Hey Everyone,
Now I'm down to 11 minutes! AH! So, I got 3 new roommates last Wednesday, and I love them! One of them was Mary Lindquist. I was SO excited about that! I knew her from the branch. But she got moved up to advanced last night, so she's not my roommate any more, but at least we're still in the same zone.
Also, I had the opportunity to do sealings for the first time today. It was the neatest experience. I can't wait to be sealed to my brother and parents some day as well as my future husband!
Okay, so you're not going to believe this, and you might be mad at me, but I hurt my right foot (the one I fractured a few months ago) playing volleyball on Saturday. I almost felt like I refractured it and I kind of wish I had my boot. (Please don't send it to me.) I didn't go to the doctor's because I thought I could walk it off, but nope. So both of my feet are injured, but they're not too bad. I don't have my wrap on my left foot or anything on my right. They just aren't healed all the way. Moral of the story... I shouldn't play volleyball any more. BUT I have since, and I've just been very careful and not played as hard.
I met 4 elders going to San Diego who came in last Wednesday. One of them is Elder Custer, and I don't remember the rest of their names. I also saw my friend, Karisa Muir who came in on Wednesday as well. She is going to San Diego. I know her from BYU-I.
I saw Andrea Middleton the other day! That was way fun! I forgot I have friends who go to school at BYU here in Provo. It's just weird to think they're so close. She is helping the Mongolians.
On Sunday, I conducted the music for our zone/branch. I've always loved conducting though I'm not good at it, but on Sunday this was so different. Conducting in spanish is different. One, I'm constantly looking down at the hymnbook because I don't know the words, and sometimes the rhythm is slighly different. Anyway, I guess I did okay, but I never want to do that again. Although, I'm sure I will.
Also, it was fast and testimony meeting, and I wasn't going to bear my testimony, but I did. I bore it in spanish, and I only said three sentences and then my mind drew a blank, so I concluded en el nombre de Jesucristo, amen, and sat down. I'll get better at speaking spanish. We also got a 3rd counselor to our branch presidency on Sunday. I didn't know that was possible.
Okay, I have 2 minutes. Sorry this was so short and scattered. I want to leave you with something I've learned. It's not up to us to decide if our friends are ready for the gospel or to be baptized. Give the missionaries the names of your friends, and let them teach them. Everyone needs the gospel just as badly as anybody else.
Thank you for all your prayers, support, love, and letters!
Hermana Hogewoning
20 seconds...
"Every time you're given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job, throughout your entire life, is to disappoint as many people as it takes to avoid disappointing yourself." -Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
two weeks tomorrow!
Hey Everyone,
So I have 20 minutes to write a week's worth of happenings! So little time! P-day was crazy today! I didn't get the privledge of 2 p-days in a row, and I've been stressed all day because I have SO much to do! And p-day is supposed to be over in about an hour. But I have choir in like 30 minutes. I need to finish letters, laundry, get in church clothes. Life here is so busy!
Well, this past week SO much has happened! Last Tuesday we got to hear from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland for our MTC Devotional. It was AMAZING! I took like 6 pages of notes! I wish you had all been there to hear it. I've never written so fast in my life. I wanted to write everything he said, but obviously I wasn't able to. It was amazing!
Last Friday, I sprained my ankle playing volleyball. Yes, I fell victim to being injured during gym time in the gym. It hurt so bad, but I spiked the ball, and it made it over the net! I was SO proud. I had jumped up to hit it with my left hand, and I came back down and rolled my left ankle. I couldn't get up. It was not fun. The funny thing is another elder in my district broke his right foot playing volleyball last Monday, just over a week ago. AND one of the physical trainers working in the gym Friday, told us right before we prayed, one of you will probably sprain your ankle today. When I got into the training room he apologized for jinxing me. He felt so bad.
I ended up being on crutches all day Friday, and Saturday I could not do crutches again. My body was SO sore from walking with crutches. My foot really hurt though, and I couldn't really walk on it. But a miraculous thing happened...after icing it Saturday before lunch, I could walk on it without it being in too much pain. And now, it's virtually all the way healed. I have it wrapped. No cast or boot! Anyway... enough about that.
I met an elder, Elder Garry, who will leave around Oct 13 to go to Corey's mission, Hiroshima, Japan. It's so fun that I know who's going to Japan. I can tell the difference in their plaques since I know what Corey's looks like. Anyway, this elder is blonde hair and blue eyes, so Corey won't be the only one. Actually, his whole district usually eats meals at the table right by ours, so I always see them. Kind of fun!
