Hey Everyone,
Thanks for everyone that wrote me this week, Bishop Smith, Boo, Caitlin Hendrickson, Rhonda, Sarah Price, and Sonya. I think that was everyone. I got 4 dearelders on Friday I think it was, and I was totally shocked and so happy to feel so loved and hear from you! Thank you!
Last week's devo speaker was Lynn G. Robbins, who spoke on the importance of planning. He pointed out that if God planned the creation of the earth how much more important is it for each of us to plan. I loved his talk!
Last Wednesday I got to host for the first time! That just means I got to show the new sisters around. I hosted two sisters, both who I knew. Sister Varner and Sister Wegelin. So good to see them! Sister Varner is going to Houston, TX Spanish speaking and Sister Wegelin is going to Ogden, UT. I know them both from SD. Also, Sister Varner's mission announcement was in the Oct Seagull in SD with mine. I also got three roommates. So, my room is full again. Sister Tittle going to LA, CA, Sister Bounds, and Sister Tingey. I don't remember where they're going.
Relief Society every Sunday is combined with all of the sisters in the MTC. We have now had the opportunity to hear from Sister Liffereth and Sister Matsumori who I believe are both in the primary general presidency of the church. What an awesome opportunity we have in the MTC to hear from general authorities!
I continue to meet more and more missionaries going to Japan or from Japan. It makes me so happy! I actually just met an elder the other day who got here last Wednesday going to Hiroshima, but I forget his name. Anyway, so fun! Oh, and on Saturday I ran into one of Corey's old teachers, and Sunday I ran into a couple members of his branch presidency. They all loved him and can't believe he's already been in Japan 6 months. I have to say out of everyone, I miss Corey the most. I love him so much!
I'm pretty sure I leave Tuesday, Nov. 10, which means that next Tuesday is my last p-day until I'm in Oklahoma. (If everything is good with my foot. I should be getting it x-rayed next week to see if it's healing. Ironically, my left ankle, that I sprained, hurts more often than my right foot, that's supposedly refractured or another fracture. I still have the boot on.)
Swine flu is running rampant. Three elders in my zone have been quaranteened (sp?) because they have swine flu, two of them are district leaders, so temporary DL have had to be assigned. Nobody in my district is sick, not yet anyway. And I sister who was supposed to leave today who I always see has been quaranteened and delayed due to swine flu. Sad! :(
Today it snowed for the first time! :) At first I was really bummed, but I became happy very quickly thinking, I grew up in SD, so I never lived in snow until BYU-I. Then I realized that I'll have my first white Christmas ever, and that made me SO happy. I know, it's the little things that make my day. Oh, and the snow isn't sticking, just in case you were wondering.
I heard about many engagements and mission calls back home! Congrats all of you! Sorry this is SO impersonal! I would love to write everyone individually, but I can't. Congrats Amber Hendrickson, Justin Jesperson and Haley Skiff on engagements, and David Overson and Lindsey Reas on mission calls! I'm so happy for you all! I wish I could be home to celebrate with you all, but I'll see you in 18 months- 3 years!
Every Sunday, we have the opportunity to watch church films. They show 4 different ones every week. Some are talks and some are movies. This past Sunday, they showed Legacy. Let me tell you how funny it is to watch a movie with the tiniest bit of romance in it with a bunch of single elders and sisters. The elders always laugh during the kisses in the movie. Oh, it's hilarious!
Yesterday, I got to see my dad's Aunt Dorothy. She works in the TRC, and she's volunteered here for 12 years! She is so sweet! I love her so much! I wish I knew her better! It was so good to see her!
I believe that my district is the oldest district in our zone, which means we are the next to leave. It's not real to me that I'm leaving so soon! Ah! I'm so excited though! I really do feel ready to teach and get into the field, but I love the MTC tons and will miss it a lot!
My spanish is okay. It's probably better than I will admit, but I've taught in spanish, and I feel okay about speaking. It is frustrating sometimes because I feel like I can't fully express myself, and I want to give up. I don't know how Corey stayed so positive and optimistic about the whole thing. I know why I'm not learning Japanese! I don't have the patience. I can barely handle spanish. Honestly, it's really not that difficult. I just need to practice. And I hate making mistakes, but that's how you learn. I can't believe by the time I come home I'll be fluent. I can't even imagine that will really happen.
