Mental Health Awareness Month Day 4! AND May the Fourth Be With You Day! (Side note: There ARE spoilers in here from Rise of Skywalker. Read on at your own risk. 😉)
Depression does not define me. I am not my depression.
In accepting the fact I have a mental illness, there have been times when I've let it completely over take me. Times when I've gone too far. Perhaps accepted having depression too much. Times when I was intensely suicidal because I thought, if all I am is depressed, anti-social, and unproductive, why live? What's the point?!
I just finished watching The Rise of Skywalker, the new😉)
est Star Wars film. I cried AGAIN!! There are SO many powerful moments and quotes from that movie! (Maybe someday I'll tell you some of my insights.
There is a scene where Luke is talking to Rey. Luke asks, "What are you most afraid of?" Rey responds, "Myself." And then Luke says, "Because you're a Palpatine." (For those of you who aren't familiar with Star Wars, Luke is one of main heroes in the original Star Wars Trilogy. Rey is one of the main heroes in the Star Wars Trilogy sequels. And Palpatine is one of villains in the original Star Wars Trilogy, who we think dies. But we learn in The Rise of Skywalker that not only is he Rey's grandfather, but he's alive.)
That scene gets me EVERY time! Because I am most afraid of myself. Because I am fear becoming like my parents. Because I'm a Hogewoning/Tenney. Because I come from a long line of mental illness (on my mom's side, the Tenney side). Because I have depression and anxiety. And any of that left unchecked could literally ruin my life and even kill me.
PS Happy May the Fourth Be With You Day! #heber #depression#mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness#mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealthinthetimeofcorona#letsbereal #31in31at31 #iamnotmydepression#depressiondoesnotdefineme #starwars #starwarsday#maytheforcebewithyou #maythefourthbewithyou #maythe4thbewithyou#riseofskywalker #starwarsquotes #agamutofgrey #lifeisbeautiful#may2020 5.4.20
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