This is just a quick update on what's going on, which may be old news for some of you...
I am working at Barnes & Noble again! I started work at the beginning of this month. For now, it's just part-time and it's temporary, which means I need to find another job soon, but for now it's nice to be back. I love working there! I'm surprised how many people still work there that I worked with before. I'm also surprised how much the store has changed!
I also received a calling in my ward. I am second counselor in the Relief Society presidency. I'm SO excited! We had our first presidency meeting last night, and there is much to do. I'm grateful to be able to serve in this capacity! I love the other girls in my presidency! They are incredible, and I feel super blessed to work with such wonderful women!
I still miss Rexburg dearly! I wish I could go visit! Eden and some others came down from Rexburg for Thanksgiving, and it made me wish I could go back with them. Eden and I joked about trading places. Haha! Hopefully next year, I'll be able to make a visit to Rexburg. For now, I'll just have to live vicariously through all of my friends who are still there and through a bunch of people in my ward who will be going there in January.
Lastly, I'm so grateful for missionaries! I have been thinking about them even more lately just because of the opportunity I have to get to see sister missionaries every Sunday and because I have a cousin and 3 really close friends on missions right now. I also have tons of friends who have just put in their papers or received their call, and it makes me so excited! Serving a mission is the best thing I've been able to do thus far, and I loved it! I think about my mission every day! I try to continue to be a missionary and support the missionaries in the field. I have written a few letters to my friends on missions in the last 24 hours, and I've reflected a lot on my own mission. There is much work to do in the kingdom of the Lord, and missionary work is a huge part of that work. He needs each of us to do our part. The kingdom cannot roll forward without our great missionary force. I'm grateful for the missionaries in my life because of their examples and because they remind me of what is most important and who I need to become.
It is so nice to be home and be working and serving. It makes being in San Diego much easier. :)
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Just Remember Who Will Win in the End
I'm not gonna lie, I was disappointed to hear Obama reelected as president. I was really hoping for Romney to take office, although I was guessing Obama would win over Romney. I was hoping for something out of the ordinary to happen. And that just isn't in the cards for America right now. But no matter what happens, somebody is going to disagree and be unhappy.
One of my good friends said, "If the election doesn't come out the way you want it to, please remember that the voters voted the way the voters voted. Obama is not a socialist or the anti-Christ. Romney is not a puppet to religious leaders or an elitist. These are both smart, qualified men. The policies they portray may have either a positive or negative effect on the country. If you are upset over the election, please allow it to be for political, issue-based reasons...not because you're a Republican or a Democrat...or because you like or dislike the personality, religion, or race of an individual candidate."
I personally believe that Heavenly Father is involved in the details of our lives. Just as He has a plan for my life, He has a plan for everything, including this country. We have to remember He knows everything; He sees the big picture. It is all in His hands.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, "The future of this world has long been declared; the final outcome between good and evil is already know. There is absolutely no question as to who wins because the victory has already been posted on the scoreboard."
Our decisions and choices are not insignificant in the eyes of the Lord. He knows the intents and desires of our hearts, and He will be the ultimate judge. Continue to live righteously, trust in Him, and have hope. Just remember, He wins in the end. :)
One of my good friends said, "If the election doesn't come out the way you want it to, please remember that the voters voted the way the voters voted. Obama is not a socialist or the anti-Christ. Romney is not a puppet to religious leaders or an elitist. These are both smart, qualified men. The policies they portray may have either a positive or negative effect on the country. If you are upset over the election, please allow it to be for political, issue-based reasons...not because you're a Republican or a Democrat...or because you like or dislike the personality, religion, or race of an individual candidate."
I personally believe that Heavenly Father is involved in the details of our lives. Just as He has a plan for my life, He has a plan for everything, including this country. We have to remember He knows everything; He sees the big picture. It is all in His hands.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, "The future of this world has long been declared; the final outcome between good and evil is already know. There is absolutely no question as to who wins because the victory has already been posted on the scoreboard."
Our decisions and choices are not insignificant in the eyes of the Lord. He knows the intents and desires of our hearts, and He will be the ultimate judge. Continue to live righteously, trust in Him, and have hope. Just remember, He wins in the end. :)
Monday, October 22, 2012
One Chapter Concluded, Another Has Begun
People have been asking about why I moved back to San Diego and what I'm going to do, etc. So here's the story...
For the past few months, I had been thinking that something in my life needed to change. I knew the time for change had come, but I wasn't really sure what or when. I just kept moving forward, and I had decided that no matter what I would do, I would stay in Rexburg.
Another semester started. I was released from being Relief Society President, I was working two part-time jobs, and I was going to school part time. I found myself struggling with the situation I was in for seemingly no reason. I had plenty of time, and none of the things I was doing were hard, but I was having a hard time.
One Tuesday, I just broke down, and I thought, something has to change. After a 45 minute conversation with one of my closest friends, I knew what I had to do... leave Rexburg, move back to San Diego, live at home with my parents to help my mom and dad. Honestly, that was the last thing I wanted to do (to move home) and also the last thing I was thinking of doing, though it had been on my mind.
Before I started making this a reality, I needed confirmation that this was what Heavenly Father wanted me to do. I decided to go to the temple after devotional. I didn't even make it to the temple before I received my confirmation. As I sat in the BYU-I Center during devotional, I knew that this decision was right. I cried almost the entire time, as I thought of how this Tuesday would be one of my last Tuesdays sitting at devotional in this amazing building that I had watched be built since the groundbreaking. I honestly don't remember anything the speaker said, but I remember feeling peace in the choice I had made and knowing that it will all work out, though it would be very hard.