Okay, I gotta write Corey! But I love you all so much! Thank you for all your love, prayers, support, and letters! I love hearing from you! I'm sorry I don't have time to write you all personally. Please know I think of you often and wish I had time to write to you all!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
6 weeks tomorrow, 3 more til Oklahoma!
Hey Everyone,
I only have 16 minutes! Apparently Corey got transferred, so that's why you won't be hearing from him. The mission president's wife said that his Japanese is very good and sometimes people mistake him as Japanese. Hard to believe, but at the same time, it's not because Corey is awesome!
So last week at devotional, we heard from David F. Evans from the first quorum of the seventy. He served his mission in the Japanese mission, I'm guessing when he served it was all one mission in Japan. He also served as mission president in Nagoya, Japan, and he was born on August 11 (like me!). Anyway, his talk was AMAZING! Then again devos are always amazing. He went 30 minutes over. But he talked about the importance of getting investigators to really read the Book of Mormon. He said how can we expect them to gain a testimony of the BOM, after reading just one chapter, when that is not how we gained our testimonies. It was super powerful! I just hope I can apply the things he taught us when I get to the field.
Another one of my roommates left for the field today, Hermana Jones. She's going to Tempe, AZ. Crazy! I also got a new roommate a few days ago, Hermana Tittle. She is going to LA, CA, the same as 3 elders in my district. I absolutely adore her! So there are just 4 of us in my room, and we're not getting new sisters tomorrow. Me, Hermana Calderon (my comp), Hermana Erickson (the new coordinating sister, and she is now solo), and Hermana Tittle (her comps are in a different room, kind of weird, but she moved up from beginning, and her comps' room was full).
Last night was one of my teachers, Hermano Johnston, last night teaching. He is just super busy with school and his wife is expecting a baby. Anyway, kind of sad. We'll have two different teachers to take his place until we leave. I have met one of them, Hermana Ampuno. She was our sub a week or so ago, and she was also one of Hermana Jones' teachers. But I haven't met the other teacher yet.
Thank you for all your support, love, and prayers! I wish I could write more and write you all personally! It seriously kills me that I can't write everything and everyone that I want to. Thank you for the letters, cards, and dearelders!
I leave for Oklahoma on Nov 9 or 10. When I know for sure, I'll let you all know.
Hermana Hogewoning
PS Uncle Clark, I met a couple elders who were from Japan and know you. Chris Lowry and Dallin Shaner. I don't know if you remember them, but I met them a few weeks ago. I think Elder Shaner is gone. Anyway, it's a small world!
I only have 16 minutes! Apparently Corey got transferred, so that's why you won't be hearing from him. The mission president's wife said that his Japanese is very good and sometimes people mistake him as Japanese. Hard to believe, but at the same time, it's not because Corey is awesome!
So last week at devotional, we heard from David F. Evans from the first quorum of the seventy. He served his mission in the Japanese mission, I'm guessing when he served it was all one mission in Japan. He also served as mission president in Nagoya, Japan, and he was born on August 11 (like me!). Anyway, his talk was AMAZING! Then again devos are always amazing. He went 30 minutes over. But he talked about the importance of getting investigators to really read the Book of Mormon. He said how can we expect them to gain a testimony of the BOM, after reading just one chapter, when that is not how we gained our testimonies. It was super powerful! I just hope I can apply the things he taught us when I get to the field.
Another one of my roommates left for the field today, Hermana Jones. She's going to Tempe, AZ. Crazy! I also got a new roommate a few days ago, Hermana Tittle. She is going to LA, CA, the same as 3 elders in my district. I absolutely adore her! So there are just 4 of us in my room, and we're not getting new sisters tomorrow. Me, Hermana Calderon (my comp), Hermana Erickson (the new coordinating sister, and she is now solo), and Hermana Tittle (her comps are in a different room, kind of weird, but she moved up from beginning, and her comps' room was full).
Last night was one of my teachers, Hermano Johnston, last night teaching. He is just super busy with school and his wife is expecting a baby. Anyway, kind of sad. We'll have two different teachers to take his place until we leave. I have met one of them, Hermana Ampuno. She was our sub a week or so ago, and she was also one of Hermana Jones' teachers. But I haven't met the other teacher yet.
