-mail from the stake president last night saying they my papers have been submitted to church headquarters. That means that my call could be decided this coming week and sent out by the end of next week.
I was planning on being home in about two weeks, but I may end up doing a couple more weeks of EFY. I seriously love it SO much! I just can't get enough! Hehe! It's SO exhausting, but it's so fun! I just love it! I don't want it to ever end.
Well, I love you all! Thank you for your prayers, love, comfort, and support in my behalf.
Monday, June 8, 2009
My first fracture... :/

I was walking out of my friend's house yesterday, and I misstepped. My foot was way swollen and hurt really badly. I went to the health center today. They took some x-rays and told me I fractured my foot. :/ I get to wear this beautiful boot for the next 4-6 weeks. The good thing is that I don't have to have a cast, so I don't have to worry about showering with that and everything else.
Honestly, yeah it hurts, and I had never broken, fractured, or sprained anything, but it's a new experience. I'm still going to have a blast at EFY! And I'm going to enjoy wearing this boot! :)
Watch out EFY, week 2 here I come!!!!
I survived week 1 of EFY!
This past week was the hardest and best week of my life! I can't explain it, and all I know is that being an EFY counselor is very similar to being a missionary. So, it was an awesome sneak peek at mission life.
Speaking of missions, apparently my papers aren't in like I thought they were. Apparently, I was missing some information, so I have to find it and then hopefully they can be submitted.
Week 2 of EFY, here I come!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
To go on a mission, hmm...
I don't know if I can keep it a secret any more, but I've decided to go on a mission! I'm SO excited! I think most everybody knows, but I know some of my friends from Rexburg may not know. I submitted my mission papers this past week! I can't believe it! It just doesn't seem real to me!
It was 6 weeks ago yesterday that I called my bishop and told him I wanted to start my papers. I didn't tell anyone until Mother's Day that I had made that decision. It was really hard to keep it a secret. I wanted to tell everyone, but I was worried that I wasn't really going to go and I was kind of worried about what people might say or how they would react. You may wonder who wouldn't be excited to hear someone is going on a mission, but you'd be surprised.
It was really an interesting turn of events that took course over the past month and a half. Returning to BYU-I to study abroad in Mexico, then having that trip get completely cancelled, and deciding what to do with my life until EFY (work on my mission papers, along with other things). And now I've submitted my papers and I'm starting EFY. All I know is that Heavenly Father is very aware of us, and everything happens for a reason.
I had my EFY training meeting today, and I met this really nice girl. Her name is Maddie, she goes to BYU Provo, she's an english ed major (like me!), she's engaged, she just turned 21 (so she's my age), she's an avid journal writer (like me as well!), and she's from North Carolina although her family currently resides in Washington. I pretty much love her, and I just barely met her. But we are even more alike than I know. She too, decided to go on a mission, but right at that time she met her fiance and at first she was kind of mad about it. She really wanted to go on a mission. The funny part of the story was that she met her fiance at EFY. They were co-counselors. I told her, I hope that doesn't happen to me. Well, if it does, great! But I would really love to go on a mission!
Anyway, I'm so excited for life. I feel like I have direction, and it's kind of nice actually-to be busy and know what the next step is.
Friday, May 29, 2009
This is routine...
I'm back in Utah, again. I feel like this is my life... I drive to San Diego, hang out for a bit, then drive to Utah and hang out and then to Idaho. Honestly, I feel like that 10-14 hour drive gets longer and longer every time I drive it.
Anyway, I start EFY on Monday. I'm very excited! I have meetings this weekend, and then I'll be in EFY mode for a month. This week I'll be at the U in Salt Lake, and Saturday I'll drive up to Rexburg and do EFY for three weeks at BYU-I. Then, back to San Diego for the rest of the summer...
Monday, May 25, 2009
EFY starts in less than a week!
Over the past month, I've been keeping pretty busy for not having a job and not being in school. I'm excited that my time of doing nothing is coming to an end though! I'm SO excited for EFY. I leave San Diego on Friday to drive up to Utah, and I report to the U in Salt Lake on Saturday! I can't even wait!
I have three days to get a ton of stuff taken care of. And somewhere in there I need to pack and get ready for EFY. I'll get it done somehow!
Monday, May 18, 2009
It's not Mexico, but...
Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Colorado until Friday! I am SO excited! I know, it's not Mexico, but it's still exciting! I'm going to see one of my way good friends and her family. I know it's going to go by way too fast, but I'm going to enjoy every moment of this trip.
Then I'll be back in San Diego for a week, and then I'll be off to Utah and Idaho to start EFY! Woohoo! So many fun plans! I can't wait! :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Not being in Mexico has its perks...
I got to talk to Corey today! Yay! FINALLY! It had almost been 3 weeks since I'd heard from him. And he is awesome! He even e-mailed too today! Check out his blog to read how he's doing.
I'm going to Disneyland AGAIN tomorrow! Hehe! The joys of not working, not being school, and not being in Mexico. I'm so excited!
What else? I don't know! I feel like I fail at updating everyone about me and Corey. I was at church today, and I realized that the address that was up in the "trophy case" is no longer accurate. And it's been weeks since I e-mailed everyone. I'll try to get better.
I'm going to Disneyland AGAIN tomorrow! Hehe! The joys of not working, not being school, and not being in Mexico. I'm so excited!
What else? I don't know! I feel like I fail at updating everyone about me and Corey. I was at church today, and I realized that the address that was up in the "trophy case" is no longer accurate. And it's been weeks since I e-mailed everyone. I'll try to get better.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pictures of the Past Week...
The tram ride to Downtown Disney/front of the parks from the parking lot.

Christina, Caitlin, and Angela make California!

Us with Mater and McQueen from Cars.

Standing in line at Mulholland Madness.

Getting in line for the Hollywood Tower of Terror ride, which I HATED!

Hollywood Pictures Backlot.

After the rapids ride, we were all pretty wet!

Eating fresh tortillas from the Mission Tortilla Factory! Yum!

Christina, Caitlin, and Angela make California!

Us with Mater and McQueen from Cars.

Standing in line at Mulholland Madness.

Getting in line for the Hollywood Tower of Terror ride, which I HATED!

Hollywood Pictures Backlot.

After the rapids ride, we were all pretty wet!

Eating fresh tortillas from the Mission Tortilla Factory! Yum!

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An Unrelenting Longing
Earlier this year, I blocked my parents from being able to text or call me and from seeing my social media. I had prided myself for years th...
Mental Health Awareness Month Day 30. No two people ever have the exact same experience. As I’ve mentioned previously, I grew up in a...
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