After the conclusion of devotional, I headed to the temple. The entire time I was there, my mind was racing thinking of everything I would need to do to prepare to leave Rexburg. Again, I knew I was making the right decision, but it was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. As soon as I was out of the temple, I called my dad to tell him what I had decided, to withdraw from BYU-I, move home, and find a job. He and I planned that he would pick me up on Friday, October 19. And after I got off the phone with him, I spent most of the evening telling others (my manager at Carriage House, my bishop, my stake president, my brother, and my best friend) about what my plans were.
More tears ensued as the night went on. I had so many mixed feelings... I had grown to love Rexburg so much! It had become home to me. I had become attached not only to that beautiful place, but to all of the amazing and wonderful people that were a part of my life. I loved my ward and my stake so much, though my home ward and stake are awesome too. I love San Diego. In talking to President Baron he said at least I'd be in San Diego for the winter. I was excited for that, though I love the seasons and I have grown accustomed to the cold. I did not want to live with my mom and dad. I didn't want to live with them when I was younger, nor did I want to now. Honestly, I have struggled with school so much for the past 21 months, that it would be a relief to not go to school, but I never wanted to drop out; I wanted to graduate. I have had a hard time finding work in Rexburg, so being in San Diego would make finding a full-time job easier. I was excited at the thought to be able to just work, pay off debt, and finally get on my own feet financially.
Now I'm back at home in La Mesa. I miss Rexburg, BYU-I, and everyone up there SO much! I miss seeing the temple every day and working there twice a month. I miss being surrounded by people who share my beliefs and standards. I miss going to the grocery store and running into people I know. I miss knowing everyone in my ward. I miss living walking distance to all of my friends. I miss the cold. I love being close to my family-my parents, Corey and Chelsea, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, her husband, and little boys, and the Densley's. I love rekindling friendships and seeing familiar faces. I love California. I love San Diego weather. I love meeting new people and making new friends. I love being in a place where being Mormon is different, and I can share the gospel with those around me.
I kinda feel as though I'm on the mission again, not just because I'm surrounded by people who aren't members, but because I feel like there is a specific reason I'm in San Diego again and it isn't easy being here. I know a lot of it has to do with my parents, but maybe there is more to it than that. I feel like I'm going to have the opportunity to grow a lot, and I'm excited for that. I also feel like I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Before I had a plan, and now I don't. For the time being, I'm not going to go to school. I'm just going to work (once I find a job) and help my family as much as possible. Maybe later on school will be a possibility again. We'll see.
For the past few months, I had been thinking that something in my life needed to change. I knew the time for change had come, but I wasn't really sure what or when. I just kept moving forward, and I had decided that no matter what I would do, I would stay in Rexburg.
Another semester started. I was released from being Relief Society President, I was working two part-time jobs, and I was going to school part time. I found myself struggling with the situation I was in for seemingly no reason. I had plenty of time, and none of the things I was doing were hard, but I was having a hard time.
One Tuesday, I just broke down, and I thought, something has to change. After a 45 minute conversation with one of my closest friends, I knew what I had to do... leave Rexburg, move back to San Diego, live at home with my parents to help my mom and dad. Honestly, that was the last thing I wanted to do (to move home) and also the last thing I was thinking of doing, though it had been on my mind.
Before I started making this a reality, I needed confirmation that this was what Heavenly Father wanted me to do. I decided to go to the temple after devotional. I didn't even make it to the temple before I received my confirmation. As I sat in the BYU-I Center during devotional, I knew that this decision was right. I cried almost the entire time, as I thought of how this Tuesday would be one of my last Tuesdays sitting at devotional in this amazing building that I had watched be built since the groundbreaking. I honestly don't remember anything the speaker said, but I remember feeling peace in the choice I had made and knowing that it will all work out, though it would be very hard.
After the conclusion of devotional, I headed to the temple. The entire time I was there, my mind was racing thinking of everything I would need to do to prepare to leave Rexburg. Again, I knew I was making the right decision, but it was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. As soon as I was out of the temple, I called my dad to tell him what I had decided, to withdraw from BYU-I, move home, and find a job. He and I planned that he would pick me up on Friday, October 19. And after I got off the phone with him, I spent most of the evening telling others (my manager at Carriage House, my bishop, my stake president, my brother, and my best friend) about what my plans were.
More tears ensued as the night went on. I had so many mixed feelings... I had grown to love Rexburg so much! It had become home to me. I had become attached not only to that beautiful place, but to all of the amazing and wonderful people that were a part of my life. I loved my ward and my stake so much, though my home ward and stake are awesome too. I love San Diego. In talking to President Baron he said at least I'd be in San Diego for the winter. I was excited for that, though I love the seasons and I have grown accustomed to the cold. I did not want to live with my mom and dad. I didn't want to live with them when I was younger, nor did I want to now. Honestly, I have struggled with school so much for the past 21 months, that it would be a relief to not go to school, but I never wanted to drop out; I wanted to graduate. I have had a hard time finding work in Rexburg, so being in San Diego would make finding a full-time job easier. I was excited at the thought to be able to just work, pay off debt, and finally get on my own feet financially.
Now I'm back at home in La Mesa. I miss Rexburg, BYU-I, and everyone up there SO much! I miss seeing the temple every day and working there twice a month. I miss being surrounded by people who share my beliefs and standards. I miss going to the grocery store and running into people I know. I miss knowing everyone in my ward. I miss living walking distance to all of my friends. I miss the cold. I love being close to my family-my parents, Corey and Chelsea, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, her husband, and little boys, and the Densley's. I love rekindling friendships and seeing familiar faces. I love California. I love San Diego weather. I love meeting new people and making new friends. I love being in a place where being Mormon is different, and I can share the gospel with those around me.
