I've been home from the mission 3 months as of last Friday, and I just feel so blessed because practically everything is falling into place. A lot has happened, and life has been pretty crazy and busy, but I'm soaking it all in because I have to say bye to San Diego soon.
I got accepted to go back to BYU-I on my spring/fall track, but because of the RM program, I was invited to go back in January instead of waiting until April. Originally, this wasn't my plan. But I've realized that when I make plans, they tend to change, and everything works out the way it's supposed to. So I'll be heading back to Rexburg at the end of the month or the beginning of next month. I've registered for classes, which I thought would be way hard considering most people have registered. But I actually got into the classes I wanted. As I was looking at apartments, most of them were wait list only, but I found one that had openings and is right where I want to be. I'm so excited for next semester! I'm excited to return to school, to see old friends, to have roommates, to live the college life, and to have fun!
My brother is coming home! January 21, 2011 he will fly into San Diego from Japan. I'm SO excited to see him. I almost forgot I get to talk to him on Christmas. But honestly he comes home so soon that if I didn't get to talk to him on Christmas it would be okay. He's so awesome, and I'm excited to have him back! It is a little sad that I'll be in Rexburg and he'll be in San Diego, but that's what cell phones are for!
Dallen and Tavin get their mission calls soon! I'm SO excited to see where they will go! It's been fun spending so much time with them since I've been home. I'll definitely miss them, but 2 years will fly by.
Life is good. I am so blessed. Everything is falling into place. :)
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Words from the Best/Wisest Little Brother Ever...
"We'll beat this thing together and you will be prepared for whatever lies in store for you. He will lift you up until you can stand. Then He will be your crutch until you can walk. Then He will be your Coach who will run alongside you pushing you to never give up. You're the best. I'll do all I can but that is hardly anything so just rely on Him."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
22 Things I've Realized
This post is a follow-up to a post that I posted over a year ago. It's kind of the post-mission version. So, I've changed and added a few things. Basically, it's the same thing, but with a different/better perspective. That's why it's called "22 Things I've Realized" vs. "21 Things I've Learned." There is one addition at the end. :)
1. Life always goes how Heavenly Father plans it; therefore is goes perfectly.
2. Our time on this earth is precious and short, but just long enough to complete the divine mission that our Heavenly Father sent us here to complete.
3. Everyone is struggling in some way or another, even the people who seem to have it all together, including myself. Our job is to always be reaching out to each other, so that we keep each other on the path, meaning not just you, but me too. Because nothing is guaranteed, including your exaltation and mine.
4. We don't owe it to our fathers to keep their false traditions. We owe it to them to remove them. We have the responsibility to break the pride cycle and start the humble one, influencing future generations to follow Jesus Christ and not Satan.
5. Parents are there to parent their children, and sometimes children are there to parent their parents. More importantly, parents are there to help their children receive exaltation. But sometimes children are there to help their parents receive exaltation.
6. Commandments are meant to be obeyed. Our obedience provides us with safety and freedom and happiness that we can get from no other source.
7. Often, we learn best from our own experiences, but only if we change because of them. That doesn't mean we have to experience every hard thing imaginable. But sometimes we have to experience it ourselves to really change and be better.
8. It's only important to know to know and teach the basic principles of the gospel, which is simply the path to once again live with our Heavenly Father. It's what we do, and we don't need anything extra.
9. You already know why you have to do that something: because God commanded it; and that doesn't require any further explanation.
10. Communication-speaking, teaching, listening-is one of the gifts I've been blessed with, and I realize that it is something that not everyone has. This will be key in my success in whatever whether it's school, a job, a career, etc.
11. Happiness is a choice, which not everyone chooses or has the freedom/ability to choose. (All are agents to themselves unless something has happened which would no longer enable them to be an agent for themselves.)
12. Depression is not merely a choice, but a real emotional illness/condition, which may never be understood by many.
13. It's impossible to maintain the relationships with everyone that I once had. I keep the ones that keep me, and the others I let break my heart for two seconds and I let go and take off running.
14. Everything happens for a divine purpose, which Heavenly Father knows. His planning and timing are perfect. We just have to trust, understand, and accept that.
15. The only thing we really have, that is ours, is our will. But really we want for our will to become His. So that in the end we can inherit all He has for us and live happily ever after.
16. Serving others brings pure joy that nothing else can bring.
17. TV is the A root of all evil. (Well, in my house anyway. In EVERY house.)
18. You aren't a complete product when you leave your parents at 18. That's just the start of a never-ending process or molding, shaping, and growing into the person Heavenly Father intended you to be.
19. It takes more than a village to raise a child. AKA... In my case, it's taken 10 wards (7 stakes), 6 schools, over 33 cities... basically thousands and thousands of people. The count is endless.
20. I've learned more from my brother in the past 22 months than his last almost 21 years put together.
21. People come into your life, right when you need them to. They only stay as long as you need them to (not want them to), and then somebody else comes along. But sometimes they stay forever. I've only met a few who've stayed, and those are the people who really shape your life. Although, those who are in and out, can change you in those specific moments for the rest of your life.
22. Everything we do is for one purpose... to return to live with Heavenly Father. If it doesn't enable us to do that, maybe we should reconsider doing that thing.
As a RM, you think you know everything, and then you realize you really still know nothing. ;)
As a RM, you think you know everything, and then you realize you really still know nothing. ;)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
FINALLY, I have a job!
Yay! So I finally have a job! It's a miracle! Honestly, I wasn't too on top of the whole job search thing since I've been home. So, it serves me right that it took a little over 2 months to find a job.
I found it online through craigslist. The title of the ad was something like starting at $20/hr. I think that would catch anyone's attention. The company is PhotoBin (check it out at www.photobin.com). They are a photo scanning company based here in San Diego, specifically Mira Mesa. I interviewed last Wednesday. There were 5 of us. Steve interviewed each of us just for a couple of minutes. Then he did a presentation on the company and what we'd be doing, to all of us as a group. He told us if we were still interested to e-mail him that night.
