Friday I met up with Bishop Smith and Corey in Provo. We went out to lunch at Cafe Rio with Kate Herrod. Then we went to the MTC. That was really neat! I've driven past the MTC, but I've never been inside. The building is old, but the spirit is amazing! I want to serve a mission. It would be amazing! Corey hasn't turned in his papers yet because he still needs to finish up his medical, but after that he just needs an interview with the stake president and then we wait for his call. I'm SO excited for him! I can't believe he's almost 19!
Since he doesn't have his call, we took this illegal picture by the well-known map in the MTC.
We went to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Corey had never been to the top to see the view of the temple, so we went up there.
We were going to go to the observation deck on top of the church headquarters building, but it was closed by the time we got there. Bummer! I've never been up there either.
Then we went to the mall and ate at this place called the Sky Box. It's a pretty cool place! Then we played games in the arcade room, like air hockey, pinball, etc.
Saturday I met up with Corey and bishop in the tabernacle for the morning session of conference. Then I went to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and went to this luncheon for BYU Law students with an old roommate who got accepted into that program. The food was okay, but the cookies were delicious!
For the Saturday afternoon session, we had tickets to the conference center, and that was great. I saw Bishop, I mean President Hoeveler and his wife. I also ran into the Reads and some others. It was rainy all day on Saturday. Then I left and Bishop Smith and Corey went to the priesthood session in the conference center.
I went to Amy's and hung out with her and Chelsea. They made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies which were delicious! Then I went on a blind date with Amy's husband's cousin, Casey. He's a cool guy. We doubled with Amy and Aaron and went to Zupa's, a soup, salad, sandwich place. Then we went back to their house and played The Office DVD Board Game. It wasn't as fun as we all thought it would be, but it was still fun!
Sunday morning, I went to go meet up with bishop and Corey, but they got into conference at the conference center, and they were the last two in. (What are the odds of that happening!) I was bummed because I really wanted to be with them, but I was happy that Corey got into a third session of conference. I ended up watching that session in the theater of the conference center.
After that session, I found out that Corey didn't even stay for conference. He left because he had a weird feeling, so he ended up just listening to the session on Temple Square. I felt so badly because I could have at least been with him during that session, and I wasn't. We met up with Vohn and Gail Woodfield, which was way fun! I hadn't seen them in two years, and I'm pretty sure it's been 3 or 4 for Corey. Gail is in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I love the Woodfields! They're great!
Then we met up with bishop at the car for lunch. Corey and bishop had gone to the store and bought sandwiches. They were huge! I could barely put my mouth around it! For the final session of conference, we went in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. After the session, we went to President Chambers office in that same building and Preston Coffey was ordained an elder. Corey got to stand in the circle, which was pretty cool because it was the first ordination he had participated in since receiving the Melchizedek priesthood.
Our last stop was President Hinckley's grave. His grave stone is made with left over granite from the conference center. We all thought that was pretty cool! Then Bishop Smith said that it was time for them to go. I was like, no! I want you guys to stay forever! He was like, I need to get home to my family. I said, that it true. What a sacrifice! I'm grateful for his wife who was willing to stay home and watch their four kids while he took this trip with Corey. I said bye, unwillingly. And I was sad to see them go. It had been a fantastic weekend.
Right as I'm about to get off the freeway, I see their car ahead of me. I knew they left before me, so I wondered how it was possible. I called Corey, and I guess they had stopped somewhere. They had drove past me, but I hadn't even noticed. So, we drove alongside of each other for a minute, and then they sped up and I got off the freeway. It was nice to see them one last time!
This weekend was awesome! I couldn't have asked for anything more! Pictures to come...
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