I kinda feel as though I'm on the mission again, not just because I'm surrounded by people who aren't members, but because I feel like there is a specific reason I'm in San Diego again and it isn't easy being here. I know a lot of it has to do with my parents, but maybe there is more to it than that. I feel like I'm going to have the opportunity to grow a lot, and I'm excited for that. I also feel like I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Before I had a plan, and now I don't. For the time being, I'm not going to go to school. I'm just going to work (once I find a job) and help my family as much as possible. Maybe later on school will be a possibility again. We'll see.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
"Unleashing the Dormant Spirit," my thoughts
I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to teach in Relief Society tomorrow for quite sometime, and nothing feels right. Last night, one of my friends showed me the following video from YouTube.
It hit me very powerfully last night, and I couldn't stop thinking about the things that this former member of the seventy had said.
In between seeing that for the first time and going to bed, I talked to my roommate about dating, judging, and the people in my life. As she and I talked, I feel like I was being taught by the spirit about what is really important and what is not. Before I fell asleep, I watched the video one more time.
This morning, I woke up with a plan of what I was going to study, so I could prepare my lesson. I had an idea of what I wanted to teach, and I was ready to search and ponder to see what I could develop as far as a lesson plan. Yet, I couldn't get Elder Busche's remarks out of my head. I decided to find the actual devotional talk and read it.
Now that I've read his talk, I know that what I want to teach is not what I'm supposed to teach tomorrow, though I still am not exactly sure what I will actually end up teaching.
Some of the points of his devotional that touched me:
"...we cannot afford to overlook the fact that the Lord is literally telling us that nothing really matters unless we take the Holy Spirit as our guide and avoid being deceived."
That is SO powerful!
That is SO powerful!
"There seems to be, inside of us, the capability to be spiritually illiterate, in spite of the brilliant knowledge that we may have about the facts of the Restoration, the plan of salvation, and the organizational part of the restored gospel. We must never forget that our enemy, the adversary, is also a spiritual being. He knows of spiritual powers, and, therefore, he is out to deceive, when he can—even, sometimes, the very elect."
We can never think we are invincible, not even for a second. It doesn't matter who we are, what out calling is, or how righteous we think we are or we may be, Satan can still tempt us and deceive us.
We can never think we are invincible, not even for a second. It doesn't matter who we are, what out calling is, or how righteous we think we are or we may be, Satan can still tempt us and deceive us.
"I immediately understood that we cannot have a successful mission experience until we learn how to behave or learn what to do so that the Spirit will endow us with power and all the other gifts. None of us can afford to be without them. None of us has enough wisdom, enough intelligence, enough knowledge, enough skills, or enough courage, by ourselves, to master our lives and even to succeed in life unless we learn what it means to surrender ourselves into the arms of the Lord and be filled with the Spirit."
This can be applied to our life. We will not be successful in our mission here on earth until we learn how to live so that the Spirit will always be with us.
This can be applied to our life. We will not be successful in our mission here on earth until we learn how to live so that the Spirit will always be with us.
"...we, as members of the Church, should not be satisfied to be one single moment of our waking hours without the insightful, powerful influence of the Spirit."
It seems like we have it backwards. We get so excited when we have these big spiritual experiences, but in reality we should always be having spiritual experiences.
It seems like we have it backwards. We get so excited when we have these big spiritual experiences, but in reality we should always be having spiritual experiences.
"The Spirit is a divine entity. It therefore gives the ultimate example of politeness. It will not intrude into our lives. It will not force itself into our lives except under circumstances in which we may endanger our salvation—for instance, by breaking a covenant...The Holy Ghost has been given to us as a gift, but it can only become an active part of our lives when we become aware of its dormant state and develop in our souls a desire to awaken the Spirit to life."
The Spirit will not force it's way into our lives. Only we can invite it in. In fact, we must be consistently and actively inviting it to be our constant companion.
The Spirit will not force it's way into our lives. Only we can invite it in. In fact, we must be consistently and actively inviting it to be our constant companion.
"In The Problem of Pain (p. 66), C. S. Lewis gave us an interesting insight about this same question when he quoted William Law:
If you will here stop, and ask yourselves, why you are not as pious as the primitive Christians were, your own heart will tell you, that it is neither through ignorance nor inability, but purely because you never thoroughly intended it. [William Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (London: J. M. Dent; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1920), p. 13]"
Sometimes we excuse and justify our way out of things, when really we should humble ourselves and take accountability and strive to change to become better.
Sometimes we excuse and justify our way out of things, when really we should humble ourselves and take accountability and strive to change to become better.
"When we are not satisfied with the world of our own feelings—when we are grouchy and unhappy or we are slothful or sloppy—we must know that we are not under the influence of the Holy Spirit. "
It's easy for us to forget about the impact the Spirit has on us, but we must remember that if we are unhappy it is directly related to how closely we are in tune with the Spirit.
"But there are always hundreds of different desires fighting for supremacy within us. The act of categorizing them is a very painful, but needful act to become, in the eyes of God, a mature person and to be taken seriously...We cannot be light-minded and expect the Spirit to take us seriously."
"The ordinances and principles of the restored gospel are the vehicles to fill us with the Holy Spirit..."
"When we do not do everything in our life in faith or, in other words, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we are missing the mark."
" can be said that there are only two elements that separate us from the Holy Spirit: First, our lack of desire to repent, and, second, our lack of desire to forgive."
"Under the influence of the Light of Christ, we can empower our lives to the awareness of our most important needs...I have grown to understand that this is the most important priority in our lives. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will not sin."
"It is also obvious that without constant efforts, it will be very difficult to always be focused on our most righteous desires."
How easily we become distracted by the things of this world! We must keep our focus on things of an eternal perspective.