Of course, I e-mailed him. I was not only interested, I was SUPER interested. The more he talked about what they do and how they do it, it got me more excited. There was nothing that made me question or not like this position. Over the weekend while I was in Utah, Steve e-mailed me asking if I could come in for an interview on Monday at 3pm. The dilemma was that I wasn't going to be back in San Diego until Monday night. I talked to Stephanie about it, and we left Sunday for her grandma's house in Vegas. We stayed the night there so we could be home in time on Monday.
Monday I actually showed up late to my interview, which is SO not like me. I was mortified! I felt SO badly! Basically, if I would have played my cards right, I would have left my house early allowing time for me to be dumb and take the wrong freeway. Long story short, I took the 15 instead of the 805. Had I taken the 805 I would have been on time. Yeah, dumb. Despite that, Steve offered me a position. He said he was impressed with me. I was SO excited!
I walked out of the office and texted a bunch of people saying, I got the job. Then I came home and upgraded my texting plan from 500/mo. to unlimited in celebration of my sweet new job. And as a result, my dad now has unlimited texting too. (Pretty funny because he's never texted in his life.)
I train Thursday and Friday, and after training on Friday I can start. I wish I could start right now! I'm SO excited! Then we have advanced training next Monday, and then probably the following week (after Thanksgiving) we'll have our last day of advanced training.
You're all probably wondering what exactly it is that I'll be doing. So, I'll explain. I'm a sales rep, and so my job is simply off of a appointment and referral basis only. (Which is pretty exciting I don't have to go "tracting" - door to door.) I provide my own list of names or "referrals" to start out. Then I call those people and set up appointments. I get a base pay per appointment, and then I get commission on top of that. I'm way excited! One of my friends from the mission was like, so basically you're a missionary for PhotoBin. Haha! Yeah, kind of. Except we all know that missionary work is far more rewarding and important than any other job I'll ever have. Anyway...
So, now I'm Christina - sales rep for PhotoBin. :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Going Private...
I've decided to make my blog private. If you'd like an invite just let me know.
A year ago today I left the MTC and arrived in Oklahoma...
I really miss the mission today. Some days are worse than others. But today was worse. I just thought about how this time last year I was leaving the MTC, arriving in Oklahoma, and embracing a new adventure. How new it was to me then. How I didn't have the slightest clue what I was doing or what I would learn. How I would change lives and help people come unto Christ. How I would build eternal friendships. How I would finally come to understand how simple our Heavenly Father's plan really is and what is most important in this life. How my perspective of my mom and dad would change and I would feel a greater love and appreciation for them. I could go and on on.
The point is that my mission has changed me forever. I will never be the same as I was when I stepped off that plane in Oklahoma City a year ago. I really feel like in so many ways I exponentially progressed while I was in Oklahoma. I learned so many things that have changed my life. And now I am responsible for all of that knowledge.
I truly am grateful for the opportunity I had to serve a mission. It was something I think about every day, and I continue to grow and learn from that incredible experience.
Monday, September 20, 2010
I'm home.
Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that I am home from the mission. I got back on September 10. Shelly was forwarding you my e-mails and pictures, and I'm grateful for that. I will be speaking in my home ward, La Mesa 1st, on October 31 at 11:30am for those of you who are here in San Diego and would like to come. I just wanted to thank you all for the letters, support, prayers and love in behalf of me as well as my brother, Corey, who is still in Japan. We love and appreciate you lots!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Happy September!
Hey Everyone,
It's been an eventful week to say the least. It's so weird because I feel like this week should be the last week of the transfer, but it's only the first week.
Last Tuesday Hermana Moss and I took out the two new sisters and went tracting. We drove to a neighborhood and then split up. Sister Moss took Sister Grant, and I took Sister Jenson. Sister Jenson was a little nervous. I felt so badly for her. I think I was more excited my first night than she was. Sister Grant was on fire! She was so excited to finally be here. It was weird... I still remember that first night I was in Oklahoma when I went out with Sister Lamb and Sister Whiting. I was so new, I had no clue what I was doing, or what these 18 months would entail. And now here I am almost a year later... Crazy! They both spent the night at our apt. because they couldn't stay at the mission home since the Taylor's have two boys at home. Then the next morning we drove back to the mission home so that the sisters could have breakfast with the other greenies. And we met Elder Lewis's greenie, Elder Hansen.
So last Thursday Hna. Coronado had her baptismal interview with Elder Lewis. He was supposed to bring keys to the closet so she could find a jumper that fit her. But he forgot them at home. So while she was being interviewed we drove back to the apt and got his keys. Before we left to go back to the apt, we could see a storm rolling in right above us. While we were waiting for the Coronado's to get there we stood in the parking lot and just watched the sky, half of it black and grey, the other half blue. We watched the clouds move across the city. It was crazy! We run into the apt, grab the keys and ran back to the car. Just in that short time it had started down pouring really hard! And as we drove back to the church, we were driving deeper and deeper into the storm. I drove like 20 mph the whole way back because the streets were literally flooded and I could not see very far ahead of us. It was a little scary. To top it all off, it started hailing too! I honestly know that Heavenly Father was watching over us and He was helping me make it to the church. Then we got back to the church and watched it continue to pour while Hna. Coronado was having her interview. Just walking back into the church Hna. Moss and I were soaked. Then she came out, and she seemed so happy! She was so cute! She was like, I passed! Haha! Then we found her a jumper. And Elder Lewis showed us how to fill up the font for Saturday.
Saturday Hna. Coronado and her 8 year old son, Danny, were baptized and confirmed. There were lots of people, probably about 40-50 if not more. Hna. went first, and we stood inside the doors to the font. It was weird... I've never seen a baptism from that perspective. I'm always out front watching like everyone else. Hna. said it was hot, but she was fine. Then we stood there with her, while we watched Danny get baptized. Danny started to walk down the stairs, and he said, it's hot, and he stopped. Then he started crying. Sister Moss and I felt SO badly! Luckily, Elder Lewis had closed the partitions in between the two baptisms so not everyone was watching this. (Elder Lewis had told us to fill the font about 3/4 of the way with hot water, then the rest with cold. And we had done that.) Finally, Sister Moss and I thought to just turn on the cold water, so that maybe it would help. Eventually, Danny stopped crying and he got in and was baptized. They also got confirmed too. Afterward, they seemed so happy! It was a great night!