Thank you for all your support, love, and prayers! I wish I could write more and write you all personally! It seriously kills me that I can't write everything and everyone that I want to. Thank you for the letters, cards, and dearelders!
I leave for Oklahoma on Nov 9 or 10. When I know for sure, I'll let you all know.
Hermana Hogewoning
PS Uncle Clark, I met a couple elders who were from Japan and know you. Chris Lowry and Dallin Shaner. I don't know if you remember them, but I met them a few weeks ago. I think Elder Shaner is gone. Anyway, it's a small world!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
5 semanas manana!
Hey Everyone,
I only have 14 minutes left! Thank you for the e-mails! I got everyone's today, and that was great!
Last week's devotional was given by Ben B. Banks, emeritus member of the 70. It was amazing! Devos are always amazing! Wish I had time to give you a summary. You can read my notes in 18 months.
Guess what? I got a companion last Wednesday! I love her, Hermana Calderon. She was born in Guatemala, but grew up in the states and Canada. She speaks spanish and english. She has been such a blessing! She's going to New York south spanish speaking. She's been delayed though. She got to the MTC on Aug 28, and was supposed to leave on Sept 14. But she tore her meniscus playing volleyball on Sept 9, and had to have surgery on Sept 15. She has been delayed. We're quite the companionship... she has a knee brace on her left knee, and I have a boot on my right foot.
So, yeah the doctor thinks I have a new fracture in my right foot, but isn't sure. I see the podiatrist again tomorrow to see if they have to do a bone scan and if I need to have surgery. I'll keep you all posted.
Those of you in San Diego look for Elder Rodriguez and Sister Muir. I sent pics home of both of them. Elder Rodriguez was in my first zone, and Sister Muir went to BYU-I with me. They both left today for SD. I told them that I told you guys to look for them.
So, Hermana Keller and Hermana Lindquist left yesterday for Argentina. Crazy! I already miss them, especially Hermana Lindquist!
I am so grateful to be part of this great work, bringing forth the gospel to the world! It's amazing to me! I've heard so many stories, and I can't wait to be in Oklahoma and telling you stories of my own. Heavenly Father loves his children, us, SO much! He is so merciful! He knows exactly what we need when we need it. I have seen that every day here. He is looking out for me, and he is making it possible for me to be here, speaking/teaching in spanish. I'm so grateful for that! Even though I always am SO tired, I somehow am able to push through the day. I am so grateful for all my Heavenly Father has given me and continues to give me. I am so indebted to him, especially for this experience, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I know it's changing me into the woman I need to be, so someday I can get married and rear a family. I feel so blessed.
I love you all tons! Thank you for your prayers, support, and love. Please write if you have time!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
I only have 14 minutes left! Thank you for the e-mails! I got everyone's today, and that was great!
Last week's devotional was given by Ben B. Banks, emeritus member of the 70. It was amazing! Devos are always amazing! Wish I had time to give you a summary. You can read my notes in 18 months.
Guess what? I got a companion last Wednesday! I love her, Hermana Calderon. She was born in Guatemala, but grew up in the states and Canada. She speaks spanish and english. She has been such a blessing! She's going to New York south spanish speaking. She's been delayed though. She got to the MTC on Aug 28, and was supposed to leave on Sept 14. But she tore her meniscus playing volleyball on Sept 9, and had to have surgery on Sept 15. She has been delayed. We're quite the companionship... she has a knee brace on her left knee, and I have a boot on my right foot.
So, yeah the doctor thinks I have a new fracture in my right foot, but isn't sure. I see the podiatrist again tomorrow to see if they have to do a bone scan and if I need to have surgery. I'll keep you all posted.
Those of you in San Diego look for Elder Rodriguez and Sister Muir. I sent pics home of both of them. Elder Rodriguez was in my first zone, and Sister Muir went to BYU-I with me. They both left today for SD. I told them that I told you guys to look for them.
So, Hermana Keller and Hermana Lindquist left yesterday for Argentina. Crazy! I already miss them, especially Hermana Lindquist!