How easily we become distracted by the things of this world! We must keep our focus on things of an eternal perspective.
"You cannot communicate with God unless you have first sacrificed your self-oriented natural man and have brought yourself into the lower levels of meekness, to become acceptable for the Light of Christ."
This seems to answer the question of why God doesn't answer prayers. I mean, we are quick to say our prayers are always answered, but in His timing, not ours. But if we are not willing to put aside our will, then our communication is in vain and our prayers will seem to go unanswered.
This seems to answer the question of why God doesn't answer prayers. I mean, we are quick to say our prayers are always answered, but in His timing, not ours. But if we are not willing to put aside our will, then our communication is in vain and our prayers will seem to go unanswered.
"God knows better than you what you need. He always attempts to speak to you. Listen, and follow the uncomfortable suggestions that he makes to us—everything will fall into its place."
It's sometimes hard to realize that He knows us better. It's hard to look outside the moment we're in and think, everything will work out as long as I trust in Him. But only when we fully trust and confide in Him will the worry fade away and everything will work out.
It's sometimes hard to realize that He knows us better. It's hard to look outside the moment we're in and think, everything will work out as long as I trust in Him. But only when we fully trust and confide in Him will the worry fade away and everything will work out.
"Avoid at all cost any pessimistic, negative, or criticizing thoughts. If you cannot cut them out, they will do you harm."
I think we accept these feelings to a certain degree, but they are simply the feelings of the natural man. We have to learn to overcome them just like everything else.
I think we accept these feelings to a certain degree, but they are simply the feelings of the natural man. We have to learn to overcome them just like everything else.
"...the greatest achievement that can be reached in our lives is to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost."
When I think of things I want to achieve in my life, I've never thought of this. But that truly would be the greatest achievement. Just think of the things you could do, the people you would touch, and the person you would become if you were under the complete influence of the Spirit!
When I think of things I want to achieve in my life, I've never thought of this. But that truly would be the greatest achievement. Just think of the things you could do, the people you would touch, and the person you would become if you were under the complete influence of the Spirit!
"...when you are compelled to give up something or when things that are dear to you are withdrawn from you, know that this is your lesson to be learned right now. But know also that, as you are learning this lesson, God wants to give you something better."
In my personal experience, this is such a hard realization to come to and accept, but it's true. He always knows best, and something better is always waiting.
In my personal experience, this is such a hard realization to come to and accept, but it's true. He always knows best, and something better is always waiting.
"Although it is not possible to be perfect as long as we are in this earthly state, we still have to be perfect in keeping the commandments of our covenants."
"When we are in such a way perfected and are eligible to go in his holy house, the temple, we have the promise that Jesus Christ will take upon him the rest and we can rejoice in being cleansed through his redeeming blood every day of our lives."
I'm so grateful for these simple and profound reminders that Heavenly Father gives us daily to help us to be happy and continue on the path that leads back to Him.
I'm so grateful for these simple and profound reminders that Heavenly Father gives us daily to help us to be happy and continue on the path that leads back to Him.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
7 Tender Mercies
It's interesting that my last post was about tender mercies because that's what I've been thinking about all day today. Specifically, seven stand out in my mind from today:
1. Time before I went to class.
2. A roommate encouraging me to go to class.
3. Text from a friend.
4. Short work day.
5. Talk with my religion teacher/stake president.
6. The musical number at devotional - "Consider the Lilies."
7. A friend inviting me to go to the temple with her.
If we just look for Him, we will see Heavenly Father in every facet of our lives every day. :)
Matthew 6:28, 31-34:
"...Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow...
"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
"...for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself..."
Quote for the day:
"The Lord wants the members of His Church to be fully converted to His gospel. This is the only sure way to have spiritual safety now and happiness forever." -Elder Donald L Hallstrom (Of the Presidency of the 70) "Converted to His Gospel through His Church" May 2012 Ensign
1. Time before I went to class.
2. A roommate encouraging me to go to class.
3. Text from a friend.
4. Short work day.
5. Talk with my religion teacher/stake president.
6. The musical number at devotional - "Consider the Lilies."
7. A friend inviting me to go to the temple with her.
If we just look for Him, we will see Heavenly Father in every facet of our lives every day. :)
Matthew 6:28, 31-34:
"...Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow...
"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
"...for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself..."
Quote for the day:
"The Lord wants the members of His Church to be fully converted to His gospel. This is the only sure way to have spiritual safety now and happiness forever." -Elder Donald L Hallstrom (Of the Presidency of the 70) "Converted to His Gospel through His Church" May 2012 Ensign
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Today started off rough, but has been full of blessings and tender mercies. I felt like I should read Elder Bednar's talk that he gave at his second general conference as an apostle. It's truly a wonderful talk that teaches and reminds us that nothing is merely a coincidence. Here is a link to that talk: The Tender Mercies of the Lord
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
8 Years Ago...
This month eight years ago, March 2004, was one of the best months of my life ever, up until that point. A lot of great things happened, and I felt an outpouring of blessings in my life at that time. I feel like this March is turning out to be another memorable month to go down in history with again many blessings.
The beginning of this month marked one year that Corey has been home from Japan. And a little over a week ago marked 18 months since I've been home from Oklahoma. Missions are so awesome and amazing, and I feel so blessed that my brother and I were both able to serve full-time missions.
March is full of many birthdays of so many of my loved ones! My dad, my mom, Shelly, Kelly, Owen, Dallen, Erin, and Astrid.
A little over a week ago, I started dating someone. His name is Jamison, and he's amazing! We met in our ward at the beginning of the semester. For the record, I asked him on our first date, which normally I wouldn't do. But this semester I've stepped out of my comfort zone and asked a couple of guys on dates. Jamison is from Las Vegas, though he was born in Long Beach, California. He is a biology major and will graduate this July. He reminds me a lot of Randal Densley, which says a lot. Anyway, I like him a lot! And it's been so fun getting to know each other better and spend time together every day.