Sunday-church was great! Well, mainly sacrament meeting. It was fast and testimony meeting. Danny and Chris got up to bear their testimonies, and I leaned over to Sister Moss and said, all five of them are going to bear their testimonies before this meeting is over. A lot of time passed between Chris and the other three. I saw Hno. get up and sit on the stand. Then I looked over and saw Chris and Danny nudging their mom and Ali to bear their testimonies. It was so cute! Hna. got up and sat on the stand. Then finally Ali. Hna. went first, then Ali, and then Hno. It was so sweet to hear Hna. bear her testimony about the Lord's timing. She said that God sent her three angels, Hermana Moss, me, and then she paused... Hna. Tucker. (I wish Hermana Tucker could have been here for all of this. All 3 of us were convinced that Hermana Tucker getting bit by the Coronado's dog was a key part in Hna's progression.) Hna. Coronado said that God sent us to her at exactly the time when He knew she would need us. (About 3 weeks ago, Hna. Coronado found out she has breast cancer. The day after she found out was when she told us she knows the she has to be baptized. She wanted it to be done before her operation on Sept. 10. She and Hno. both know that the path that lies ahead of them and their whole family is going to be more difficult now, because they are one step closer to being able to be sealed. And Satan knows that, and he's going to try to stop it. But they are strong and I know that Heavenly Father is watching over them.)
For me, I feel more love for this family than all the rest that I've met on my mission. When I first got here to the south last November, the Coronado's would have the 6 of us missionaries over for dinner every once in a while. And even though Hna. wasn't a member, it was as though she was. The spirit in their home was so special compared to any other I've been in. Then when Astrid and I started teaching her and she told us she wasn't ready, I was way sad. But I knew that she was going to get baptized and I'd be here to see it. Then Sister Tucker and I kept teaching her. Then I went to the north and Sister Tucker and Sister Moss taught her for a while. Then I came back and continued to teach her. And now she's a member. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father has allowed me to be a part of this family's life. It's a special experience to witness one's conversion and progression in the gospel and their change of heart.
We didn't e-mail yesterday because it was Labor Day and everything was closed, thus why this is late.
We played sports yesterday. I played volleyball and then I was throwing the football with Sister Moss and Elder Call, and I jammed my left middle finger pretty well going to catch the ball. Go figure... I swear, I'm always getting injured. But I'll be fine.
I think that is pretty much it for now. I love you all! Thanks for all you do! Corey is being transferred the mission office to be a secretary. He's doing well!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Monday, August 30, 2010
August is winding down...
Hey Everyone,
So we got transfer calls last night, and lots is changing. But Sister Moss and I are staying.
Elder Ortiz and Elder Lambert are staying. Elder Lewis is staying as well and will be training. Elder Frampton is leaving, sadly, and going to Seminole with Elder Madsen, english speaking. Elder Talbot is leaving to go to Ponca City with Elder Hamner. Elder Chun is going to Norman to be Zone Leader with Elder Anderson. Elder Williams is coming here to be ZL with Elder Call. Elder Mackenzie is going AP with Elder Olsen. Which means Elder Reed will no longer be AP and is shotgun training in the spanish north east area, two greenies. The spanish north west area will remain closed. Elder Mortensen is leaving the spanish north central area to go to Norman. He'll be district leader and english. Elder Riggs will take his place with Elder Gonzales. Elder Timoteo will be training in Enid. Sister Holly is coming here with Sister Davey and Sister Anderson is leaving to go to Lawton with Sister Maude. Sister Goodell is also training up in the north. Sister Lamb is shotgun training in Norman. They're opening OU Campus back up, where she will be at. Elder Clark is going to Guthrie to be ZL with Elder Schleitwhiler.
Sorry that was probably way boring for most of you, but that's the download on what I know.
As for the work... Odeli dropped us last week. Way sad. We tried to commit her to baptism, but she said no. I really feel like one day she will accept the gospel.
Hna. Coronado... we set a baptismal date for this Saturday! We're way excited. President Espinosa talked to us yesterday. He asked us if we knew what the word angels meant. I said no. He said it's greek for messenger. Then he went on to explain how often we think of angels as sent from God, and we think of heavenly beings appearing to people. But really each of us is an angel. I think Jeffrey R. Holland also talked about this in general conference a few years ago. Why would God send a heavenly messenger when He has plenty here on earth? Anyway, President's point was that we are angels to Hna. Coronado. It really is interesting because she has told us that she never accepted the missionaries to come visit her, but when she had us over for dinner, there was something about us, that she felt like she couldn't say no to us. I love her and her family so much! Also, her son, Danny, will be getting baptized with her on Saturday. He just turned 8. :)
We were finally able to teach and find Juan on Saturday for the first time since we taught him at the beginning of the transfer. And we were way bold with him. He said he doesn't want to be baptized yet. I asked when. He said later, in a few months. I said, and you really think in a few months that life will settle down and there will be time to go to church. He said yeah. I just told him that life is always busy. There's never a better time to change than today, now. I think he got it. We're going to meet with him on Saturday and hopefully we can set a baptismal date.
It may sound like we're pressuring people into changing their lives, coming to church, being baptized, but really we have the gospel in their lives, they don't. We know how important it is, they don't. We know how happy they can be, they don't. We know how they can change, they don't. The bottom line is that, as missionaries we know the gospel, we know the importance, and even when an investigator is baptized, they still don't know how important that decision is. We have to help them know like we know.