I am so grateful to be part of this great work, bringing forth the gospel to the world! It's amazing to me! I've heard so many stories, and I can't wait to be in Oklahoma and telling you stories of my own. Heavenly Father loves his children, us, SO much! He is so merciful! He knows exactly what we need when we need it. I have seen that every day here. He is looking out for me, and he is making it possible for me to be here, speaking/teaching in spanish. I'm so grateful for that! Even though I always am SO tired, I somehow am able to push through the day. I am so grateful for all my Heavenly Father has given me and continues to give me. I am so indebted to him, especially for this experience, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I know it's changing me into the woman I need to be, so someday I can get married and rear a family. I feel so blessed.
I love you all tons! Thank you for your prayers, support, and love. Please write if you have time!
Hermana Christina Hogewoning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
one month, 4 weeks, tomorrow
Hey Everyone!
So I'm a little sad, but I didn't get any dearelders or letters this week besides one from my dad and one from a friend. :( I love hearing from you, so please write if you can!
Last Tuesday, our devotional speakers were Brother and Sister Nadauld. Sister Nadauld was the YW's general president when I was in YW's. It was an awesome devo, as usual. This was the first time I wasn't in the choir though. We went, but we were late and there were no spots left. Hopefully, we'll make it on time tonight!
Last Wednesday, I lost 4 elders in my district to the MTC in Peru. So, now there are only 6 of us. Right now I'm with 3 elders. (Hermana Lindquist is reading over my shoulder right now. She and I attended an endowment session together today! So fun! I love her, and she leaves in a week, which is sad!)
Oh, today one of my roommates, Hermana Keller, got an e-mail from Elder Holland. Yeah, apparently Hermana Keller knows EVERYONE! She was in the orchestra w/Mo Tab, and toured with them this summer.
General Conference this weekend was AWESOME! Oh my goodness! I wish I had time to tell you about every detail of this weekend, but I don't! As missionaries, 2000 of us, we pretty much waited in line for meals and saved seats when we weren't watching conference. I read a lot of the Book of Mormon! It was awesome! I am so glad Bishop Smith came up with Marty and Tavin. I wish I could have seen them, but that's just how life goes. It made me a little sad to know they were here at the MTC and I couldn't see them.
I got my foot x-rayed yesterday because it still hurts. The doctor couldn't tell me anything. He said that he sees the old break, but there's a growth plate there, so he can't tell what's going on. I have to go to the radiologist to find out what's going on.
Less than 2 minutes... If Corey knew how much time I spent talking with the elders and sisters who were going to Japan he might just laugh. I love seeing them because it reminds me of Corey.
Okay, I gotta go!
Hermana Hogewoning
So I'm a little sad, but I didn't get any dearelders or letters this week besides one from my dad and one from a friend. :( I love hearing from you, so please write if you can!
Last Tuesday, our devotional speakers were Brother and Sister Nadauld. Sister Nadauld was the YW's general president when I was in YW's. It was an awesome devo, as usual. This was the first time I wasn't in the choir though. We went, but we were late and there were no spots left. Hopefully, we'll make it on time tonight!
Last Wednesday, I lost 4 elders in my district to the MTC in Peru. So, now there are only 6 of us. Right now I'm with 3 elders. (Hermana Lindquist is reading over my shoulder right now. She and I attended an endowment session together today! So fun! I love her, and she leaves in a week, which is sad!)
Oh, today one of my roommates, Hermana Keller, got an e-mail from Elder Holland. Yeah, apparently Hermana Keller knows EVERYONE! She was in the orchestra w/Mo Tab, and toured with them this summer.
General Conference this weekend was AWESOME! Oh my goodness! I wish I had time to tell you about every detail of this weekend, but I don't! As missionaries, 2000 of us, we pretty much waited in line for meals and saved seats when we weren't watching conference. I read a lot of the Book of Mormon! It was awesome! I am so glad Bishop Smith came up with Marty and Tavin. I wish I could have seen them, but that's just how life goes. It made me a little sad to know they were here at the MTC and I couldn't see them.
I got my foot x-rayed yesterday because it still hurts. The doctor couldn't tell me anything. He said that he sees the old break, but there's a growth plate there, so he can't tell what's going on. I have to go to the radiologist to find out what's going on.
Less than 2 minutes... If Corey knew how much time I spent talking with the elders and sisters who were going to Japan he might just laugh. I love seeing them because it reminds me of Corey.
Okay, I gotta go!
Hermana Hogewoning
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