Oh, the elder on crutches with the broken foot, Elder Weir, is from Lindon, Utah, and knows my cousin, Michael Goodrich. What a small world!
I ran into one of my BCs from EFY this summer, Erin Tueller. She's a teacher here, and it was so fun to see her. I didn't have my camera with me, so we didn't get a pic, but hopefully I'll run into her again and get a pic with her. Also, one of my favorite things here is the RC, the referral center. Because you get to talk to real people interested in the church. I talked to this guy on the phone last Thursday, Joe King from North Carolina. He was telling me all about his problems. He has bipolar depression. I was able to relate to him because of all of the depression in my family. He calls this number often when he's sad, and he says every time he calls whoever he talks to has been through the same thing he's going through. He said, God must be watching out for me. I told him that's true. He has met with the missionaries TONS! He has a Bible and a triple combination. I asked what's stopping him from being baptized, and he said fear. First I explained how faith casts out fear. Then, I commited him over the phone to call the missionaries and tell them he wants to be baptized. Anyway, I'm going to try to find out if he actually called. But that was such a neat experience!
Thank you for all your prayers and support, and for those who have written letters and dearelders. I love mail! I can't even tell you! It's so good to hear about what's going on with you all!
I have pictures printed, but I need to send them home. Hopefully I'll do that soon.
Okay, I gotta run, but I love you all! Just a reminder my new mailbox number is 181, and my MTC code and departure date is OK-OKL 1109.
Love, Hermana Hogewoning
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
two p-days in a row!
So, I got transferred last night to the intermediate class. They told me while I was in the middle of dinner, and after they told me I didn't feel like eating. I said my goodbyes to my old district and zone, and I moved to my new district. It was sad, but it was more bittersweet than anything. I'm sad because I've met so many awesome people, and I've already grown to love the elders and sisters in my district, zone, along with my teachers, and branch presidency. The guy who told me I was transferring actually gave me the option of whether or not I want to stay in beginning or move up. Another elder in my district was moving into intermediate as well. He is very outspoken, but I'm trying hard to be patient. As tempting as it was to stay in my old district, and allow that one elder to be a reason for me to not go up, I moved up. I already miss everyone so much!
But last night I got to meet my new district, and I love them already! There are 9 elders and me, so I'm the ONLY sister. In my old district there were 7 elders and 4 sisters, including myself. It's kind of odd to be the only sister. That also means I'm a "solo" sister. That just means I don't have a sister as my companion 24-7, so two elders or another sister have to escort me everywhere. Usually I will have to be escorted by 2 elders. If I'm going to the temple, doing laundry, or anything that isn't with the district as a whole, I have to be with another sister. It's kind of weird. Even my district leader doesn't know how this works. We're all learning together.
There is an elder from San Diego in my district, Elder Bies. I actually ran into him on Sunday. He was in my aunt's stake a while ago, and I remember his brother, Taylor. It's kind of fun that we kind of know each other.
So just to explain a little bit... a district is made up of I believe about 10-20 elders and/or sisters. Then one of the elders is called as district leader. Then you have about 3-5 districts which make up a branch/zone (branch and zone are the same thing, but branch refers to your "ward"-church on Sunday, and zone refers to the people in the surrounding classrooms in the same building as you, but they're the same thing). Then there are two zone leaders called, and then a branch presidency (bishopric).
Please note that I have a new mailbox number. I now have box #181 instead of #155, please let everyone know! Also, don't forget to use dearelder.com! It's awesome, and I would love to hear from you all! Another thing is that my p-day is now on Tuesday, thus why you're hearing from me two days in a row. Lucky me, I guess! My old district's p-day was on Mondays, but my new district's p-day is on Tuesdays.
I'll possibly write more later today!
Hermana Hogewoning
So, I got transferred last night to the intermediate class. They told me while I was in the middle of dinner, and after they told me I didn't feel like eating. I said my goodbyes to my old district and zone, and I moved to my new district. It was sad, but it was more bittersweet than anything. I'm sad because I've met so many awesome people, and I've already grown to love the elders and sisters in my district, zone, along with my teachers, and branch presidency. The guy who told me I was transferring actually gave me the option of whether or not I want to stay in beginning or move up. Another elder in my district was moving into intermediate as well. He is very outspoken, but I'm trying hard to be patient. As tempting as it was to stay in my old district, and allow that one elder to be a reason for me to not go up, I moved up. I already miss everyone so much!