Honestly, the work here is pretty slow. And I feel like our teaching pool is way small and we are struggling finding new investigators. But I know that the Lord works in His time, not ours. And I know that I will see a change in this area. I just have to be patient and keep going. Time continues to fly, and I need to use every moment I have because I'll never get it back.
It's also cooled off this past week. It's still hot, but not as bad as it was. I'm grateful that summer is coming to end. Right now, I'm looking forward to the cold, but I know when it gets here I'll be wishing for the summer.
I love you all! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. Corey and I really appreciate it!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Monday, August 23, 2010
the work will accelerate!
Hey Everyone,
Man, I feel like a million things happened this week and lots of things are changing. Yet I don't really want to e-mail or write letters, not like me, I know.
We had zone conference, which was awesome. Now as a mission we are committing everyone to be baptized in the first lesson. I can already see how the Lord is hastening this work right now!
We went on exchanges with the english sisters last Thursday to Friday. Sister Davey came with me in my area, and Sister Moss went with Sister Anderson in her area. Sister Davey is awesome! She has such a fire for this work! While I was with her, I realized how much I love spanish. And it's just weird because at the beginning of my mission, I hated it. I hated speaking, singing, hearing, etc spanish. But now I can honestly say I love it. And when all of this is over, I'm going to miss going to a spanish branch, I'm going to miss speaking spanish.
Raquel still has a baptismal date, but we haven't been able to contact her since we set that date, nor has she been to church. I don't really know what is going on. I pray that we can figure it out and that she really can be baptized.
Hna. Coronado... she knows she needs to get baptized. We would have set a date, but she wants to get baptized the same day as Danny (he turns 8 today!), but we don't know when he's getting baptized. Plus, they are going through a way hard time right now, and there's a lot going on. We're going over tomorrow night, and hopefully we can set a date!
This past Sunday President Espinosa (branch president of Spanish 6 OKC branch) asked in our meeting before church if I would speak on the importance of members in missionary work. So I did. I wrote down a few thoughts, but I had no prepared talk or anything. I really feel blessed that I can just speak, in spanish, without having to worry about not knowing how to say something. The gift of tongues truly amazes me! Then Elder Lewis spoke, but he didn't know he was speaking until they announced the program after the passing of the sacrament. So basically, he had the time I was speaking to prepare something.
As I spoke, I felt something different. Like, I've already heard everything I was saying, but it started to sink in. I really felt like I was catching the vision of missionary work, and specifically missionary work in the Oklahoma City Mission, specifically here in the Spanish 6 Branch in the south, as I was speaking.
Paty and Alejandro showed up to church after sac mtg. Their kids are back from Texas now. I was so glad they made it!
Reina Ortiz, she's in the central elders' area, but we received permission to visit her, also was at church. She showed up right before the third hour. She's awesome! She said she never wants to miss church again. Hopefully, she can come!
I really feel like Satan is hard at work right now. He doesn't want us to succeed. He doesn't want us to be happy. He sees that here in the OKC Mission we are trying to accelerate the work and he doesn't want it to happen. I know that this really is the Lord's work, and nobody can stop it. But Satan is still trying to take us out one by one. But we can't let him. I know it's hard. There are so many things working against us, but I also know there are a lot of things working with us, we're on the Lord's side.
Transfers are next week, which is crazy. Honestly, I feel like this wasn't even a full transfer because of everything that happened during the first two weeks or so. But time continues to fly. I really can't believe that August is coming to an end and most kids have started school. This time last year I was doing last minute things to get ready to leave on the mission.
We're going to go bowling today, finally! I'm excited! But I gotta run!
Love you all tons! Thanks for all you do. Corey and I really appreciate all of the prayers, support, and love.
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Monday, August 16, 2010
halfway through August already!
Hey Everyone,
I don't even know what to write. This week has felt way long and yet flown by at the same time.
We set a baptismal date with Raquel last week, but she didn't come to church on Sunday. I am worried because it's not until Sept 18, but she needs to come to church and hasn't.
Hna. Garcia, one of our less actives, was at church for the first time in months. That was awesome!
I feel like this area is going to grow and things will change, but I just have to be patient right now. Because I feel like nothing is happening and nobody is progressing.
I had the opportunity to listen to one of the 70, Elder Villareal, in two meetings-a branch leadership meeting on Saturday (for the three spanish branches here-the south, the north, and Norman) and then last night at a fireside. He is awesome! I learned a ton from him. We only went to the leadership meeting because they asked if Sister Moss could play the piano. Then last night, Hna. Coronado was going to come, but never showed up.
Anyway, he's awesome! I feel blessed for the many opportunities I've had to listen to apostles and 70s being on the mission. One thing that was cool about last night is there was a lady there who was white, but she spoke spanish (that shouldn't be such a surprise because I'm white and speak spanish...haha!). Elder Villareal asked her where she learned spanish, and she said serving a mission in Houston, TX back in 1982. Wow! I just sat there thinking, wow. She's almost been home for 20 years and she still knows spanish. It helps that she married a man from El Salvador. It just made me think how grateful I am for being able to learn spanish.
On Sunday, I translated for Astrid's brother's (Oscar) fiance, Sarah, during Sunday School and Relief Society. Translating is a lot harder than it looks. Astrid makes it look so easy. But it really takes talent to be able to listen in spanish while translating aloud to the person in english. Plus, it's weird to be talking during the whole lesson because I'm translating. But it was a good experience. It was far from perfect, but Sarah was grateful.
We went to the zoo today. It was all right. I think I would have enjoyed it better if it hadn't been so hot. It's pretty small, but we still didn't see everything. Astrid and another member, Valeria Sanchez Flores, took us. The english sisters also went, as well as two spanish elders, and two english elders.
We have zone conference on Wednesday, which I'm really looking forward to for lots of reasons-it's the first ZC we've had in a while (we didn't have it last transfer because we only have 4 a year now), there will be very different because of all of the changes that have been made, and it will be our first ZC with the Taylors. But I'm excited! It should be awesome!