Two small job opportunities kinda just fell into my lap recently. One is super short and will only last over spring break. I'll be working in my apartment complex with others, cleaning the apartments, getting them ready for next semester. Two starts basically today, and it will last as long as I live here, in Carriage House. I will be a student assistant to the manager. It doesn't involve a lot of time, and the responsibilities are minimal. Even though they are both super part time, I'm grateful to finally have some kind of work.
It is kinda crazy to think that this semester will be over in three weeks! I feel like time has flown by. I've enjoyed this semester so much! I have loved my roommates and my ward! I have enjoyed having the opportunity to serve as a Relief Society president in my ward and as an ordinance worker in the temple. I feel that my perspective has changed SO much because of just those two things, and I am so grateful for all that I've learned and come to realize while working in those capacities. I'm excited to enjoy these last couple of weeks, and I look forward to next semester- new roommates, going back to school, meeting new people, and everything else that is to come!
The beginning of this month marked one year that Corey has been home from Japan. And a little over a week ago marked 18 months since I've been home from Oklahoma. Missions are so awesome and amazing, and I feel so blessed that my brother and I were both able to serve full-time missions.
March is full of many birthdays of so many of my loved ones! My dad, my mom, Shelly, Kelly, Owen, Dallen, Erin, and Astrid.
A little over a week ago, I started dating someone. His name is Jamison, and he's amazing! We met in our ward at the beginning of the semester. For the record, I asked him on our first date, which normally I wouldn't do. But this semester I've stepped out of my comfort zone and asked a couple of guys on dates. Jamison is from Las Vegas, though he was born in Long Beach, California. He is a biology major and will graduate this July. He reminds me a lot of Randal Densley, which says a lot. Anyway, I like him a lot! And it's been so fun getting to know each other better and spend time together every day.
Two small job opportunities kinda just fell into my lap recently. One is super short and will only last over spring break. I'll be working in my apartment complex with others, cleaning the apartments, getting them ready for next semester. Two starts basically today, and it will last as long as I live here, in Carriage House. I will be a student assistant to the manager. It doesn't involve a lot of time, and the responsibilities are minimal. Even though they are both super part time, I'm grateful to finally have some kind of work.
It is kinda crazy to think that this semester will be over in three weeks! I feel like time has flown by. I've enjoyed this semester so much! I have loved my roommates and my ward! I have enjoyed having the opportunity to serve as a Relief Society president in my ward and as an ordinance worker in the temple. I feel that my perspective has changed SO much because of just those two things, and I am so grateful for all that I've learned and come to realize while working in those capacities. I'm excited to enjoy these last couple of weeks, and I look forward to next semester- new roommates, going back to school, meeting new people, and everything else that is to come!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Almost a year since his return...
I just realized that it's almost been a year since my brother, Corey, came home from his mission in Japan. I remember how excited I was! I remember writing the last e-mail to him as a missionary, and it was so unreal to me.
Then I flew home to San Diego, and I remember getting home and finding nothing ready for him to come home. I was beyond worried and stressed, so much so that when we got to the airport I headed toward the Southwest terminal, out of habit, instead of toward Alaskan Airlines. And when I was finally headed the right direction, I realized I missed him coming down the escalator, and I wasn't his first hug. I was so mad. And after hugging him and seeing him for two seconds, I felt like he had never left. Then the rest of my time home was quite a disaster. I feel like nothing went the way I had envisioned it. It was not the glamorous experience I thought it would be. And then before I knew it, I had to go back to Rexburg.
It's strange though. Sometimes I feel like Corey and I "talked" more when he was in Japan then since he's been home, and other times I'm so glad I can call/text him every day if I want to. But overall, I'm so glad my best friend is back and able to be apart of my life even though he's 1000 miles away. I seriously feel so blessed to have a little brother, especially Corey.
Recently I've learned some things about my family when I was little, and it's been kinda shocking and hard to swallow. It just made me realize how blessed I've been despite everything that's happened. And what a blessing it is that I have my brother. And what a blessing it is that I got to know my cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandma in San Diego, as I grew up.
Seriously, it's because I've been given SO much that I can't help but try and give all I can to those around me. What did I do to be so blessed in this life with such amazing family members, friends, and amazing experiences!?? I don't know, but I'm so grateful for I've been given. The good AND the bad. :)
Then I flew home to San Diego, and I remember getting home and finding nothing ready for him to come home. I was beyond worried and stressed, so much so that when we got to the airport I headed toward the Southwest terminal, out of habit, instead of toward Alaskan Airlines. And when I was finally headed the right direction, I realized I missed him coming down the escalator, and I wasn't his first hug. I was so mad. And after hugging him and seeing him for two seconds, I felt like he had never left. Then the rest of my time home was quite a disaster. I feel like nothing went the way I had envisioned it. It was not the glamorous experience I thought it would be. And then before I knew it, I had to go back to Rexburg.
It's strange though. Sometimes I feel like Corey and I "talked" more when he was in Japan then since he's been home, and other times I'm so glad I can call/text him every day if I want to. But overall, I'm so glad my best friend is back and able to be apart of my life even though he's 1000 miles away. I seriously feel so blessed to have a little brother, especially Corey.
Recently I've learned some things about my family when I was little, and it's been kinda shocking and hard to swallow. It just made me realize how blessed I've been despite everything that's happened. And what a blessing it is that I have my brother. And what a blessing it is that I got to know my cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandma in San Diego, as I grew up.
