Yesterday was seriously AMAZING! Sometimes I really wish every day could be Sunday, but I guess that's why I'm going on a mission. ;) It was one of the best days ever! I couldn't have asked for a better, more enjoyable, more spiritual, more fun, more exciting day! I really just wish Corey and my mom had been there to enjoy it with me.
First, my home ward... I arrived at church about 10 minutes early, and I walked into the chapel to hear my aunt, cousins, and Matt practicing for the special musical number. I almost started crying! It sounded so awesome! That song has a lot of significance to me, and it's one of my favorites! I sat up on the stand, and the other speakers weren't there yet. I was a little worried about that, but then I saw them sitting in the congregation and I was very relieved!
Bishop Smith gave me my plague to hold for about an hour. He told everyone of how he took Corey to general conference last October, and how I met up with them. We went to the MTC, the 3 of us, and got permission to stand in front of the infamous map. Of course, neither of us had our calls at the time, so we shrugged our shoulders and posed with an "I don't know" face. Here's the picture...

At that time I didn't even know that I was going on a mission. Then he talked about now, how Corey is serving his mission in Hiroshima (not Tokyo!), Japan, and how I'm leaving to serve in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Spanish speaking. He read the scripture on my plaque. It's kind of choppy because what I wanted to fit, couldn't fit, but I wanted this to be my scripture. The reference is Matthew 6:28-34, "Consider the lilies-He knoweth that ye have need of all these things-Take no thought for the morrow."
The Pinas spoke on reverence and going through hard times, which they were both great! Then Jackie, Lahren, Dallen and Matt sang "Consider the Lilies." It was wonderful! Then I spoke on Elder Perry's talk from this past general conference entitled, "Bring Souls unto Me." I wasn't nervous at all. In fact, I love speaking. This was the first time I have spoken for 20 minutes or so. I remember looking at the time thinking, I already have to conclude? Where did my 20 minutes go? It was just an awesome sacrament meeting, and the spirit was so strong!
I couldn't believe how many people came to hear me speak. I later found out from the elders that Bishop Smith had asked them to be ushers since the chapel was so full. We took some pictures outside afterwards. I'm so grateful for everyone I know, especially those who came to my ward yesterday. I hate saying goodbye, but I know that I'll be back before I know it. A year and a half will fly by!
A few pictures from yesterday...
Caitlin and I. I've known Caitlin forever! I love her so much!
Chris and I... I hadn't seen Chris in a few years, so it was way fun to see her! She drove all the way down from Oceanside with her two kids just to hear me speak!
Marty, Me, and Tavin! Like my brothers, future missionaries!
Weston, Kira, Me, John, Lorraine! A few of the best friends in the world! (Only they would get up at 9am just to hear me speak. ;) )
Erin and I! I'm just another friend of hers leaving for the mission field! 18 months and we'll all be together again! :)
Me with my plague... it's official now! And it can go in the trophy case in a week and a half!
Eden and I... yes, I know, she's taller than me. (The sad part is, she doesn't even have shoes on!) I love her like my little sister!