Well, I love you all! Corey is doing well. He had 3 investigators at church on Sunday! That's awesome! We both appreciate all you do for both of us! Thanks!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Monday, August 9, 2010
so each of us got a shirt from this Christian bookstore me, Sister Tucker, and Sister Moss
my shirt says "in it not of it" (as in the world), Sister Tucker's "and you think you've got problems...", Sister Moss's "Lifeguard Mine Walks on Water"
11 months!
Hey Everyone,
So today is 11 months! I can't believe it! Time has gone by so fast! Corey will hit 18 months on Wednesday. He and I have about 6 months left, which is so weird!
So it's just Sister Moss and I here in the south of OKC. I would have never thought I would be one of only two spanish sisters. I really thought there would always be at least 3 of us. I have no clue what will happen next transfer. Part of me really feels like I'm only here in the south this transfer, and I'll be going back to the north next transfer, but that means that two english sisters would have to go spanish. I'm just hoping and praying Salt Lake will send us spanish sisters soon. In the meantime, I'm trying really hard to just not worry about anything because Heavenly Father knows my needs (Matthew 6:28-34) as well as Sister Moss's needs and all those here in the south we're teaching and those in the north that we were teaching. I know it will all work out.
We had no investigators at church on Sunday. :( It was way sad! BUT... two of our less actives showed up right after the passing of the sacrament. I was sitting on the stand to lead the music, and Paty and Alejandro Pecina walked in. I looked at Sister Moss with a huge smile on my face, and then tears started to well up in my eyes. I love this family so much! Before I left the south, we were visiting Paty. They have two kids, Anuar (5) and Gael (2 or 3). Anyway, since I've been back we've been visiting both Paty and Alejandro regularly. One of the first things we talked about with them since I've been back was about what they want. I was way bold, and I just said, you guys need to be praying, reading the scriptures, and going to church. There are many other things they need to be doing/not doing that they are not doing/doing, but the focus is these simple three things. I asked them if they want to live in the celestial kingdom. They both said yes, and then I asked, what are you doing so you can one day live there. They both said, nothing. Alejandro's mom passed away some years back, and I also mentioned how she is literally waiting on them to do her temple work. (Neither Paty nor Alejandro have been through the temple.) I think, it really hit them, that if they want to live with our Heavenly Father they have to do their part. We've basically just been teaching them the lessons. As a missionary, I've really that what many of the less actives need to come back to church is essentially to be reconverted. Like it's been so long, that they have forgotten what it feels like to feel the spirit, why it's so important to go to church, and what sweet peace and joy we can have if we are doing our part.
I really feel like they are progressing. They haven't been reading every night, they've only been to church once (and it was yesterday, just part of sac mtg). But I really feel like they are on their way back to the path. And it brings me great joy to watch people change their lives, even as members.
We haven't been able to visit Juan now for like 2 or 3 weeks, and I'm worried about him. But we want to set a baptismal date with him soon, and hopefully we will and he will be able to be baptized.
Hna. Coronado wasn't at church on Sunday. Her husband went out of town, and she didn't go, but she didn't come to church. But she is close too! And I really think Hno. has realized that his wife is closer than he thinks.
Susy... it's really sad because when we found her, she seemed like she could have been active. But then we found her one day smoking outside of her house, and she tried to hide it from us. She keeps telling us she'll come to church, but she hasn't. And we haven't been able to teach Jorge or Mario. I really hope that they will come around and start to change.
This work is definitely far from easy, but I know that as I am serving and teaching those I find, that I will be able to continue to change and grow into the woman Heavenly Father wants me to be. It's hard to watch people say they'll do something and not keep their word. It's hard to watch people make bad choices and continue to distance themselves from Heavenly Father. But all we can do as missionaries is invite them to come unto Christ. That's the beauty of this plan... we all have our agency, the ability to choose from right and wrong. And even when people know the right, they may still choose the wrong. But we can lead by example and pray that they might be able to accept this plan.
As hard as it is to change and to do the Lord's will, the more we recognize the spirit and follow it, the happier we will be.
I love you all, and I'm so grateful for the support and love Corey and I receive from all of you.
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Friday, August 6, 2010
Please note, change of p-day!
Hey Everyone,
The Zone Leaders had ZLC (Zone Leader's Council) on Wednesday, and we just found out that our p-day will be changed from Tuesday to Monday. So please make sure you e-mail before Monday now.
Also, we found out late last Tuesday that Sister Tucker does have to have surgery. So she went home early yesterday morning. So it's just Sister Moss and I here in the south.
More to come on Monday!
Love you all!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Happy August!
Hey Everyone,
So August is by far my favorite month of the year, but I think I'm deciding that I don't like it here in Oklahoma because it's continuing to get hotter! It was 101 yesterday, and we just sweat like crazy. We were tracting the other day, and I noticed that there were beads of sweat dripping down my legs. Yeah, gotta love it! But we are blessed. We've had people offer us water, and somehow we always reach our goal for contacting even in the insane heat.
Juan didn't come to church on Sunday. I was bummed. But Hna. Coronado and her whole family came. The kids usually go to the english ward, so it was good to see all 5 of them there at church. I've been leading the music and Sister Moss plays the piano. It's fun being on the stand to watch as people come in.
Fermina is in and out of the hospital like twice a week to have dialysis. Sister Tucker and I got her as a referral when I was here before I went to the north. Anyway, we visit her once a week, usually at the hospital. We try to stop by her house, but she's never there. Almost all of her children and their families live here way close, and so I'm hoping we can begin teaching them. We taught her husband and one of her daughters on Monday. I also feel like Fermina may be what will allow her family to accept our message. We'll see.
We've tried visiting Luz twice since I've been here, but no luck. It's really sad to me. She was my first investigator, and I love her so much. I wish I could do more for her, and I wish she could get baptized. But I don't know what will happen with her. I know Heavenly Father knows His children better than I do. I'm merely an instrument in His hands, and I can't see the big picture. But I hope that we can start teaching her again. I'm trying to have the faith that is required to do what Heavenly Father wants me to do. Not visit people because I want to visit them, but visit them because that is what Heavenly Father wants me to do.