Seriously, it's because I've been given SO much that I can't help but try and give all I can to those around me. What did I do to be so blessed in this life with such amazing family members, friends, and amazing experiences!?? I don't know, but I'm so grateful for I've been given. The good AND the bad. :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
BEST Road Trip to SD EVER!!
Last week I had the opportunity to go down to San Diego for Caitlin and Devin's wedding. It was AWESOME! The only complaint I have is that the trip was too short. But seriously it was a great weekend!
I drove down with some friends of Caitlin and Devin, Casandra (I can't remember when we met, but it feels like I've known her forever.), Ben (who I met randomly a couple of months ago, but we didn't really know each other), and Rick (I'd heard his name a ton, but never met him). We drove down to Provo on Wednesday night and stayed at Julie's house. Then Thursday morning we left and drove to San Diego. I drove the last leg of the drive into San Diego, and the WHOLE time I was getting SO excited to be home! Even though I was still hours away. It's like the closer I get, the more excited I get. I drove straight to Kira's because I was WAY excited to see her since she no longer lives 2 minutes away from me. Then Corey picked me up, and we went to the Densley's.
Good thing I showed up when I did because Hansen and Owen did NOT want to be baby-sat by Eden. They were on the phone with Shelly, and it was on speaker. I overheard the conversation and interrupted saying I was around and I would be there to watch them. Shelly was a little confused that I was at her house. In fact, she thought I was three-waying from Idaho. Haha! Surprise! I'm at your house! That was fun! I anxiously waited for her and Randal to come home, and it was SO good to see them! Truman came over later and we hung out for a while. I spent Thursday night at the Densley's.
Friday, I caught a ride with Tavin to the temple (He works there Friday mornings.), though I drove. Haha! I got to do an endowment session before Caitlin and Devin's sealing, which was nice. I miss the San Diego temple! Then I saw the bride and groom before the sealing, which was fun! The sealing was beautiful! And it really made me think that maybe this California/wanna-be-Utah girl wants to get married in San Diego, though she's dreamed of marrying in Salt Lake. Who knows!
I tried to take a million pics, but I was having too much fun enjoying the moment! Well, I did take quite a few pics anyway. I was very impressed with their photographer! She was AMAZING! (I want to go into photography someday, but first I need a nice camera and a portfolio. Then I can maybe start doing weddings and things. We'll see. Another note-After going to two weddings almost back to back, I've decided that I will probably at least need two photographers on my wedding day. One for the posed/traditional shots, and one to snap candids the whole time.) I also LOVED the colors Caitlin picked-purple and yellow. I don't really like purple or yellow, but they go very well together.
We went back to the Mission Valley building for a luncheon. Afterwards, Stu, Jessica, Kira, Ben, Rick, Casandra, and I went to Mission Beach. It was a little funny because we were all in our church clothes hanging out at the beach taking a million pics! It was SO fun though! And the sunset was GORGEOUS! I seriously miss San Diego a LOT!
Then I went to the potluck at LM1st Ward with Corey. It's crazy to me how each time I come home I know less and less people, and that ward I grew up in feels less and less like home. It was still fun to see those who I do know.
After our brief visit at our building, Corey and I headed to the Mission Valley building for Caitlin and Devin's reception. Corey was worried he'd be bored and not know anyone, but to his surprise he had plenty of friends there. It was a fun night! Again, I tried to get pics, but I wanted to dance and have fun and visit with people, so I don't have nearly as many from the reception.
Corey and I were exhausted after the reception, and we had been invited to do other things. We were just going to go home, but then somehow we decided to go see people. First we stopped at Bob and Janae's. Janae is all cute and pregnant! It was fun to see them! Then we went to Elise's house for games. It was a fun night! We played "Smurf," which apparently isn't Bishop's favorite game. Haha! Anyway, we had a lot of laughs and we have some great inside jokes now. How many smurf words can you use in
your testimony. Oh and... it depends! haha! Corey and I said goodbye Friday night because I was leaving Saturday afternoon and he had to work all day. (I should have gone and got Chipotle on Saturday, but time no money permitted that.)
Saturday morning, I went to Barnes and Noble to say hi to Vickie and pick up Girl Scout cookies from her (Thin Mints and Samoas! Yum!). It was SO good to see her, though it was way too short. Then I met up with Stephanie at the Densley's for German pancakes (my FAVORITE breakfast). Then Steph and I were off to David's Bridal to get me a bridesmaid dress for her wedding. We were pretty fast, which Stephanie and I were both grateful for. I'm not a fan of shopping, so I like to be in and out.
When I came home, Randal and Owen were getting ready to go to Grossmont Center. I was WAY tired, but I wanted to spend time with them, so I asked if I could go. Luckily, Owen said I could come. Haha! We went to Target, See's, and Wal*Mart. It was fun just being with the two of them! Man, I love the Densley's SO much! Then Randal dropped me off at Kira's, and we said goodbye! I hate saying bye to them!
Then we packed up Ben's car and said bye to Kira, which was WAY sad! I wish we could have taken her with us! Man, I miss her being in Rexburg! Then we were off to St. George. I drove the first leg because everyone was way tired from the beach. (They spent the day having tons of fun boogie boarding and surfing.) We stayed the night in St. George with Ben's cousin and her family. Sunday morning we went to church with them at 9 and left for Rexburg after sacrament meeting. We did stop in Salt Lake to go to Temple Square. That was fun!
Coming back to Rexburg after being in San Diego was rough. I thought I'd be fine. But seriously, the moment I stepped out of the car after arriving in Rexburg, I was already missing San Diego. That made me realize that I wouldn't want to move all the way to Oklahoma or any farther away than I already am because it will be harder to go home. I enjoy being able to go home and visit my family and friends. But the 4 and a half day vacation to SD was SO good and packed with fun! I LOVED every minute of it! Hopefully, it will happen again soon!