But last night I got to meet my new district, and I love them already! There are 9 elders and me, so I'm the ONLY sister. In my old district there were 7 elders and 4 sisters, including myself. It's kind of odd to be the only sister. That also means I'm a "solo" sister. That just means I don't have a sister as my companion 24-7, so two elders or another sister have to escort me everywhere. Usually I will have to be escorted by 2 elders. If I'm going to the temple, doing laundry, or anything that isn't with the district as a whole, I have to be with another sister. It's kind of weird. Even my district leader doesn't know how this works. We're all learning together.
There is an elder from San Diego in my district, Elder Bies. I actually ran into him on Sunday. He was in my aunt's stake a while ago, and I remember his brother, Taylor. It's kind of fun that we kind of know each other.
So just to explain a little bit... a district is made up of I believe about 10-20 elders and/or sisters. Then one of the elders is called as district leader. Then you have about 3-5 districts which make up a branch/zone (branch and zone are the same thing, but branch refers to your "ward"-church on Sunday, and zone refers to the people in the surrounding classrooms in the same building as you, but they're the same thing). Then there are two zone leaders called, and then a branch presidency (bishopric).
Please note that I have a new mailbox number. I now have box #181 instead of #155, please let everyone know! Also, don't forget to use dearelder.com! It's awesome, and I would love to hear from you all! Another thing is that my p-day is now on Tuesday, thus why you're hearing from me two days in a row. Lucky me, I guess! My old district's p-day was on Mondays, but my new district's p-day is on Tuesdays.
I'll possibly write more later today!
Hermana Hogewoning
Monday, September 14, 2009
first 5 days
Hey Guys,
First of all, please don't pass out my e-mail address! Thank you!
The first few days have been great! I love the MTC! My companion's name is Hermana Tucker. She's from Ogden, UT, and we're both going to OK City, OK Spanish speaking. My district is awesome! There are 11 of us, 4 are hermanas. We are the only sisters in our whole zone/branch. The four of us are all in the same dorm.
Unfortunately, I found out I will be leaving them because I tested out of beginning spanish to intermediate. I was supposed to have found out by today when I will leave and where I'm going but still no word. That also means my box number will change, so hopefully next week I will have a different address for you guys. It's excting that I get to move up, but I'm sad to leave all of the friends that I've made. And I don't really feel that I'm that much better than them. I just tend to talk more. Hehe! Anyway...
I have seen SO many people I know! It's crazy! I have seen Elder Wolz, Elder Price (Jarom's little brother), Elder Cooper (he attended Santee 4th branch and I went to high school with his older sister), Elder Wright (He is in Tierrasanta ward. Honestly, we didn't know each other until now. I've seen him around though. He and I have gym together and we see each other sometimes during class because our classrooms are right across the hall from each other.), Elder Call (I stayed with Jen Call when I was in Rexburg. Elder Call is her little brother, and we were supposed to go to MesoAmerica together.), The Beachley's, Sister Hartvigsen (her older brother and I were in the same ward my first year at BYU-I), Elder Yergensen (this is a stretch, but he's distantly related to Sean Yergensen who is the husband of Jessica Touchet Yergensen. Jessica and I went to high school together), Sister Law ( I didn't know her, but I'd see her all the time at BYU-I), Sister Olsen (she served her mission in SD, and I used to go out with her all the time to appts and stuff. She is now teaching here in the MTC.), Sister Connolly (She and I were EFY counselors together this past summer in Rexburg. She is going to the Carlsbad, CA mission.), and I'm probably forgetting somebody!
This morning we went to the 7am session at the Provo Temple. I saw Alan Farnes in the session. He and I were EFY counselors in SLC this past summer. Crazy! I see people I know everywhere! So fun!
We eat in the cafeteria, and I love it! My favorite part is chocolate milk, although last night I ate my first meal without chocolate milk. Really, I should just drink water. But I could see how it would be super easy for missionaries to gain weight in the MTC. We have gym every day. Hermana Tucker and I usually play volleyball. On Saturday though we decided to take a leap and run a mile. I love running and I hate it at the same time. I am SO sore from running! I didn't ever work out before, mostly out of laziness, but I do love exercising. My favorite parts of my day are eating and working out. You may think it's weird. But time in the cafeteria is time when I can just relax and visit.
Spanish is going okay. We are supposed to "SYL" (speak your language) as much as possible, but I'm really bad at it. Oh well! I'll get it eventually. I can understand people speaking, but I can't really speak. But I'm not discouraged or anything. So don't worry! :)
The weather has been way nice, but it rained a little yesterday. Then today while Hermana Tucker and I were doing our personal study outside we heard thunder and saw lightning. There were two elders and a sister who "contacted" us, and during their entire message all 5 of us were distracted because of the weather. Then it started pouring when we got our sack lunches. Elder Wright, his comp (Elder Dent), Hermana Tucker and I all happened to be getting lunch at the same time today.
