Monday, March 25, 2013

Just Shy of 9 Years-A Long Story Made Short

I can't believe I haven't really mentioned one of my best friends, Stephanie Drake Morse, in any of my blogs. Then again, I think I've been subconsciously waiting for this day to come when I could fully disclose everything. And that day has FINALLY arrived! :)

Stephanie and I met almost 9 years ago at West Hills High School where we were in choir together. Sadly, which I'm learning this seems to be the case with most people I now consider to be close friends of mine, I don't remember how exactly we met or got to know each other. I do remember being impressed with Stephanie because of her high standards and thinking that she'd make a great Mormon, though I didn't think she'd ever convert because she was so devoted to her own beliefs.

Spring 2005 (my junior year), we took a trip to Canada with our high school choir. Again, I don't remember details, but I remember staying up late, at least one night, if not every night, talking with Stephanie about religion. I don't remember how we got on the topic, but it seemed that we could talk about what we believed for hours.
Stephanie & I on our last day of our trip-April 2005
I remember wanting to give her a Book of Mormon (maybe I did, maybe I didn't, I don't remember), I remember wanting her to come to church with me (again, maybe I invited her to church or activities, maybe I didn't), and I remember wanting her to be Mormon. But I was convinced she would never read the Book of Mormon or come to church, and I wondered how I could change that. I remember feeling a little bit proud of myself for being able to talk to her about religion, but I remember feeling bummed that I wasn't doing more to get her on the path of conversion.

We lost touch after I graduated from high school summer of 2006. I vividly remember signing each others' yearbooks at the end of that school year thinking, what a bummer that Stephanie wasn't a Mormon, she'd be SO great LDS!

Our next contact was over Facebook (what a great technological invention!) September 2010. It was within days of me returning home from my mission, and having returned home 5 months early I was pretty devastated. I remember I was at my aunt's house, and I'm pretty sure I was waiting for Dallen to get out of the shower or something. Anyway, I got on Facebook and to my surprise had a message from Stephanie Drake. I thought, weird, she probably has no idea I was gone for a year since we haven't talked in FOREVER! She asked if I was going to BYU, and I told her I had gone to BYU-Idaho. She was interested in going to law school at BYU and wanted to know more information. I was so surprised that this missionary opportunity had literally fallen into my lap, and I hadn't had to do anything. I asked if she had ever been there. She said she hadn't. So I offered to take her to Provo.

That November, we drove up to Provo and Salt Lake. I warned Stephanie that I had some friends there that I would want to see while we were there, and she said she didn't mind tagging along to see them. We walked the BYU campus, and we even got to talk to one of the deans (one of my roommates from my first year at BYU-I, Tasha, was going to law school there). 
Steph & I at the Provo Temple-November 2010
We went to see Bob and Janae Pettit, and it seemed that after leaving Stephanie was surprised by how kind and inviting they were. Stephanie also seemed to automatically get along and love all of my friends that she met. While in Utah, Stephanie also went to Temple Square. On our way back to San Diego Stephanie told me how she had fallen in love with Utah, and she felt like she was "supposed to be there." I laughed, and Stephanie said she knew I thought I knew why, and maybe I'd end up saying "I told you so," but Stephanie didn't believe, in that moment anyway, that I would ever say those words.

Basically, Stephanie and I became best friends very quickly. Meanwhile, she started dating this guy named Justin. Then in January 2011 I left to go back to BYU-I. We kept in pretty close contact though.  Bob and Janae ended up moving back to San Diego, and Stephanie became really good friends with them. Stephanie and Justin graduated from UCSD summer of 2011. Stephanie was accepted to go to BYU Law School for fall 2012.

Last summer, Stephanie and Justin got married. Janae and I were 2 out of Stephanie's 5 bridesmaids.
Steph & I-June 2012
Janae, Graham, and Bob partying it up-June 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Morse leaving their reception-June 2012
That day was full of irony to me. Steph and Justin got married in La Jolla, where the temple is. In fact, we drove past the temple on our way from our hotel to where the wedding was held. I also knew someone getting married in the temple that same day. The night before one of my really good friends, Jasmine, had opened her mission call to Oslo, Norway. Stephanie and Jasmine had met at some point and become friends too. Stephanie spent the beginning of the morning of her wedding day looking at pics of Norway and what the weather was like over there. Also, during Steph and Justin's actual wedding ceremony, I felt a confirmation that Steph and Justin would get married in the temple someday. It was so weird because I wished that we were at the temple that day, but I was SO happy for Stephanie and Justin because I knew that they would be married in the temple someday.

Within days of getting married, Stephanie and Justin moved to Provo, Utah. I was super excited for them! I wondered how long it would take for them to ask for missionaries to teach them or for missionaries to find them and invite themselves to teach them. Stephanie was really good about giving me play by plays of their "conversion," though at the time, she wouldn't admit that that is what was happening.

I visited Steph and Justin in August. Steph and I had planned on going to church, for the first time together (she had already been), but due to a series of unfortunate events, it didn't happen. In September, Steph volunteered to drive me to San Diego for my brother's wedding. That same weekend Jasmine was giving her farewell, and Steph and I had thought of going to church together. But again, it didn't work out. Then a few months later I moved back to San Diego. (The irony of where we all lived/live! It's like Stephanie and I couldn't/can't live in the same place!) In December, Steph and Justin came down to San Diego, and we FINALLY all went to church together at Bob and Janae's ward to hear their Christmas program!
Justin, Steph, Me, Janae, Graham, and Bob at Del Cerro Ward-December 2012
When we were all together in December, it was apparent to me that it wouldn't be much longer before Stephanie and Justin got baptized. Then mid-February, I got a text asking how much notice I would need to request a few days off of work. I seriously knew I'd be going to Utah very soon to see my best friend get baptized. And sure enough, a week later, my phone rang; it was Stephanie. I answered knowing exactly why she was calling, to tell me she and Justin were getting baptized and had set a date, March 30.

So for Easter this year, I will be going to Provo to see my best friend and her husband get baptized! :)

There are SO many more details to this story! I am humbled and honored that Heavenly Father let me be an instrument in Stephanie's life. It never ceases to amaze me how well He knows each of us! I know that, if not for any other reason, I concluded my time in Oklahoma City 5 months early, to come home and finish a mission I didn't know I would get the opportunity to finish. Every day I am amazed to think about Stephanie and Justin and how far they've come and their conversion story. I am more amazed at how Stephanie has been just as much of a blessing in my life, if not moreso, than I have been in hers. 9 years ago I never could have imagined the effect that simply being a friend to someone and opening my mouth about what I believe could have. 

"And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" -D&C 18:15-16

To read it from Stephanie's perspective: Becoming Converted
To read it from Justin's perspective: Surprised by Faith


Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you for opening your mouth & sharing the Gospel with anyone that will listen, Christina! I always hear about awesome member-missionary stories, but try as I may I never seem to be a part of one... Until now! Thanks for planting the seeds so that the rest of us could join in and help Stephanie & Justin along their way to baptism! It's been such a wonderful experience for Bob & I too!

Christina said...

Thanks Janae! You are so sweet! I'm so glad that you guys were a part of this too! It just shows that I have not only some really awesome people in my life, but the BEST friends anyone could ask for. :)

Becoming Mormon said...

You guys have know idea how grateful I am for all of you. :) <3

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