I drove down with some friends of Caitlin and Devin, Casandra (I can't remember when we met, but it feels like I've known her forever.), Ben (who I met randomly a couple of months ago, but we didn't really know each other), and Rick (I'd heard his name a ton, but never met him). We drove down to Provo on Wednesday night and stayed at Julie's house. Then Thursday morning we left and drove to San Diego. I drove the last leg of the drive into San Diego, and the WHOLE time I was getting SO excited to be home! Even though I was still hours away. It's like the closer I get, the more excited I get. I drove straight to Kira's because I was WAY excited to see her since she no longer lives 2 minutes away from me. Then Corey picked me up, and we went to the Densley's.
Good thing I showed up when I did because Hansen and Owen did NOT want to be baby-sat by Eden. They were on the phone with Shelly, and it was on speaker. I overheard the conversation and interrupted saying I was around and I would be there to watch them. Shelly was a little confused that I was at her house. In fact, she thought I was three-waying from Idaho. Haha! Surprise! I'm at your house! That was fun! I anxiously waited for her and Randal to come home, and it was SO good to see them! Truman came over later and we hung out for a while. I spent Thursday night at the Densley's.
Friday, I caught a ride with Tavin to the temple (He works there Friday mornings.), though I drove. Haha! I got to do an endowment session before Caitlin and Devin's sealing, which was nice. I miss the San Diego temple! Then I saw the bride and groom before the sealing, which was fun! The sealing was beautiful! And it really made me think that maybe this California/wanna-be-Utah girl wants to get married in San Diego, though she's dreamed of marrying in Salt Lake. Who knows!
I tried to take a million pics, but I was having too much fun enjoying the moment! Well, I did take quite a few pics anyway. I was very impressed with their photographer! She was AMAZING! (I want to go into photography someday, but first I need a nice camera and a portfolio. Then I can maybe start doing weddings and things. We'll see. Another note-After going to two weddings almost back to back, I've decided that I will probably at least need two photographers on my wedding day. One for the posed/traditional shots, and one to snap candids the whole time.) I also LOVED the colors Caitlin picked-purple and yellow. I don't really like purple or yellow, but they go very well together.
We went back to the Mission Valley building for a luncheon. Afterwards, Stu, Jessica, Kira, Ben, Rick, Casandra, and I went to Mission Beach. It was a little funny because we were all in our church clothes hanging out at the beach taking a million pics! It was SO fun though! And the sunset was GORGEOUS! I seriously miss San Diego a LOT!
Then I went to the potluck at LM1st Ward with Corey. It's crazy to me how each time I come home I know less and less people, and that ward I grew up in feels less and less like home. It was still fun to see those who I do know.
After our brief visit at our building, Corey and I headed to the Mission Valley building for Caitlin and Devin's reception. Corey was worried he'd be bored and not know anyone, but to his surprise he had plenty of friends there. It was a fun night! Again, I tried to get pics, but I wanted to dance and have fun and visit with people, so I don't have nearly as many from the reception.
Corey and I were exhausted after the reception, and we had been invited to do other things. We were just going to go home, but then somehow we decided to go see people. First we stopped at Bob and Janae's. Janae is all cute and pregnant! It was fun to see them! Then we went to Elise's house for games. It was a fun night! We played "Smurf," which apparently isn't Bishop's favorite game. Haha! Anyway, we had a lot of laughs and we have some great inside jokes now. How many smurf words can you use in
your testimony. Oh and... it depends! haha! Corey and I said goodbye Friday night because I was leaving Saturday afternoon and he had to work all day. (I should have gone and got Chipotle on Saturday, but time no money permitted that.)
Saturday morning, I went to Barnes and Noble to say hi to Vickie and pick up Girl Scout cookies from her (Thin Mints and Samoas! Yum!). It was SO good to see her, though it was way too short. Then I met up with Stephanie at the Densley's for German pancakes (my FAVORITE breakfast). Then Steph and I were off to David's Bridal to get me a bridesmaid dress for her wedding. We were pretty fast, which Stephanie and I were both grateful for. I'm not a fan of shopping, so I like to be in and out.
When I came home, Randal and Owen were getting ready to go to Grossmont Center. I was WAY tired, but I wanted to spend time with them, so I asked if I could go. Luckily, Owen said I could come. Haha! We went to Target, See's, and Wal*Mart. It was fun just being with the two of them! Man, I love the Densley's SO much! Then Randal dropped me off at Kira's, and we said goodbye! I hate saying bye to them!
Then we packed up Ben's car and said bye to Kira, which was WAY sad! I wish we could have taken her with us! Man, I miss her being in Rexburg! Then we were off to St. George. I drove the first leg because everyone was way tired from the beach. (They spent the day having tons of fun boogie boarding and surfing.) We stayed the night in St. George with Ben's cousin and her family. Sunday morning we went to church with them at 9 and left for Rexburg after sacrament meeting. We did stop in Salt Lake to go to Temple Square. That was fun!
Coming back to Rexburg after being in San Diego was rough. I thought I'd be fine. But seriously, the moment I stepped out of the car after arriving in Rexburg, I was already missing San Diego. That made me realize that I wouldn't want to move all the way to Oklahoma or any farther away than I already am because it will be harder to go home. I enjoy being able to go home and visit my family and friends. But the 4 and a half day vacation to SD was SO good and packed with fun! I LOVED every minute of it! Hopefully, it will happen again soon!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Off to a Great Start
I really need to get better at writing. I used to be somewhat good at it, and since I've been back from my mission, it's really gone downhill, even in my personal journal too. Lots has happened, and life is AWESOME right now! One day, I'm gonna look back and wish I had written more at this super happy time in my life. So I better get started...