We will go to the temple once a week, on our p-day, which is Monday. I love p-day! It's the only day I can write letters home! I look forward to writing home! I love writing! I've written in my journal every day so far. I write in it right before I go to bed.
I have 6 minutes so I need to wrap this up! Love you all! I've received two dearelders from Grandma Dee, and one postcard from dad. The other 3 sisters have already received letters from their moms, and two of them have received packages. I love getting mail, so you should all write me.
Gotta go! Love you!
Hermana Hogewoning
First of all, please don't pass out my e-mail address! Thank you!
The first few days have been great! I love the MTC! My companion's name is Hermana Tucker. She's from Ogden, UT, and we're both going to OK City, OK Spanish speaking. My district is awesome! There are 11 of us, 4 are hermanas. We are the only sisters in our whole zone/branch. The four of us are all in the same dorm.
Unfortunately, I found out I will be leaving them because I tested out of beginning spanish to intermediate. I was supposed to have found out by today when I will leave and where I'm going but still no word. That also means my box number will change, so hopefully next week I will have a different address for you guys. It's excting that I get to move up, but I'm sad to leave all of the friends that I've made. And I don't really feel that I'm that much better than them. I just tend to talk more. Hehe! Anyway...
I have seen SO many people I know! It's crazy! I have seen Elder Wolz, Elder Price (Jarom's little brother), Elder Cooper (he attended Santee 4th branch and I went to high school with his older sister), Elder Wright (He is in Tierrasanta ward. Honestly, we didn't know each other until now. I've seen him around though. He and I have gym together and we see each other sometimes during class because our classrooms are right across the hall from each other.), Elder Call (I stayed with Jen Call when I was in Rexburg. Elder Call is her little brother, and we were supposed to go to MesoAmerica together.), The Beachley's, Sister Hartvigsen (her older brother and I were in the same ward my first year at BYU-I), Elder Yergensen (this is a stretch, but he's distantly related to Sean Yergensen who is the husband of Jessica Touchet Yergensen. Jessica and I went to high school together), Sister Law ( I didn't know her, but I'd see her all the time at BYU-I), Sister Olsen (she served her mission in SD, and I used to go out with her all the time to appts and stuff. She is now teaching here in the MTC.), Sister Connolly (She and I were EFY counselors together this past summer in Rexburg. She is going to the Carlsbad, CA mission.), and I'm probably forgetting somebody!
This morning we went to the 7am session at the Provo Temple. I saw Alan Farnes in the session. He and I were EFY counselors in SLC this past summer. Crazy! I see people I know everywhere! So fun!
We eat in the cafeteria, and I love it! My favorite part is chocolate milk, although last night I ate my first meal without chocolate milk. Really, I should just drink water. But I could see how it would be super easy for missionaries to gain weight in the MTC. We have gym every day. Hermana Tucker and I usually play volleyball. On Saturday though we decided to take a leap and run a mile. I love running and I hate it at the same time. I am SO sore from running! I didn't ever work out before, mostly out of laziness, but I do love exercising. My favorite parts of my day are eating and working out. You may think it's weird. But time in the cafeteria is time when I can just relax and visit.
Spanish is going okay. We are supposed to "SYL" (speak your language) as much as possible, but I'm really bad at it. Oh well! I'll get it eventually. I can understand people speaking, but I can't really speak. But I'm not discouraged or anything. So don't worry! :)
The weather has been way nice, but it rained a little yesterday. Then today while Hermana Tucker and I were doing our personal study outside we heard thunder and saw lightning. There were two elders and a sister who "contacted" us, and during their entire message all 5 of us were distracted because of the weather. Then it started pouring when we got our sack lunches. Elder Wright, his comp (Elder Dent), Hermana Tucker and I all happened to be getting lunch at the same time today.
We will go to the temple once a week, on our p-day, which is Monday. I love p-day! It's the only day I can write letters home! I look forward to writing home! I love writing! I've written in my journal every day so far. I write in it right before I go to bed.
I have 6 minutes so I need to wrap this up! Love you all! I've received two dearelders from Grandma Dee, and one postcard from dad. The other 3 sisters have already received letters from their moms, and two of them have received packages. I love getting mail, so you should all write me.
Gotta go! Love you!
Hermana Hogewoning
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