I don't have a job, and I have realized that it might be impossible to get one since both of my former employers have turned me away. Plus, who wants to hire someone for a month and a half. I've put in some applications, but I'm leaving soon. I don't see myself getting a real job before I leave.
I've had a lot of extra time on my hands. Besides preparing to go on a mission, I've spent a lot of time with the Densley's. Randal and Shelly keep asking why I come back. They say it's so crazy at their house, and who would voluntarily come join the craziness!?!!?!? Me!
Anyway, they have been kind of busy moving furniture, painting, remodeling the front bathroom, etc. I didn't realize how much they had to do until I was at their house about a week ago. I was kind of having a rough day, and I was getting ready to go home. But then I asked Randal if I could help. Sure enough, he put me to work. I'm so glad he did because helping them made me happy. I was no longer sad, and I had so much fun.
My job was to find a way to move the bunk bed from the front bedroom to the little boys' new bedroom, taking it apart as little as possible, but labeling it to remember what pieces go where. At first, I thought, I can just take this apart. I don't need to draw a picture or label things. But Randal told me to draw a picture and label the parts, so I did. Then I needed to take apart the daybed and move it from the little boys' new room to the front bedroom.
I got to this point...

and I realized this was at least a two man job from here until the pieces were moved to the other room.
Same with the daybed. I got here... (Notice the soda on the floor behind the bed. Hansen and Owen got a 12 pack of orange soda from grandma, and they hid it. When I took the mattress off, I found it. Hehe! They're so funny!)

and then realized I would need at least one other person's help to move the bed and/or take it apart.
I recruited Shelly, Randal, and Tavin to help me. Once I started, I was on a roll, and anxious to get it done. I was kind of leading the process though. While we were taking the beds apart, moving pieces, and putting them back together, I remembered something someone had said in my prep for marriage class at BYU-I last fall. I think it was a student, but it might have been the teacher. They said that you should build a piece of furniture with your boyfriend/girlfriend to know if you two are good together before you get married. Haha! Tavin came to the conclusion, when we had finished putting the beds together, that he and I could never get married. Haha! Good times!