Before going home to San Diego for Christmas break, I got set apart as an ordinance worker in the Rexburg temple. I started working at the beginning of January when I came back from break. I absolutely LOVE it! And I know a bunch of the people who I work the same shift with. Plus, I always see tons of people I know during the day. I would recommend working as an ordinance worker to anyone. It truly is amazing!
This semester I'm off-track, meaning I'm not in school. And I currently am unemployed, though I've been job searching since December. I know that everything will work out though because I felt very strongly that I was supposed to stay in Rexburg this semester.
I have 5 awesome roommates! Madi, Cortney, Nicki, Sarah, and Kyra. I love them a ton! And they are all younger, but they're sweet girls. I am lucky to have such great roommates!
At the beginning of the semester, I received the assignment to put together my ward directory. I kinda asked for it though. It's a funny story, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to do it because it kept be busy. Plus, it made it easy to get to meet everyone in my ward. We've had a big turnover from last semester to this semester, so there are lots of new faces. Anyway, it's been fun learning names and getting to know people.
Two days after receiving the assignment to assemble the ward directory, I received the calling to be one of two Relief Society presidents in my ward. I gladly accepted. I know, I'm really weird, but ever since I served as first counselor in the Relief Society presidency as a freshman I've missed it SO much! So I'm excited to be back in the presidency. It is overwhelming, and there has been and always will be lots to do, but I love it! And I have an awesome Relief Society of sisters! I love them all! And I look forward to getting to know them better.
I recently returned from Oklahoma. I got to go back to my mission because one of my companions was getting married in Oklahoma City. She was my mini missionary, who just served as a missionary for 6 weeks since we were short a Spanish sister. So I was in Oklahoma for just over a week, and it was one of the best weeks EVER! I seriously even began to consider moving to Oklahoma someday. I never ever thought I'd see the day that I'd actually want to live there. I think I would love it! And people were tempting me while I was there. I was offered a job, and a couple of people offered me a place to stay. It was tempting. If I didn't have responsibilities in Idaho, I might have just stayed there forever. Good thing I got a calling before I left. Haha. But really, maybe one day I'll live in OKC. It seriously feels like home being there!
Tomorrow I'm leaving for San Diego because one of my other way close friends is getting married. I've known her since I was 12, and she's one of my best friends! I love her! It will be a quick trip though. I'll get to San Diego Thursday night and leave Saturday late afternoon/early evening. It will be way fun though and way warmer than Rexburg.
And for inquiring minds, I'm not dating anybody. Though I did catch the bouquet at my best friend/mission companion's reception. (That is a story in and of itself since I NEVER participate in bouquet tosses.) And you know what that means... But I don't believe in superstitions.
That's the latest for now. I'm loving being in Rexburg, although it's freezing. And I feel super blessed for all of the people in my life right now.
Before going home to San Diego for Christmas break, I got set apart as an ordinance worker in the Rexburg temple. I started working at the beginning of January when I came back from break. I absolutely LOVE it! And I know a bunch of the people who I work the same shift with. Plus, I always see tons of people I know during the day. I would recommend working as an ordinance worker to anyone. It truly is amazing!
This semester I'm off-track, meaning I'm not in school. And I currently am unemployed, though I've been job searching since December. I know that everything will work out though because I felt very strongly that I was supposed to stay in Rexburg this semester.
I have 5 awesome roommates! Madi, Cortney, Nicki, Sarah, and Kyra. I love them a ton! And they are all younger, but they're sweet girls. I am lucky to have such great roommates!
At the beginning of the semester, I received the assignment to put together my ward directory. I kinda asked for it though. It's a funny story, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to do it because it kept be busy. Plus, it made it easy to get to meet everyone in my ward. We've had a big turnover from last semester to this semester, so there are lots of new faces. Anyway, it's been fun learning names and getting to know people.
Two days after receiving the assignment to assemble the ward directory, I received the calling to be one of two Relief Society presidents in my ward. I gladly accepted. I know, I'm really weird, but ever since I served as first counselor in the Relief Society presidency as a freshman I've missed it SO much! So I'm excited to be back in the presidency. It is overwhelming, and there has been and always will be lots to do, but I love it! And I have an awesome Relief Society of sisters! I love them all! And I look forward to getting to know them better.
I recently returned from Oklahoma. I got to go back to my mission because one of my companions was getting married in Oklahoma City. She was my mini missionary, who just served as a missionary for 6 weeks since we were short a Spanish sister. So I was in Oklahoma for just over a week, and it was one of the best weeks EVER! I seriously even began to consider moving to Oklahoma someday. I never ever thought I'd see the day that I'd actually want to live there. I think I would love it! And people were tempting me while I was there. I was offered a job, and a couple of people offered me a place to stay. It was tempting. If I didn't have responsibilities in Idaho, I might have just stayed there forever. Good thing I got a calling before I left. Haha. But really, maybe one day I'll live in OKC. It seriously feels like home being there!
Tomorrow I'm leaving for San Diego because one of my other way close friends is getting married. I've known her since I was 12, and she's one of my best friends! I love her! It will be a quick trip though. I'll get to San Diego Thursday night and leave Saturday late afternoon/early evening. It will be way fun though and way warmer than Rexburg.
And for inquiring minds, I'm not dating anybody. Though I did catch the bouquet at my best friend/mission companion's reception. (That is a story in and of itself since I NEVER participate in bouquet tosses.) And you know what that means... But I don't believe in superstitions.
That's the latest for now. I'm loving being in Rexburg, although it's freezing. And I feel super blessed for all of the people in my life right now.
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An Unrelenting Longing
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