So, Hermana Tucker, Hermana Moss, and I have been trying to be patient between all of the crazy things that are going on right now. We were having companionship study last week, and Hermana Tucker shared this quote with me that Astrid gave her. I don't know who originally said it. "The truest fact about happiness is that if we can't find it where we are at this moment, we're not likely to find it in the next moment, either...finding happiness: it's a state of mind, not a destination." I love this quote, and I feel like it needs to be my new motto for these last 6 months of my mission. I feel like sometimes, or a lot of times, it's just hard for me to be happy and enjoy the moment. I got a letter the other day from a way close friend, and she told me something that her dad had told her at this point in her mission...you know how to be a missionary now, you're not trying to figure it out, so go to work and work hard. That is how I feel. Time is so precious, and it's surreal that I'm back in the south, that I'm hitting a year so soon. And yet the clock continues to tick. I wish sometimes time would slow down, and other times I feel like it isn't going fast enough. But my goal is to try to work hard and continue to let Heavenly Father change me into the person He wants and needs me to be, not just as a missionary, but as His daughter.
Thank you for all you guys do. I truly love you all, and I appreciate all you do.
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
lots of news!
Hey Everyone,
My mind is so scattered right now that I don't even know what to write. A lot has happened and I haven't even been here a week, well tomorrow will be a week.
It's been great to be back here in the south, where I was born and everything. It's been fun to see everyone again. I feel so welcome here, and I love it! But it's been kind of sad hearing how old investigators are doing...
Maria Pena pretty much told the sisters a couple weeks ago not to come back. :( I honestly think it has to do with her family because she knows it's true and she wants to be baptized. So I haven't seen her since I've been back. Pray that somehow we'll be able to go over and things will change so she can be baptized. Because everything got worked out for her to be baptized. It just needs to happen.
Luz has been avoiding the sisters pretty much since I left. They've only been able to teach her once since I left. Really really sad! We tried her yesterday, but Moses came to the door saying she wasn't there. I'm hoping that knowing I'm back she'll let us come over, but who knows.
Good news... Juan is progressing! He actually came to church on Sunday. We went and taught him on Saturday, and it was awesome! The thing is he's only been to church twice. Once before I left, and then this past Sunday that I was here. Hopefully we can set a date with him soon though. I think he's the closest to baptism. I'm way excited for him!
Hna. Coronado was also at church this past Sunday. The sisters said that she's coming along. Her youngest son, Danny, will turn 8 and get baptized at the end of August, and we're hoping she will too! But we'll see!
So, Sister Tucker got bitten by a dog last Tuesday night and had to go to the ER. She's fine. BUT then on Saturday she rolled her ankle, and we had to take her to Urgent Care. We thought it was broken, but it's not. They just said that she tore 2 ligaments, they are second degree tears. She barely started walking on it on Sunday after church. She has an appt right now with an orthopedic surgeon to check to make sure nothing is wrong. Sister Taylor just came to pick her up. Hopefully everything will be all right. We don't need to be down another sister.
Also, we went tracting Friday night and found 3 new investigators and a less active! It was awesome! We also found another less active yesterday! I really feel like this area is going to take off and there is going to be a lot to do! I am excited and feel ready to work really hard. I just hope I can listen to the spirit and do what Heavenly Father wants me to do.
Well, I gotta run. I love you all!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
change of address!
I forgot to tell y'all that my address is changing! Please don't write to the Ann Arbor address!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
416 SW 79 St Ste #210
Oklahoma City, OK 73139
Love you!
Hermana Hogewoning
Hey Guys,
I'm just e-mailing to let you know that my companion is going home on Thursday morning. It's really sad, but it's her decision. Either way I was still going to go to the south, that's part of why I wonder why I need to be there. Anyway, I just hope that Hermana Xiques can be happy because I love her so much. She is seriously one of my best friends. Honestly, when I found out we were going to be companions, I didn't think that would be possible for me to love her so much.
So what that means, is that the central elders will take over our area in the north. Not ideal, but better than the area being completely closed. And I will be in a threesome with Sister Moss and Sister Tucker until next transfer or until things can be figured out. Please don't tell people about this or forward this e-mail. Thanks! I love you all!
I'm going back to the south! :)
Hey Everyone,
We got transfer calls last night, and after a lot of begging my leaders finally told me that I'm for real going back to the south. I'm really excited. It almost seems to perfect. I didn't think I'd be going back this soon though. I've been wanting to go back, and I'm actually going back. I feel like things usually don't work like that, that what I want is what needs to happen. I feel like I'm dreaming or something. This doesn't feel real. Don't get me wrong, I love the north! There are a lot of things happening here in the north that I just feel like I don't want anyone else to take over. I wish I could be split in half, so that half of me could stay here and half of me could go to the south. President Taylor really felt strongly about me going back to the south, and actually I've been thinking about it for the last week. But I don't know why. I wish I did. I feel impatient. Like I just want to know everything now. I don't want to wait and find out why. I just wonder why do I, Hermana Hogewoning, need to go back to the south now? I'm not complaining. Like I said, I'm way excited, but I just wonder what's in store for me.
Elder Linford is going to Chickasha and will be going english, Elder Bell is going to Wichita Falls, and Elder Whipple is staying and Elder Reichman will be his new comp. Elder Mortensen is also staying and will be training again, Elder Gonzales (he's from Utah). Anyway... Elder Call, current ZL here in the north, is going to the south to be ZL. I'm very excited that we're both going to the south. He's awesome! Elder Norman will stay here in the north, and Elder Jensen will be coming to be ZL with him, and Elder Peterson will be with them.
In the south...Elder Lewis is district leader and will be training, and Elder Ortiz is shotgun training, which means nobody is staying in the area to show them the ropes. Zone Leaders will be Elder Call and Elder Chun. I'll be with Sister Moss and Sister Tucker.
