Sometimes I forget that Heavenly Father didn't send us to the earth to endure the journey back to Him alone. I am not simply referring to being married. He has blessed us with family and friends. Most of all He has blessed us with His son, Jesus Christ. We cannot travel this path alone. We cannot do it with all of the help from everyone literally around us. We need the Savior and His atonement. Not just to cleanse us from sin, but to enable us with power beyond our own.
I tend to be Miss Independent. I don't need help from anyone. I can do it all by myself. While independence is great, this is not the Lord's way. We truly cannot navigate life alone. Thus why He sent us to earth in families. Thus why He gave Adam a helpmeet, Eve. It was not intended for us to fail. He intends for us to succeed and return to live with Him for eternity. Our purpose in this life is to assist Heavenly Father is His purpose, which is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39) That is the greatest work we can perform in this life here on earth, helping others find the gospel and live it forever that they may return with us to our Father in heaven.
Yesterday during fast and testimony meeting, a girl named Anna got up and bore her testimony. Anna said that she had promised herself that when things started to turn around for her, she would bare her testimony. A few months back a girl had called and invited her back to church, promising that things would get better if she would come back. Tears started to run down my face as she spoke. I don't remember promising Anna that. I remember believing it and wondering how on earth it would happen for her. A few days ago, I had been at a meeting with my Relief Society presidency, and her name had been brought up saying that things were working out for her, which I was so happy to find out. And yesterday, Anna testified of that same thing. She said she had only come back a few months ago, and things were looking up, and she knew the Church was true.
I wasn't going to bare my testimony yesterday because I didn't feel like I needed to or even wanted to because of things that have happened during the past week. But after that girl bore her humble testimony, I knew I had to get up. I couldn't sit there selfishly and keep what I know to myself.
There were a few testimonies in between mine and Anna's. The girl that spoke right before me shared thoughts similar to what I had wanted to say, specifically on the importance of missionary work.
Sometimes I forget that Heavenly Father didn't send us to the earth to endure the journey back to Him alone. We can't do this alone. We need each other and we need Christ. I know that He knows us individually. We are each here in this place with these people for a specific reason. It is our responsibility and great opportunity to assist Heavenly Father is His great work-"to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to be a small instrument in His hands. As we reach out and open our mouths, we will be able to bless and touch the lives of others in ways we cannot comprehend. I know that the Church is true. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and through Him the Church was restored. The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and as we open that book and read it, power will come into our lives. Jesus Christ is our Savior who atoned for our sins and sorrows. Through Him we will receive power to overcome sin and weakness and become as He is and one day return to live in His presence with our Heavenly Father as families.
I am so grateful for the spirit in my life, which allows me to help and bless the lives of those around me. I truly feel joy when I watch others come to know what I know and then travel the journey with me to endure to the end. Our lives can be full of miracles if we will be in tune with the spirit and reach out to others.
Sometimes Miss Independent is humbled and remembers the bigger picture. It's in those times when life is happy no matter how hard or easy it may be. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who patiently allows me to make choices and learn for myself that anxiously awaits my return every time I stray.
"The proper motivation for missionary work of any kind, as for all Church service, is of course love for fellowmen, but always such work has its by-product effect on one's own life. Thus as we become instruments in God's hands in changing the lives of others our own lives cannot help being lifted. One can hardly help another to the top of the hill without climbing there himself." -Spencer W. Kimball
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Monday, April 15, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Tender Mercy to Witness a Full Circle
Throughout our lives, we usually only get to see pieces of a puzzle or pages, maybe even chapters, of a novel, but never do we get to see the finished puzzle or the entire book. This is especially true as full-time missionaries. You only serve for a short period of time, and during the course of that time you are constantly moving. You rarely get to witness a person change their life completely, be baptized, and then enter the temple. But once in a while, Heavenly Father gives you a tender mercy and you have the incredible opportunity to see things come full circle. This past weekend was one of those times for me watching my best friend and her husband become members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Saturday morning I watched as people arrived to witness the baptisms of Stephanie and Justin Morse. It was amazing to me to see how many people they have in their lives who love and support them so much. I thought of the few people I know who have played such an integral part in their conversion - the sisters, the elders, Cory, April, and Bob & Janae. I am forever grateful for them for being exactly what Stephanie and Justin needed when they needed it. Ever since Stephanie and I got back in touch Fall 2010, I have wished so badly that we could live in the same place, but it has never worked out, except for a few months when she first contacted me. I feel indebted to those who were able to physically be there when I couldn't.
I don't know when it really hit me that Stephanie and Justin were getting baptized. I mean being there and witnessing it made it real, but it never seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess because I have known for a while that this day would come, and because Stephanie was very good at giving me a play by play of the whole process, it just seemed natural, so her baptism was no surprise. Instead, it was an event that took place naturally in her changing life.
The Morse's baptism was the best baptism I have ever witnessed. Stephanie asked me what made it so good. I thought about it, and at first didn't know if it was just me being bias, since she is my best friend who I've known for nine years. As I pondered, I realized it was more than that. Because Stephanie and Justin not only know so much, but understand so much, the talks that were given were more in depth. They were not your stereotypical talks you hear at the baptism of an eight year old or a recent convert who knows very little about the Church. For that reason, they were more enjoyable to listen to as a seasoned member. Also, Justin and Stephanie shared some of their thoughts at two different points in the program, which added to the spirit felt there. I could continue to try to explain why it was such an awesome baptism, but in all honesty, words cannot adequately express what I felt or why I felt that way.
The closing hymn was "I Stand All Amazed." I went to sit by Stephanie, and I whispered in her ear, "I told you so." She just smiled. Things had come full circle. I attempted to sing the hymn, but the words hit me more powerfully than normal.
I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine,
That he should extend his great love unto such as I,
Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify.
Stephanie and Justin may have been the ones who were literally baptized, but as I had witnessed that ordinance, I felt like I had been converted again. Watching them take such a great leap of faith had filled me with renewed hope and faith. The power of the atonement had become real again in my own life. Being a witness in their conversion process has reconverted me in just the way I needed it most. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who always plans things perfectly.
That night, Stephanie, Cory, and I talked about things that Stephanie had done or said during this whole process. One of my favorite things Stephanie said, without knowing at the time what she was saying, was after she and Justin had gone to the Brigham City Temple Open House. The sisters had asked them how they felt, and Stephanie had said, home. For us, it's obvious what that meant, though Stephanie didn't realize it at the time. What was obvious to me and Cory a long time ago is now obvious to Stephanie. Now she realizes that the spirit had been leading and guiding her all along.
Sunday afternoon, Stephanie and Justin were confirmed. To be able to listen to their confirmations was again a special experience for me. Tears of joy rolled down my face. Receiving the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion is the greatest gift our Heavenly Father has given us in this life. I am so excited for Justin and Stephanie to have that same blessing in their lives that I do in mine.
Tuesday morning, Stephanie, Justin, Elder Getts, Elder Hernandez, Cory, April, and I went to the Provo Temple and did baptisms for the dead. It was so amazing to think about how Stephanie and I had been there before, but just outside. Now she can go inside with me. Again, things have come full circle in almost every way. In a year, when Stephanie and Justin receive their endowments and are sealed, the circle will be completely complete.
Again, I am so grateful to have been a small part in Stephanie and Justin's conversion process. I truly feel indebted to them forever because they have helped me in ways that they'll never know. It has been a blessing to watch from the sidelines as Stephanie and Justin become converted and continue to become converted every day. It makes me want to be better. It reassures to me the importance of missionary work. And it reminds me of what matters most in this life.
"For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Moses 1:39
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