Friday night I was talking to a friend, Lindsay. She was like, yeah, I need to get my hair cut. I said, me too! But I was like, I don't look good with short hair. It's been kind of hot, and I'm sick of just throwing my hair up and not doing it because it's so hot. Then I thought, Christina, it will ALWAYS grow back. It's just a hair cut. So I immediately started looking at hairstyles online, and I found one I really liked. I told nobody that I was cutting my hair.
Saturday, I ran a few errands with a friend, Erin, and I told her that I wanted to chop off all my hair. She said, no, don't do it. Then I told her I had a picture of what I wanted. As soon as she saw the picture, she immediately asked if she could come with me to get my hair cut. I said, sure. So, I went and got it cut. I chopped off 9 inches! After, I went back to Erin's house, and she curled it just to experiment.
Honestly, I wasn't thrilled at first, but it's growing on me. I'll get used to it eventually, but I do miss my long hair! :(
I think you look super cute!
Thanks Tori! :) Hey, I just realized, I'm moving closer to where you guys live! Not that I'll get to see you or anything, but that's kind of fun!
I still LOVE it!!!
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