Missionary work... Maria Bucher came to church on Sunday! It was a miracle. She is a recent convert within the last 2 years I think, and she's been less active for at least as long as I've been in Oklahoma. Anyway, she always tells us how she doesn't believe in Joseph Smith and many other things, and it's way sad. Because at one point she did have a testimony of these things. But she promised President Gee that she'd come to church. And she did! I hope she can keep going and slowly regain her testimony that she once had.
We taught the ENTIRE Reza family last week at Sister Christensen's house in Piedmont. All the husbands came! I've never taught the husbands. Sister Christensen has been wanting their family to come to her house forever, and FINALLY they ALL came! It was awesome! We ate, and then we had the lesson. I hope that maybe the husbands are thinking about the fact that their wives are reading the BOM, coming to church, and want to be baptized. Hopefully, those families will one day be sealed in the not too far future! We've been trying to set baptismal dates with Mari and Erika, but Mari wants to wait and Erika... she seems more ready and willing, but she said let's wait til next time to set a date. Hopefully, they'll be baptized soon, so eventually they can be sealed.
Sorry no pics today. I forgot my battery to my camera. And I had district pics I wanted to send y'all. Sorry!
Corey is doing well. He's still adjusting to all the new things... the mission, the area, and his companion, but he sounds well as usual.
I'm excited for all the changes happening tomorrow! I can't wait! I just hope that I can be what Heavenly Father wants me to be and do what He wants me to do, so I can be the best missionary that I can.
I love you all!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
can you say yeehaw?
Hey Y'all,
So this morning Hermana Xiques and I went to the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. It was cool, but I'm honestly not a fan of museums. Hermana Xiques has been wanting to go since I got here, and so we finally went. We took lots of pics, sorry you only get to see 3. It was neat, but honestly I just don't like museums. I really enjoyed the Oklahoma City Bombing Mermorial because I remember when that happened and it interested me.
You'll never guess what happen after we e-mailed last week. Remember how I randomly said it started pouring, well when we left it was pouring as if somebody was pouring buckets of water down from the sky. We didn't have our jackets, and we had to go straight to interviews after. So we ran to the car, which honestly wasn't far at all. But because of how hard the rain was coming down, by the time we got to the car, we were both drenched! Our hair was literally dripping wet. And the church is just a couple blocks from the library we e-mailed at, but the street was flooded! It was crazy! I felt SO embarrassed walking into my interview, seeing the APs and President and Sister Taylor looking like a wet rat! Luckily, Hna. Xiques had a hair tie, so I put my hair up and that helped a little. But wow! The weather here is SO crazy! And we've had at least two other storms since then. Today it's like in the 90s, and it's humid. I hate it, but it's only a little bit longer and then the summer will be over!
Sunday was the final game of the World Cup, and we had a less active call us to tell us he wasn't coming because he was going to stay home and watch the soccer game. And Saturday we had gone over and taught him about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. I guess I just have a strong testimony of keeping the Sabbath Day holy, and I don't understand how other people would let anything keep them from coming to church. And actually, there was a guy that came to the spanish branch just to take the sacrament so he could go home and watch the game. Wow! Honestly, I'm excited that the World Cup is over because I feel like it ran so many peoples lives. But I will be excited to watch it in 4 years!
Corey is doing well! He's been transferred to the Senri Ward in the Osaka North Stake. He is still Zone Leader, and his companion is Elder McLaws. He said his zone is really small, just 3 other companionships. But he's doing great! His new address is:
Osaka-fu, Toyonaka-shi, Yamanoue-cho 10-10
Yamanoue Haitsu #201
Thank you for everything! We both love and appreciate the prayers, love, and support. Sorry this was short!
Hermana Hogewoning
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Happy July!
Hey Everyone,
I hope y'all had a good 4th of July. We didn't see fireworks, nor did it even feel like Independence Day. We didn't sing patriotic hymns at church, but it makes sense since I'm in a spanish branch. The only thing I saw was at our apt complex there were three people with sparklers having their own little party on Sunday night when we were coming home. Anyway, I hope you guys had a good weekend.
So, we met the Taylor's last Thursday, and they are awesome! I love them! I still miss and love the Gee's, but I'm excited to get to know the Taylor's. They have five children, two of which are with them-Quinn (just turned 14) and Preston (15). They are awesome!
President and Sister Taylor gave us some changes that came straight from the MTC straight from the 12 and the prophet. These changes went into affect world-wide in all missions. The brethren say that now is the time for this work to hasten (as it says in D&C 88). Zone Conferences and interviews will now be quarterly instead of every 6 weeks, and everything will be done on a monthly basis instead of every 6 weeks, although missionaries will still come and go every 6 weeks (transfers). Also, there are 8 simplified PMG lessons to be taught to missionaries to help us be more effective teachers. We will learn these during trainings, zone conferences, and other times. Basically, a lot will be changing, even though nothing feels different. The goal of this is to help us more effectively do the work that we're already doing, which will in turn help things to happen faster.
President Taylor said that they were coming to Oklahoma hoping to make no radical changes, but this is from the Quorum of the 12 apostles and the prophet and his counselors, and yes, we believe in modern day/continuning revelation. I'm excited for all of this, although I don't really know what to expect. But I trust in these changes that are/will take place.
Kind of a bummer that means we won't have zone conf this week. Zone Conf will happen in all missions every Aug, Nov, Feb & May. Interesting! I feel like my time is the mission just got shorter, considering I went from having 6 zone conferences left to now having 3.
I hope y'all had a good 4th of July. We didn't see fireworks, nor did it even feel like Independence Day. We didn't sing patriotic hymns at church, but it makes sense since I'm in a spanish branch. The only thing I saw was at our apt complex there were three people with sparklers having their own little party on Sunday night when we were coming home. Anyway, I hope you guys had a good weekend.
So, we met the Taylor's last Thursday, and they are awesome! I love them! I still miss and love the Gee's, but I'm excited to get to know the Taylor's. They have five children, two of which are with them-Quinn (just turned 14) and Preston (15). They are awesome!
President and Sister Taylor gave us some changes that came straight from the MTC straight from the 12 and the prophet. These changes went into affect world-wide in all missions. The brethren say that now is the time for this work to hasten (as it says in D&C 88). Zone Conferences and interviews will now be quarterly instead of every 6 weeks, and everything will be done on a monthly basis instead of every 6 weeks, although missionaries will still come and go every 6 weeks (transfers). Also, there are 8 simplified PMG lessons to be taught to missionaries to help us be more effective teachers. We will learn these during trainings, zone conferences, and other times. Basically, a lot will be changing, even though nothing feels different. The goal of this is to help us more effectively do the work that we're already doing, which will in turn help things to happen faster.
President Taylor said that they were coming to Oklahoma hoping to make no radical changes, but this is from the Quorum of the 12 apostles and the prophet and his counselors, and yes, we believe in modern day/continuning revelation. I'm excited for all of this, although I don't really know what to expect. But I trust in these changes that are/will take place.
Kind of a bummer that means we won't have zone conf this week. Zone Conf will happen in all missions every Aug, Nov, Feb & May. Interesting! I feel like my time is the mission just got shorter, considering I went from having 6 zone conferences left to now having 3.
(It just started POURING outside! And it was sunny two seconds ago. Oklahoma has very unpredictable weather! And it rained Saturday way hard, almost flooding again! And apparently it's supposed to rain/storm all week. But it's still nice and hot and humid despite the rain. Although Sunday night it felt nice outside.)
Sister Taylor had some exciting news for the sisters... we no longer have to wear nylons! Hooray! I wasn't as excited as Sister Xiques. And Sister Goodell was WAY excited! Anyway, kind of nice. Also, we can wear prints/patterns, and our skirts don't have to go all the way to mid-calf, just have to cover our knees when we sit. Of course, Hna. Xiques and I took off our nylons when we got home that day, and it was weird not to be wearing them. But now I'm getting used to it.
Well, I gotta run! Sorry this was so short. I only had like 10-15 minutes! I love you all tons!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Happy Father's Day! (sorry it's late!)
Hey Everyone,
Sorry I forgot to wish all the fathers Happy Father's Day last p-day! But I hope it was a great day! I think Father's Day and Mother's Day are weird days on the mission, but it was a good Father's Day here. We had stake conference, which was awesome! It was my first stake conference on the mission! We got to hear President and Sister Gee speak, which of course was awesome! Probably the last time I'll hear them speak. Then we had a 70, Elder Lynn G. Robbins. He's awesome! He speaks spanish, and we had a special session in spanish just for the branch before the general session started. I'm pretty sure I heard him speak while I was at the MTC. Anyway, he spoke on love and obedience. It was great! He talked about how we can't fall in and out of love. Pure love doesn't seek her own, in other words is not selfish. I heard a quote from one of the missionaries here saying that charity is the never-ending search for someone else's happiness. I love that! It's so true! In marriage, he said that each spouse needs to be constantly putting the other before himself. That is how marriages are successful. I wish you could have been there to hear everything he said. It was wonderful!
The rest of Sunday we spent tracting! :/ I'm not going to lie, I don't like to tract. But we did it for like 3 hours. We tracted this apt complex that was virtually all hispanics, which was awesome! We found some potentials! We were sweating SO badly! That is where the two pools were, and yes we were coveting them. The funny/ironic thing is that Hermana Xiques and I never really went swimming back home, even though we live right by the beach. She doesn't know how to swim, and I can barely swim enough to save my life. But now that we can't go swimming and it's like 95-100 degrees, we wish we could. Haha! Somehow Heavenly Father continues to give me the strength to endure the heat! And this is still nothing, at least from what I've heard. It has been way hot here, but only like 2 more months of summer!
I just wanted to clarify a couple things from previous e-mails. One, I'm not disappointed to be staying here in the north. It probably sounded that way. But it's just funny when transfers come because for us spanish sisters there are only two choices, here or in the south. I think I'll stay here in the north a couple more transfers, and I think before I'm done I'll probably return to the south. But I loved it in the south. Yeah, I miss it there, but I love it here too! So honestly, I'm happy to be here, and when/if I go back to the south I'll be happy to be there again.
Two, I said something like Miguel's baptism was easy. I shouldn't have said it like that. Because it wasn't me that prepared him. It was Heavenly Father. I was simply the instrument in His hands. But I guess I feel like it just happened fast, and it surprised me. Because I feel like there are so many people we've taught way longer and they still aren't baptized. But Miguel was prepared and ready and willing to enter into and make this covenant. He was and still is humble and teachable. That is why he was able to be baptized, and for that I'm grateful.
Maria Pena isn't getting baptized. She was an investigator in the south. She was supposed to get baptized this coming Friday, but she left again for Mexico. Her mom is sick, so we're not sure when she'll be back. But I have a feeling she will be baptized!
Oh, I forgot to tell y'all...last time we played soccer, which was exactly 2 weeks ago, I sprained my big toe. I decided to be aggressive and take on a member, which he is really good! I wanted to take the ball, but I failed. In the process, he kicked and or stepped on my toe. It hurt, but I played on it. I went home and iced it, then that night it turned purple. The next day it was more purple. Everyone was telling me it was broken. It hurt pretty badly the day after. I finally called Sister Gee and went to urgent care just to make sure it wasn't broken. Sure enough, it was only a sprain. It still hurts a little, but it's not discolored. We're playing soccer today, and the APs and the south spanish elders are coming up. I'm way excited! I love playing soccer! I think every time I play I love it a little bit more!
I feel like the work here is starting to pick up. I feel like we have found some new people to teach, and I'm excited. I have realized what joy I have as I teach the people the gospel of Jesus Christ. If I could just teach 24/7 I'd be so happy! But we still have to tract and try to find. But I feel like Heavenly Father is blessing us and putting people in our path!
I love you all! I hope you're having a wonderful summer! The Gee's will leave in about a week! Sad, but I look forward to meeting the Taylor's!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
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